来,给你们看看英语得c的儿子最近写的battle用的rap Your Lyrics is as dull as a spoon. I bet you don't even watch game toons. I don't have anything else to say. Would you like some curds and whey. Try and beat me, but you can't. You're as small as an ant. Compared to me, I'm the sun. I'm the burger, you're just the bun. try and beat me, but you won't. If you're going easy on me, I suggest you don't. You're a wimp, my body's made of fire. You're slowing down, I think you have a flat tire. Man, I wish I could use you as a floormat. I'm a dragon and you're just a cat. Try and beat me, you buffoon. You cannot stop my never ending typhoon. Bet you're jealous of me. You wanna mime. Well, you'd better hurry because you're running out of time. You're probably speechless by now. You should just go meow meow like a cow. I'm thirsty and I'm going to suck your blood. And then throw you out into a flood If you can't swim out of there, then you are sitting duck. Trying to beat me good luck.
来,给你们看看英语得c的儿子最近写的battle用的rap Your Lyrics is as dull as a spoon. I bet you don't even watch game toons. I don't have anything else to say. Would you like some curds and whey. Try and beat me, but you can't. You're as small as an ant. Compared to me, I'm the sun. I'm the burger, you're just the bun. try and beat me, but you won't. If you're going easy on me, I suggest you don't. You're a wimp, my body's made of fire. You're slowing down, I think you have a flat tire. Man, I wish I could use you as a floormat. I'm a dragon and you're just a cat. Try and beat me, you buffoon. You cannot stop my never ending typhoon. Bet you're jealous of me. You wanna mime. Well, you'd better hurry because you're running out of time. You're probably speechless by now. You should just go meow meow like a cow. I'm thirsty and I'm going to suck your blood. And then throw you out into a flood If you can't swim out of there, then you are sitting duck. Trying to beat me good luck. .Cheers. 发表于 2021-01-28 18:45
喜大普奔,今天放学回来说全B了(数学降了,苦笑),马上玩一小时庆祝一下,同时孩子自己更新了game plan如下(有点啰嗦,但是实践证明必须写周全) LA(eng,chin),social studies, science, math 没得到b,就没有game and youtube time. 如果全部得到A,可以自由manage时间。 School day plan 每天Social & screen time到一个小时max,但是要用active 时间换 其中Video game 时间是半个小时max Non school day plan 每天Social & screen time到两个小时max,但是要用active 时间换 其中Video game time 时间可以两个小时 max If parents encourage to watch sth., it doesn't count as screentime. (我们有时和他一起看些纪录片和电影) Running(3.4+ speed) can earn double active time. 如果break rule,play game, social or screen time 超过了。把手机,电脑收走,第二天没有social time.
起因是有一阵儿子有点上瘾症状,除了游戏什么都不感兴趣,提醒他会对我们反感,有点六亲不认了。我们找了个上瘾和脑物理性退化关系的纪录片跟他一起看,他承认自己是有点上瘾了,当时规定每天不能超过一小时,而且要用锻炼时间抵(家里有个走步机,起到了减肥的效果)。还对他有一个基本要求,任何一门主课得c,游戏时间完全取消。(但是screen时间还是有) 他当时全a,有一个b,未来想和同学们一起上州立大学,所以觉得这个要求是合理的。
到了十二月中,学校突然说成绩要一月底才出(因为covid都乱了)。儿子欲哭无泪。原来playdate时,我们为了他在学校做人:),是不限制他打游戏的,因为lock down,playdate也都变成hiking或者skating了。就这么,三个月没打游戏了。儿子前两天和在家上网课的同学视频说起来才意识到的,同学对他惊叹不已,立刻让他自信爆棚,专门跑去告诉好多同学,还跳到我面前来说,不打游戏真的没什么,原来以为自己会发疯的。这周五出成绩,好像他也不那么怕了。
滴酒不沾? 没必要吧
Your Lyrics is as dull as a spoon. I bet you don't even watch game toons. I don't have anything else to say. Would you like some curds and whey.
Try and beat me, but you can't. You're as small as an ant. Compared to me, I'm the sun. I'm the burger, you're just the bun.
try and beat me, but you won't. If you're going easy on me, I suggest you don't. You're a wimp, my body's made of fire. You're slowing down, I think you have a flat tire.
Man, I wish I could use you as a floormat. I'm a dragon and you're just a cat. Try and beat me, you buffoon. You cannot stop my never ending typhoon.
Bet you're jealous of me. You wanna mime. Well, you'd better hurry because you're running out of time. You're probably speechless by now. You should just go meow meow like a cow.
I'm thirsty and I'm going to suck your blood. And then throw you out into a flood If you can't swim out of there, then you are sitting duck. Trying to beat me good luck.
我家还在小学,全部得a 很容易,要是上初中了可能会放松在b 上, 而且孩子越小越容易管理。她自己会觉得理亏。 她没那么沉jin在游戏里就会自动去发展其他爱好,也会更愿和妹妹互动玩。总的玩的时间还是一样的。她还处在没对digial 依赖,只要有玩的东西就不抱怨的年龄段。
只有黑人才rap?你和我一样,out了 :) 他和小朋友最近好这个,可能华人孩子都文气吧,从来没真打过架的就喜欢嘴上丫丫。
哦,我家小孩学校好像不流行,好像不太respect对方,我们只有在comedy或者电视剧里看到过。去他们学校party night,stage show那些也没听到rap music,Kpop和其他流行歌曲倒都有。可能因为学校里没有几个黑人吧,没有人promote。
是因 也是果
还有我跟孩子搂搂抱抱开玩笑比较多,婴儿时sleep training是no cry的。现在他哭也是马上安抚,但是对错上还是不含糊。不知道这些是不是他脾气还可以的原因。
LA(eng,chin),social studies, science, math 没得到b,就没有game and youtube time. 如果全部得到A,可以自由manage时间。
School day plan 每天Social & screen time到一个小时max,但是要用active 时间换 其中Video game 时间是半个小时max
Non school day plan 每天Social & screen time到两个小时max,但是要用active 时间换 其中Video game time 时间可以两个小时 max If parents encourage to watch sth., it doesn't count as screentime. (我们有时和他一起看些纪录片和电影)
Running(3.4+ speed) can earn double active time.
如果break rule,play game, social or screen time 超过了。把手机,电脑收走,第二天没有social time.
大妈不知道华人rapper吧 我30多岁都听 MC Jin china Mac 都是美国黑人都尊敬的rapper
现在学音乐有困难,他学过一些吉他,完全不练习,pick up两次都不能坚持。你们有什么建议吗?我有点想疫情后再请个老师,以前的老师很不错,我在旁边跟着,把我教的弹唱也入了门。但是孩子不练习,老师又有演出,就不来了。
mark 戒游戏瘾视频,谢谢!