People travelling to England from certain "high risk" countries will soon have to quarantine in government-sanctioned hotels so the measure can be more strictly enforced. The rule will apply to areas associated with new coronavirus variants including South America, Portugal and many countries in Southern Africa. A ban on holiday travel will also be tightened, with travellers required to declare their reason for leaving the UK. Which travellers will have to quarantine in a hotel? The UK has already placed 22 high risk countries under a "travel ban," to protect the nation from new and more infectious coronavirus variants emerging overseas. Most people who have been in South America or Portugal and many countries in Southern and Central Africa in the previous 10 days cannot enter the UK. Cape Verde and Panama are included, as is Portugal because of its links to Brazil. The idea is to protect the UK against new and potentially more contagious strains of coronavirus emerging overseas. But British and Irish nationals, long-term visa holders and residents can enter, and must quarantine for 10 days. Under new rules, these arrivals will be met at the airport or point of entry and taken to a hotel so that self-isolation can be enforced "without exception".
Who is allowed to travel? Under the national lockdown, people must only travel abroad for essential reasons. These are the same as the "reasonable excuses" for domestic travel, including: Work that cannot be done from homeMedical appointmentsEducational reasons People leaving England will soon have to make a declaration on why they need to travel, which will be checked by carriers prior to departure, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced. Police presence will be stepped up at ports and airports, telling those without a reason for travel to go home or face a fine.
Why is this being highlighted now? The Home Secretary lashed out at social media influencers who have been posting images of themselves in sunny parts of the world like Dubai during the lockdown. Many have claimed they were travelling for work, but have attracted a backlash from people stuck at home after also enjoying the nightlife and beaches. Ms Patel also singled out people ''''turning up with their skis'''' at London''''s St Pancras station to catch the Eurostar to European resorts, adding: ''''That is clearly not acceptable.'''' What does the hotel quarantine mean for arrivals in the UK? Priti Patel said Britons returning from around 30 ''''red list'''' Covid countries will be forced to quarantine in hotels for 10 days at their own expense. Hundreds of arrivals each day are expected to be escorted directly from airports to rooms. They will have to stay there for the duration of their isolation and pay a bill estimated at £1,500. It will only affect British travellers, as foreign citizens who have been in the countries are already banned from entering altogether. It has not kicked in yet.
人家以色列封国封的死死的把几乎所有航班都给停飞了。 In a statement on Sunday, the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the move necessary to help stop the spread of new strains of the virus. “We are closing the skies hermetically, except for really rare exceptions, to prevent the entry of virus mutations, and also to ensure that we progress quickly with our vaccination campaign,” Netanyahu said. Exceptions will include cargo flights, firefighting flights and flights for emergency medical evacuation.
禁止非必要出国旅行: 想出国的必须向交通工具(比如航空公司,EuroStar,轮渡)事先提供原因证明。“必要旅行”可以是工作,学习,和医疗原因。如果被认为是“不必要旅行”,不仅会撵回家,也会罚款。
从高风险地区归国者必须强制隔离: 英国公民/永居/持有居住证的(也就是工签学生签)的人如果从高风险地区(如南非巴西葡萄牙)回英国,会被强制从机场送去政府指定隔离旅店隔离10天,费用自理。 目前已有的措施是所有入境者,除交通运输从业者或11岁以下儿童外,必须提供72小时内的阴性测试证明,并且入境后居家隔离10日。目前低风险地区的非英国居民仍然可以入境英国,当然,现在估计没人脑子抽了跑来...
People travelling to England from certain "high risk" countries will soon have to quarantine in government-sanctioned hotels so the measure can be more strictly enforced. The rule will apply to areas associated with new coronavirus variants including South America, Portugal and many countries in Southern Africa. A ban on holiday travel will also be tightened, with travellers required to declare their reason for leaving the UK.
Which travellers will have to quarantine in a hotel?
