Traders Returns ???

楼主 (北美华人网)
Q So, for regular daytraders, I believe a TOP day trader can do 100% /mo, a good daytrader about 30-40%, a proficient and dedicated trader on the first years about 20%. A position trader (someone preparing orders with a limit buy/sell/short, stop that does not act during trading hours) can do about 10% /mo (average leverage like 2.75)
My 100% figure applies mostly to professional daytraders with their trading as their main income source. The kind that keep just what is required to fit their risk management in their account and do not compound.
Others with other sources of income and large assets aside can use compounding on appropriate time-frames and much more, then the perf is no longer a matter of comparison with other traders since they reach absolute exposure levels insane to most people.
My figures are really just indications, since performances are highly correlated to liquidity and volatility. BTW, I''m more on the European side of the markets, so things might be different in the US...)
Day trader 也是几经沉浮,多起多落。
最早一批 day trader 出现于1999-2000 .com 泡沫时代,在此之前 internet 炒股还未兴起之前基本没有,因为技术跟不上, 早期炒股看行情都要用专门的股票机或者电话。我曾经在一个股板看到到一个故事,说当时有个 DBA 一年8,9万吧,这在当时算很不错的薪水, 结果人辞职不干了当 full time trader 去了,后来随着 .com 破灭,很多马工都失业了, day trader 到了“911”之后几乎消失殆尽,那位 DBA 说是几经周折 重新回到职场找了 份年薪5万的 VB 程序员工作。
后来2007年以后又出现了 day trader ...... 现在估计还比较多吧,大家呆在家里没事干 ,haha