关于问题三, 不知道你说的不说话是根本不说还是偏安静。和同学说话吗? 分享一个相关帖子 (https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2645467&fid=333&page=1) 和我当时做的总结: Concern: social communication - social anxiety, pragmatic skills Initial Evaluation: developmental pediatrician on Autism spectrum disorder, language development Further Evaluation and Treatment speech therapy - group + individual (resources: speech therapy center) - expressive and pragmatic language psycho therapy (resources: SMART trained practitioner) - social anxiety occupational therapy (resources: ask speech therapist) - sensatory School District Services Individualized Education Program Regular education + Special ED
在家里也跟孩子说英文呢,或者一遍中文一遍英文。 我家在上幼儿园以后老师也说不爱回答问题,可能是英文听不懂,于是我们在家开始我讲英文队友讲中文,大概一两个月以后老师说英文交流有很大提高,可以跟老师一对一对话
太棒了,谢谢美妈,因为你们的回复 我真的放心不少
分享一个相关帖子 (https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2645467&fid=333&page=1) 和我当时做的总结:
Concern: social communication - social anxiety, pragmatic skills Initial Evaluation: developmental pediatrician on Autism spectrum disorder, language development Further Evaluation and Treatment speech therapy - group + individual (resources: speech therapy center) - expressive and pragmatic language psycho therapy (resources: SMART trained practitioner) - social anxiety occupational therapy (resources: ask speech therapist) - sensatory School District Services Individualized Education Program Regular education + Special ED