The UK has already placed 22 high risk countries under a "travel ban," to protect the nation from new and more infectious coronavirus variants emerging overseas. Most people who have been in South America or Portugal and many countries in Southern and Central Africa in the previous 10 days cannot enter the UK. Cape Verde and Panama are included, as is Portugal because of its links to Brazil. The idea is to protect the UK against new and potentially more contagious strains of coronavirus emerging overseas. But British and Irish nationals, long-term visa holders and residents can enter, and must quarantine for 10 days. Under new rules, these arrivals will be met at the airport or point of entry and taken to a hotel so that self-isolation can be enforced "without exception".
Who is allowed to travel? Under the national lockdown, people must only travel abroad for essential reasons. These are the same as the "reasonable excuses" for domestic travel, including: Work that cannot be done from home Medical appointments Educational reasons People leaving England will soon have to make a declaration on why they need to travel, which will be checked by carriers prior to departure, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced. Police presence will be stepped up at ports and airports, telling those without a reason for travel to go home or face a fine.
为啥现在搞起来了? 学校关门的时候,一部分人的心理预期是停课两周,小孩可以回去。现在大家都明白了,二月复课是奇迹,三月复课是成功,复活节复课是预期。。。 同时不少地方禁止了饭店外卖酒水,只可以外卖食品。原来可以钻空子,冒着严寒站在酒吧门口喝酒的酒鬼们不爽极了。 与此同时,亲爱的澳洲新西兰cousin们发来了演唱会的人头攒动的录像。。。 哦,还有英国“网红”们去迪拜花天酒地的post, 被曝光的EuroStar车站扛着ski去滑雪的(现在没办法制止双国籍的跑来跑去)的照片,希思罗拥挤的入境大厅。。。
Why is this being highlighted now? The Home Secretary lashed out at social media influencers who have been posting images of themselves in sunny parts of the world like Dubai during the lockdown. Many have claimed they were travelling for work, but have attracted a backlash from people stuck at home after also enjoying the nightlife and beaches. Ms Patel also singled out people ''''turning up with their skis'''' at London''''s St Pancras station to catch the Eurostar to European resorts, adding: ''''That is clearly not acceptable.'''' What does the hotel quarantine mean for arrivals in the UK? Priti Patel said Britons returning from around 30 ''''red list'''' Covid countries will be forced to quarantine in hotels for 10 days at their own expense. Hundreds of arrivals each day are expected to be escorted directly from airports to rooms. They will have to stay there for the duration of their isolation and pay a bill estimated at £1,500. It will only affect British travellers, as foreign citizens who have been in the countries are already banned from entering altogether. It has not kicked in yet.
作为自由贸易的先锋,英国去年都坚持几乎没有做任何travel ban
哦,对了, 还有一个碎三观的消息。就是圣诞新年那一阵的时候,一堆英国游客夫妻去某岛国被当地强制旅店隔离。然后,他们break rules...不是溜出去,而是找了个人来隔离房间一起3P啪啪啪。丢人啊。。。
给你们议员打电话 白宫请愿
首相的Eat out help out活动~~~
大家都叫Eat out spread out...
人家以色列封国封的死死的把几乎所有航班都给停飞了。 In a statement on Sunday, the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the move necessary to help stop the spread of new strains of the virus.
“We are closing the skies hermetically, except for really rare exceptions, to prevent the entry of virus mutations, and also to ensure that we progress quickly with our vaccination campaign,” Netanyahu said.
Exceptions will include cargo flights, firefighting flights and flights for emergency medical evacuation.
我有个澳洲的朋友说他们可能对物种入侵啊之类对这种东西有经验了 所以对病毒入侵也挺敏感的
Sadly, they learned a lesson in a hard way.
现在官方就报告了10W 但是因为不少漏掉的 现在估计有12W死了的了 哎
单身在这的意大利同事吧还好理解 点, 一个人关久了会出毛病,一家人都在这的,为什么要在这种时候拖家带口跑去巴基斯坦,真是活见鬼了。
澳洲可是去年3-4月就不让人出国 不仅澳洲护照不让出 一帮澳洲绿卡的没特别事情也不让出
为什么要比烂呢 德国还出了希特勒,集中营呢 英国要不也来个集中营,全国都lock起来
现在全国lockdown,在家里都不许非essential travel,为啥出国就可以exception了?