拜登政府还会建议,立法给中低收入家庭的孩子发放“永久性儿童津贴”,(家庭收入要求可能跟发放疫情纾困金的条件相似),每个6岁以下儿童每月发$300,每年$3600,每个6-17岁的儿童和青少年,每月发$250,每年$3000。 below sounds like permanent, which sounds like encourage poor people to have more children. The Biden proposal would expand the size of the child credit and make it fully available for all poor people regardless of earnings. The benefits would be: $3,000 per year, or $250 per month, per child ages 6 to 17 (changing the current law which excludes 17-year-olds) $3,600 per year, or $300 per month, per child ages 0 to 5
那个TheFive有一句很好的评论,大意是 “ Biden 的personality 是 比较neutral, but his polices are most extreme. Trump 的 personality 是比较extreme, 但是他的polices are more neutralized.
那个TheFive有一句很好的评论,大意是 “ Biden 的personality 是 比较neutral, but his polices are most extreme. Trump 的 personality 是比较extreme, 但是他的polices are more neutralized. zhaojie2005 发表于 2021-01-27 12:31 拜登政府还会建议,立法给中低收入家庭的孩子发放“永久性儿童津贴”,(家庭收入要求可能跟发放疫情纾困金的条件相似),每个6岁以下儿童每月发$300,每年$3600,每个6-17岁的儿童和青少年,每月发$250,每年$3000。 below sounds like permanent, which sounds like encourage poor people to have more children. The Biden proposal would expand the size of the child credit and make it fully available for all poor people regardless of earnings. The benefits would be: $3,000 per year, or $250 per month, per child ages 6 to 17 (changing the current law which excludes 17-year-olds) $3,600 per year, or $300 per month, per child ages 0 to 5
below sounds like permanent, which sounds like encourage poor people to have more children.
The Biden proposal would expand the size of the child credit and make it fully available for all poor people regardless of earnings. The benefits would be: $3,000 per year, or $250 per month, per child ages 6 to 17 (changing the current law which excludes 17-year-olds) $3,600 per year, or $300 per month, per child ages 0 to 5
说不定有的会考虑生孩子。 现在养孩子太贵了
至少我现在知道计划实施的就是那个$2000元的stimulus check。那可是川普跳出来最早提倡的,不论大人小孩每人两千元,对收入的合格限制也不低。
谁让你不会逃税呢,活该! ---- 民主党
是的, child credit 是可以倒找的。 很多非法移民盗窃身份来报税,就是图的这个。 他们一分钱税钱也不交,但是能拿到child credit
层主举几个你认为他neutral的policies 出来听听。
谁让你不会逃税呢,活该! ---- Trump
你我可能同意,觉得这样孩子不会沉沦下去。 他们的家长会认为是虐待孩子。。。