There are so many majors. You just need really good grades People I went to medical school with majors History Anthropology Bio *obvisouly Chemistry Physicas Finance Math CS Nutrition Global health MPH Wine making...... (crazy!) Human factors Communications Socialogy Piano perfromance Ballet (Julliard) Art History Philosophy...... Education American literature. Psychology Economics (This is out of 100 people that I can recall off the top of my head..) So, find a major that is interesting and will give him/her an excellent GPA. If she isn''''t into CS, and dose CS, and ruins her GPA, then medical school is off the table. People have worked in sales, public health, Goldman, Broadway pianist, principle ballet dancer, teaching before medical school. Average age is 25
So.. basically anything. Also, going to a large public university where it is quiet difficult to stand out might not be the best idea either, like Berkley, UCLA etc. The avg med school acceptance rate at UCLA is about 45%, and nationally it is also about 45%, so you are having to trying to be a big fish in a big pool, which is more difficult. For premeds, I sometimes feel the smaller liberal colleges might not be a bad choice either, the personal attention and guidance can really help in their journey.
那你现在其实没太大必要考虑具体专业。如果孩子能够录取进好的私校,专业有两年的时间考虑定夺。 如果真的是认真考虑医学院,倒是可以做做功课看看那些大学更有利于申请医学院。因为GPA很重要,所以最基本的是要找grade inflation的学校,避免cut throat/grade deflation的学校。
同意楼上那个grade inflation的说法。
学医和CS两种人吧. 我家准备学医,就准备读个生物本科拿好GPA,CS不容易学,我不会加重孩子负担,留后路啥的. 你孩子足够牛,可以学CS,然后考医学院.
我有个师弟就是这样的路线,泰国人,拿到绿卡开始读Medical School,现在麻醉医生
(This is out of 100 people that I can recall off the top of my head..) So, find a major that is interesting and will give him/her an excellent GPA. If she isn''''t into CS, and dose CS, and ruins her GPA, then medical school is off the table.
People have worked in sales, public health, Goldman, Broadway pianist, principle ballet dancer, teaching before medical school. Average age is 25
So.. basically anything. Also, going to a large public university where it is quiet difficult to stand out might not be the best idea either, like Berkley, UCLA etc. The avg med school acceptance rate at UCLA is about 45%, and nationally it is also about 45%, so you are having to trying to be a big fish in a big pool, which is more difficult. For premeds, I sometimes feel the smaller liberal colleges might not be a bad choice either, the personal attention and guidance can really help in their journey.
中国人 在化学, 生物 和医学方面比较差吧
德国这里, 从 80年代到现在, 中国学生在德国大学里最多
但是 40 年都过去了
德国这里没有一个 中国人 在生物, 化学和医学方面有啥成就
not really. physiology, anatomy, and pharmacology would be better choice.