Q https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/anderson-cooper-qanon-conspiracy-theorist_n_601531ebc5b6bde2f5bfb487? “Anderson, I thought you did that,” Jadeja responded. “And I would like to apologize for that right now. So, I apologize for thinking that you ate babies. But, yeah, 100%.” A surprised Cooper asked Jadeja, who lives in Sydney, Australia, if he “actually” believed he “was drinking the blood of children.” “Yes, I did,” replied Jadeja, who said some followers still think Cooper is a robot. “I at one stage believed that QAnon was part of military intelligence, which is what he says,” Jadeja recalled. “But on top of that, that the people behind him were actually a group of fifth dimensional intra-dimensional extra terrestrial bipedal bird aliens called blue aliens.” ... Watch the preview clip here. CNN’s QAnon special airs Saturday at 9 p.m. ET. UQ
真正的白人 川粉造谣不多...这些白人红脖子可能 蠢, 但是心地 不坏 郭文贵 之流的不蠢,但是非常坏,坏出水的坏 很多红脖子川粉都是被 轮子谣言带了风向
“Anderson, I thought you did that,” Jadeja responded. “And I would like to apologize for that right now. So, I apologize for thinking that you ate babies. But, yeah, 100%.”
A surprised Cooper asked Jadeja, who lives in Sydney, Australia, if he “actually” believed he “was drinking the blood of children.”
“Yes, I did,” replied Jadeja, who said some followers still think Cooper is a robot.
“I at one stage believed that QAnon was part of military intelligence, which is what he says,” Jadeja recalled. “But on top of that, that the people behind him were actually a group of fifth dimensional intra-dimensional extra terrestrial bipedal bird aliens called blue aliens.”
Watch the preview clip here. CNN’s QAnon special airs Saturday at 9 p.m. ET.
你这个就有点扯了。 1450,香港废青,和被美国人庇护的民运轮子能代表中国人?
我看大陆人90%根本不关心美国大选,最多偶尔看到新闻会为西方发达国家的疫情泛滥到如此地步,选举搞出这么多幺蛾子觉得不可思议,很多人觉得中国主流媒体几十年如一日描述的发达文明的西方世界不该如此。大多数人概念中的西方代表着经济科技发达,社会管理井井有条。 网络上关注美国政治人的只占大陆实际人口极少部分,很多还是靠吸引眼球赚流量的营销号。 就是这些关注美国大选的,无论对川粉的阴谋论,还是白左的各种离谱的强调少数人特权(特权,不是平权)也大多是持看笑话的态度。就是觉得双方都非常荒唐。
他们代表不了中国人 但是他们毕竟是中国人 为啥红脖子 不造谣, 这些轮子天天造谣 还不说明问题 ?
病毒,疫苗都是比尔盖茨等人的阴谋是轮子的发明的?美国的疫苗阴谋论历史比轮子去美国混的历史悠久的多吧? 多猫腻公司如何如何,替懂王打选举舞弊官司的那几个著名律师都是华裔独运轮? 独运轮占全部美华比率多少?占全球血统意义上中国人的比率又有多少?就能代表中国人? 你是中国人么?轮子的劣根性也代表了你吗?
政治本身离不开阴谋或者说谋略,哄小孩子吃饭睡觉还难免要使点诈呢。 即使是历史公认的正方政治势力也未见得不使用阴谋全是阳谋。
但是用阴谋论解释一切就有点扯蛋了; 深信一些常识都可以识破的阴谋论是愚蠢; 编一些自己都不信的阴谋论谣言则是坏,只说明这些人已经完全失去了靠正常手段达到自己不可告人目的的自信了