嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
这是家长的匿名信 Loving Concern @ Dalton An Open Letter to the Dalton Community Dear Dalton Community, We are writing with heavy hearts and loving concern over the future of Dalton. As alumni and parents, we have been a part of Dalton and its wonderful community of teaching and learning for several decades. Amidst these trying times, we want to step back and remember what matters most. Dalton's greatest strengths have been 1) an educational philosophy that celebrates teaching and learning, independent thought, curiosity and creativity, and 2) an extraordinarily dedicated and caring faculty. To these strengths, the school has added one more great light - an unbelievable diversity of the student body, unique among its peers, of which the school may be very proud. While the passion for progressive education - true liberal arts, child-centered education that nurtures a love of learning and curiosity native to children - seems to have waned over the years, nothing prepared us for this fall. Love of learning and teaching is now being abandoned in favor of an "anti-racist curriculum." Our new mission is "vocal" and explicit. How else are we to interpret the repeated communications from the Head of School pledging allegiance to a new ideology that is untested, and worse yet, untestable? How else can we interpret a curriculum night where every single class, from science to social studies, to physical education, must now be rewritten to embody "anti-racism?" When so many of Dalton's extraordinary faculty sign a letter that shows little interest in the education of children, the joy of learning, or the kids' educational development? Every class this year has had an obsessive focus on race and identity, "racist cop" reenactments in science, "de-centering whiteness" in art class, learning about white supremacy and sexuality in health class. Wildly age-inappropriate, many of these classes feel more akin to a Zoom corporate sensitivity training than to Dalton's intellectually engaging curriculum. Many of us do not feel welcome at Dalton any more. That really hurts to write. This ideology is extremely exclusionary to those families (perhaps a majority of the Dalon community) who don't identify as part of an oversimplified racial dichotomy in a beautiful and diverse world, or those who choose not to make their racial identity the centerpiece of their family life or their children's education. Dalton's progressive educational philosophy believes that each child has a spark, and all we need to do is fan that flame with a love of leaning, books, art and human civilization, to cherish nature and love and respect our fellow humans. This approach is enshrined in the Dalton Plan. You'd never know that to listen to this years's classes and administration. The curriculum is being revamped in a rush in the middle of a pandemic. Not once this semester have any of us heard (and because classes are taking place in our homes, we hear) mentioned the joy of reading, of learning, of independent thinking, of curiosity, of discovering math and science, of human cultures. What we have heard is a pessimistic and age-inappropriate litany of grievances in EVERY class. We fear that rote learning of political concepts that must be accepted as gospel is not a nutritious educational experience. In a place of joyful progressive education, students are exposed to an excessive focus on skin color and sexuality, before they even understand what sex is. Children are bewildered and bored after hours of discussing these topics in the new long-form classes. Dalton used to awaken children's imaginations with fiction, art, Aztec bookmaking, the Renaissance, ITL and Carmino Ravosa musicals. Having children focus on skin color and their sexual identities, rather than immersing them in the beauty and joy of human civilization, the wonder of science and nature, or the meaning and power of words and math and music, seems nuts to us. The children are innocent, humane, and decent young people full of joy in a diverse classroom. It's almost as if we're punishing the children for "the sins of the fathers." Some of this material seems a strange thing to teach seven or ten or twelve years olds. They shouldn't be anti anything. They should be pro the beauty of humanity, works of art, creativity, loving and caring for each other as citizens and community members. We have each found ways to make community building and social change part of our life missions, many of us with the tools Dalton taught us. The new "anti-racist" obsession with race is incredibly exclusionary and hurtful to many of the children and their families, and many are considering leaving. Why would anyone voluntarily send their children to be taught that they are guilty regardless of their decency and kindness? A school where they are constantly reminded of the color of their skin, not the content of their character. What Black parent wants the other children to feel sorry for their kid and look at them differently? We have spoken with dozens of families, of all colors and backgrounds, who are in shock and looking for an alternative school for their children. Jim Best's recent email suggested that the school "will always welcome community input and honest around how to meaningfully bring these principles to life." Nothing could be further from the truth. There is not an intellectually honest debate over the role and scope of "anti racism" at the school and in the curriculum. It is an anti-intellectual, doctrinaire soliloquy of the Head of School, perhaps with the assistance of corporate consultants who are invited to indoctrinate the rest. Please understand the fear surrounding the implementation