message from RH We continuously monitor the markets and make changes where necessary. In light of recent volatility, we are restricting transactions for certain securities to position closing only, including $AAL, $AMC, $BB, $BBY, $CTRM, $EXPR, $GME, $KOSS, $NAKD, $NOK, $SNDL, $TR, and $TRVG. We also raised margin requirements for certain securities. 这个啥意思,不能买了吗?
Steven A. Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management, which together with Citadel and its partners injected $2.5 billion in emergency financing into Melvin Monday, was down about 10% for the year through earlier this week and suffered losses Tuesday and Wednesday, said people familiar with the matter. Bloomberg News was first to report the performances of D1 Capital and Point72. Some funds that have sustained severe losses are seeking influxes of cash to help stabilize their firms. Maplelane, which started the year with about $3.5 billion and was down roughly 30% for the year through Tuesday, sustained additional losses that saw it down about 45% for the year through Wednesday, said people familiar with the fund. One of the people said the losses Wednesday stemmed from degrossing, or cutting back its exposure to the stock market. That included reducing position sizes and exiting names to limit losses.
Steven A. Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management, which together with Citadel and its partners injected $2.5 billion in emergency financing into Melvin Monday, was down about 10% for the year through earlier this week and suffered losses Tuesday and Wednesday, said people familiar with the matter. Bloomberg News was first to report the performances of D1 Capital and Point72. Some funds that have sustained severe losses are seeking influxes of cash to help stabilize their firms. Maplelane, which started the year with about $3.5 billion and was down roughly 30% for the year through Tuesday, sustained additional losses that saw it down about 45% for the year through Wednesday, said people familiar with the fund. One of the people said the losses Wednesday stemmed from degrossing, or cutting back its exposure to the stock market. That included reducing position sizes and exiting names to limit losses.
2.5b就能bail out melvin吗?真心请教 lingling7 发表于 2021-01-28 11:37
melvin这个close out的消息怎么看着都不可信呢 Melvin Capital and Citron Capital closed out of their short positions on GameStop Corp. as the firms succumbed to the stock’s meteoric ascent. Melvin Capital closed its position after repositioning its portfolio, according to a spokesperson. Citron Capital’s Andrew Left also said Wednesday that the firm covered the majority of its GameStop short bets at “a loss of 100%” in a YouTube video.
🔥 最新回帖
因为Reddit 大军大部分在罗冰寒上交易。你把人家交易的机会堵上了,那能公平吗?明显就是有偏袒。没偏袒的话堵个毛线。
好像稍微明白点儿 是不是和期货hedge fund有关?还是很懵
首先,值多少钱不是华尔街说了算,供需说了算 其次,监管能管别人愿意买这个股票吗?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
自从Robinhood把robin track那些散户买什么股票卖给华尔街 我就知道这平台不行了
啊 那现在还有哪儿可以买呀?gme现在还在暴涨中啊
今天终于学到了新知识,原来robinhood,fidelity这些broker不是直接帮散户买卖股票的,他们上面还有一层market maker。
Citadel(这个名字熟不熟悉)是最大的market maker之一,据说控制了robinhood 60%的交易量。
这些broker面对market maker怎么能不跪?
这个市场结构有什么意义吗?难道broker不是应该直接可以买卖股票?多这么一层不就是为了屠宰散户养活wall street吗?
很多market maker包括Citadel,同时做high frequency trading,就是在散户下单的前几个毫秒先下单,这样低买高卖赚的爽歪歪~~~
难怪他家总是豪豪豪的,面试还送个Ipad, 原来赖皮流氓不要脸割韭菜爽歪歪
谢谢 没帐户。。。可以求一个开户referral吗
好的 mm可以用这个{REFID}
谢谢mm! 请问花括号里的REFID要填吗?
都要的,mm copy paste整个link就可以direct你到开户page,再贴一次confirm一下:{REFID}
可以连啊 我试了
谢谢mm 能打开的 我一会来弄。 我只是以为refid是一串代表你的字母或数字,不然cs系统咋知道是你refer的我呢
congrats 哈哈
仔细看了下,好像我没有什么好处,但是你有奖励😂所以才是一个generic的referral link吧
啊 这样。。。总之再次谢谢MM哈!
所以这个是问题所在?ask巨高?不让open position确保在高价的情况下空头可以close?
一般来说,个股涨跌过于夸张券商会通过加大margin要求等手段限制用户交易,比如当时uvxy就出现过要求400% margin的情况,理论上做多顶多归零,要求这么高margin不合理。 但是这次情况特殊,券商这么做就很可疑了。
Steven A. Cohen’s Point72 Asset Management, which together with Citadel and its partners injected $2.5 billion in emergency financing into Melvin Monday, was down about 10% for the year through earlier this week and suffered losses Tuesday and Wednesday, said people familiar with the matter. Bloomberg News was first to report the performances of D1 Capital and Point72. Some funds that have sustained severe losses are seeking influxes of cash to help stabilize their firms. Maplelane, which started the year with about $3.5 billion and was down roughly 30% for the year through Tuesday, sustained additional losses that saw it down about 45% for the year through Wednesday, said people familiar with the fund. One of the people said the losses Wednesday stemmed from degrossing, or cutting back its exposure to the stock market. That included reducing position sizes and exiting names to limit losses.
2.5b就能bail out melvin吗?真心请教
melvin早就close out了short了,这单生意也就损失了几个billion,他家又不止做这一个股票
melvin这个close out的消息怎么看着都不可信呢
Melvin Capital and Citron Capital closed out of their short positions on GameStop Corp. as the firms succumbed to the stock’s meteoric ascent. Melvin Capital closed its position after repositioning its portfolio, according to a spokesperson. Citron Capital’s Andrew Left also said Wednesday that the firm covered the majority of its GameStop short bets at “a loss of 100%” in a YouTube video.
他爸本来就是citadel 是人家注资的 所以爸爸就是牛 说关就关 赌不过直接就把桌子掀了
那现在是谁一直在和多头较劲砸盘?昨晚又是谁组织了一大堆 bot 跑去把 WSB 的 reddit 和 discord 爆了?川粉的 proud boys 吗?