我两周前腹部超声波发现了子宫里长了一个瘤。当时的报告是这样的: There is a 3.7 x 2.9 x 3.5 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus. IMPRESSION: There is a 3.7 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus. Differential diagnosis includes adenomyoma, fibroid, with malignancy considered less likely. MRI of the pelvis with and without contrast can be considered as indicated. 于是立马预约了一个核磁共振,但是我拒绝了使用contrast.也就是没有用造影剂。 结果刚拿到,给我看蒙了,这是说的是没有看到瘤是吗?可是ultrasound里瘤已经很大了呀。 EXAM: MRI pelvis without contrast. INDICATION: 3.7 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus on recent pelvic ultrasound. Patient with continued pelvic pain. TECHNIQUE: 1.5 Tesla coronal T2, sagittal T2, Axial in/opposed phase, T2, and T1 of the pelvis were obtained. Patient refused intravenous contrast. No postcontrast images obtained. COMPARISON: Correlation with prior pelvic ultrasound 12/31/2020. FINDINGS: Limitations: Limited examination due to lack of intravenous contrast. Uterus: No focal masses identified. The junctional zone is unremarkable, grossly normal in thickness measuring up to 10 mm with no T2 hyperintense foci. The cervical stroma is intact. Other: No lymphadenopathy. Small amount of free fluid noted in the pelvis, likely physiologic. Visualized iliac vessels are normal in caliber. No suspicious marrow lesions identified. IMPRESSION: 1. Normal MR appearance of the uterus and ovaries. 难道我不用contrast, 就看不出这么大的瘤了吗?对了我的ultrasound是在例假第三天做的,所以是看得比较清楚吗?那我到底有没有瘤呢?真的不知道该哭该笑了。不过自己还是感觉有瘤的。你们怎么看?谢谢。对了,两项检测间隔一个月。
There is a 3.7 x 2.9 x 3.5 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus.
IMPRESSION: There is a 3.7 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus. Differential diagnosis includes adenomyoma, fibroid, with malignancy considered less likely. MRI of the pelvis with and without contrast can be considered as indicated.
于是立马预约了一个核磁共振,但是我拒绝了使用contrast.也就是没有用造影剂。 结果刚拿到,给我看蒙了,这是说的是没有看到瘤是吗?可是ultrasound里瘤已经很大了呀。
EXAM: MRI pelvis without contrast. INDICATION: 3.7 cm isoechoic heterogeneous lesion within the right uterine fundus on recent pelvic ultrasound. Patient with continued pelvic pain. TECHNIQUE: 1.5 Tesla coronal T2, sagittal T2, Axial in/opposed phase, T2, and T1 of the pelvis were obtained. Patient refused intravenous contrast. No postcontrast images obtained. COMPARISON: Correlation with prior pelvic ultrasound 12/31/2020. FINDINGS: Limitations: Limited examination due to lack of intravenous contrast. Uterus: No focal masses identified. The junctional zone is unremarkable, grossly normal in thickness measuring up to 10 mm with no T2 hyperintense foci. The cervical stroma is intact. Other: No lymphadenopathy. Small amount of free fluid noted in the pelvis, likely physiologic. Visualized iliac vessels are normal in caliber. No suspicious marrow lesions identified. IMPRESSION: 1. Normal MR appearance of the uterus and ovaries.
难道我不用contrast, 就看不出这么大的瘤了吗?对了我的ultrasound是在例假第三天做的,所以是看得比较清楚吗?那我到底有没有瘤呢?真的不知道该哭该笑了。不过自己还是感觉有瘤的。你们怎么看?谢谢。对了,两项检测间隔一个月。
建议再做一个加强显影的核磁或者CT SCAN. 毕竟核磁和超声波都是看信号反射,只有CT是直接看图像的。
你医生refer你做MRI时候是指明要造影加强像的吧,一般这种consent就通通签yes, 我是不理解像你这样临到头自作主张decline 的,现在其实就是你这个MRI白做了没啥参考价值
我用了造影剂也未必能看到东西呀?连超声波都能看到mass, 结果核磁共振竟然看不到了?真的太让我诧异了。
肿瘤部位血流异常,所以造影剂能帮助检测和一定程度地定性肿瘤 不可能因为位置的原因,肿瘤被MRI忽略了 好医院的机器不会声音会小点
用的只是那种单纯塞耳朵的耳塞吗?能放音乐的headphone可以把音乐调大压住声音的吧。silent MRI技术是有,但临床上不一定用。
不是存不存在,是看不看得到。 医生order with contrast 是有道理的,他也不想你摄入无谓的dye,对吧?
谢谢楼上的各位。自己感觉不像是恶性的,但是我也确实出现了肠胃的问题。真心不想再去做核磁共振了。搞不懂国内机关干部每年做一次核磁共振是怎么样的经历。也许等两个月再去做超声波。看看还有没有。具体症状就是例假前会有spotting. 也许是跟长瘤有关。