How do elephants behave? Elephants never abandon each other. If an elephant is injured, the other elephants try to assist the elephant, even if it puts them in danger to stay and help. If an elephant has to move slowly because of injury or old age, the other elephants in the group will move slowly with it. If an elephant dies, the whole group mourns the death. How do elephants behave? Elephants never abandon each other. If an elephant is injured, the other elephants try to assist the elephant, even if it puts them in danger to stay and help. If an elephant has to move slowly because of injury or old age, the other elephants in the group will move slowly with it. If an elephant dies, the whole group mourns the death. graceka 发表于 2021-01-31 14:59
because old people fought WWII for you, created internet, semiconductor, computer, gps, aircraft for you in here US the strongest country in nation so you could be away from poverty and complain from internet.
这个问题要这样想:你能够在这个society幸福的生活,工作、enjoy的这些facility,都是现在这些已经老了的人年轻的时候创造的。你贡献的social security tax可以说是对社会的回馈。
How do elephants behave?
Elephants never abandon each other. If an elephant is injured, the other elephants try to assist the elephant, even if it puts them in danger to stay and help. If an elephant has to move slowly because of injury or old age, the other elephants in the group will move slowly with it. If an elephant dies, the whole group mourns the death.
不公平,但你怎么能保证自己不是基因被淘汰或者成为long hauler的一员?
公平这个标准太幼稚了。 Life isn''t fair! 世上从来没有公平可言。都是利益妥协的过程。 男女老少,各个团体,各个时期,利益需求是不一样的。 人只能互相妥协,才能一起活下去。
能这么想的人 从心理学上讲,是大脑没有发育好。 作为正常人之常情,看到老人颤巍巍的出门在外会为他们担心病毒,觉得老人真可怜,辛苦了一辈子,这段时间不能有质量享受老年生活