of this radical change to the curriculum. No one can speak up for fear of being branded a racist. Or for exhibiting white fragility. Nonsense. We are all caring people who want a better world. As a result of this fear, the Board and the administration don't realize the depth of the pain this has caused many families, or how many feel compelled to leave Dalton altogether. Jim's recent email states that this is a done deal. "We agree that our commitment is clearly aligned with our mission, strategic plan, and values as a culture and a community. I need all of us to understand that as well." Honest debate? Basically it says we know what's best, and get on board. We are concerned that the administration has lost its way, and that the Board appears unwilling or unable to speak out and represent the Dalton community as a whole. When a great institution undertakes a periodic curricular review, and certainly a revamping of the core mission of the institution, it is done with the advice of world renowned educators, faculty, board members, parents and alumni. We have forgotten that before being an "antiracist" institution, we must be an educational institution. We can't remake the curriculum only with the expertise of teachers specialized in "anti-racism," or we will accidentally make that the focus of the curriculum, At most, social justice is just one part of the educational world. We need a broad based group of passionate educators to look at the curriculum over a period of years and restore our educational philosophy. We have confused a progressive pedagogical model with progressive politics. Even for people who are sympathetic to that political viewpoint, the role of a school is not to indoctrinate politically. It's to open the minds of children to the wonders of the world and leaning. The Dalton we love, that has changed our lives, is nowhere to be found. And that is a huge loss. To be clear, we abhor racism. We celebrate Dalton's diversity and its inclusive environment, and we believe in better outcomes for Black Americans. Diversity is the best thing to happen to Dalton in the last twenty years. We, too, have been inspired by the tragic events of lst summer and are taking action in our own ways to make a difference. We totally understand the administration's desire to do something. We simply reject the "anti-racism" on philosophical, ethical, and pedagogical grounds, and we support other ways to oppose racism and teach children to become thoughtful and empathetic people, In our view, these recent curricular changes achieve precisely the opposite results as intended. As many scholars have noted, the recent push for "anti-racism" eduction rests on unquestioned and potentially flawed philosophical underpinnings. It flattens out the rich diversity of the student body. There is no questioning allowed. Look at how divisive this initiative has been. One can embrace the ideals of hard work of making the world a better place without straying from our core educational mission. We risk losing what makes Dalton special. We must recommit ourselves to finding it. It's unfortunate that the discourse has become so fraught that the numerous community members who contributed to this letter feel compelled to remain anonymous. We hope this communication will help the Board and the administration become aware of the depth of hurt that has been unleashed with recent changes in the direction of Dalton. In the spirit of getting a meaningful dialog going, we have shared a few ideas below that we think could contribute to restoring the trust of the community. We have set up an email as a confidential way for people to reach out and share ideas. Any creative ideas to help the community connect with Dalton's core mission would be welcome! Most importantly, if you share our love of Dalton's education mission and our concerns about the future of the school, please reach out to the Board, share this letter widely, and make your voice heard. If we focus on ideology at the expense of curiosity and creativity, we will extinguish the spark. Let's celebrate what makes Dalton special - and extraordinarily diverse community, a wise an enthusiastic faculty, curious and engaged students and a distinct educational philosophy that has survived the test of time. Let's build on that foundation to continue to grow and improve in a patient and thoughtful way. We must dig deep into the Dalton spirit and get back on track with an exciting and meaningful progressive liberal arts education. Sincerely, Loving Concern @ Dalton
嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
嗯纽约真的很激进,我娃三岁在daycare就搞pride parade了,一堆小孩穿着花花绿绿在playground上转着圈喊”it’s ok to have two moms! It’s ok to have two dads! “ 我们能接受,不知道那些有宗教背景的家庭怎么想。 abigailnyu 发表于 2021-01-31 18:01
童鞋,站着说话不腰疼,教会学校吃素的?ny 我不知道,我们这的教会学校都是私立,私立就意味着对一般家长是个负担,更何况你不是那个宗教的家庭,有的学校是不接受的,有的接受也是要付比教会家庭多的钱以求学位。真不是每个家庭都有自由惩罚公校的能力。再说了,人家也交税去供养这些烂校的,提出抗议是理所当然的。美国的教育系统要改革,必须把小孩教育经费发到个人,再由父母自己选校,丰俭由人,这一般人才有所谓惩罚的主动权。
对非白人娃是好事 和这样的学校理念不合的不要申请就是了,公校天才班估计更合适
没错,高校里三年前就开始了,这几年trickle down了。
就是这个道理。 美国左派搞这个时间短,全搞成政治学习,让家长不满。 应该向中国文革小学课本学习。 贫农张大爷为地主白干活十年。假设每年工资本应付五万元,每年利息3%,那么一百年后,张大爷的重孙子应该获得补偿多少钱? 如上,贫农换成奴隶,地主换成白人,既学习了政治正确又学习了数学,家长也不会闹了。
你可以self claim 阿,人类的起源都是非洲。
这个思想在左校里面肯定要批判的。 不管题目多荒谬。 这种学校就是要锻炼出见多识广,坚决不会不小心流露出政治不正确的思想。
白人这个市原罪。 是白的就得付。
反正现在好多私校也是左的都丧失common sense,没有思维逻辑,只有虚假的道德高地,给这种学校送钱还是小事,把自己孩子霍霍的不能独立思考是大事。
人家也与时俱进的。 东北这边不少教堂门口挂彩虹旗的。
中西部的地方 太落后太落后了!!
我娃之前上的那学校基本上是交钱就可以去的。 但是学的东西就跟家长信里面说的一样。 我觉得纽约学校还是比较诚实的。如果说自己是progressive就是真progressive一点都不掺假的。
反种族 = critical race theory 反法西斯 antifa = 暴乱 放火 闹事
真的啊,我最早知道这个学校是看Epstein 的纪录片。 这种顶级私校,以前雇Epstein 当老师都不影响招生,还有别的名校也是,吸毒贩毒强奸炼铜案都不影响学生家长的申请热情。当然名校每次都给个四角俱全的公开信保证这是独立事件以后不再发生。。。
是真的,在一个群里看到的,很多家长也会受不了的,太早了。 是Epstein以前教书的学校。