介绍一本书 "Three Felonies a Day" (每天犯3个重罪)

楼主 (北美华人网)

这本书是2011年出版的。哈佛法学院教授 Alan Dershowitz 为书写了序言。序言里有这样一句话: "... under Stalin. ..his KGB head, Lavrenti Beria, infamously said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

下面是一篇书评头的两段: If you are an average American, then you are a repeat felon. In his stunning book, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (2009), civil-liberties attorney Harvey A. Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three criminal laws each and every day. Federal statutes and regulations have become so voluminous and vague that over-reaching prosecutors can target anyone at any time. They may think you are guilty, they could want leverage to force your co-operation, they may be vengeful, or they could be building their own careers; the motives are secondary. What’s primary is the clout and, in this, the federal bureaucracy of the United States now rivals the Soviet Union at the zenith of its power. Even if you are ultimately proven innocent, the ‘vindication’ will come after years of abusive prosecution during which your assets will be frozen, your family interrogated and, perhaps, threatened, your reputation smeared, your life left in shambles. ... Reviewed by Wendy McElroy https://lfb.org/three-felonies-a-day-reviewed-by-wendy-mcelroy/

 “Now comes veteran defense lawyer and civil libertarian Harvey A. Silverglate with riveting case studies exposing in technicolor a pattern of serious abuses and convictions of innocent people in some of the most famous (as well as obscure) federal cases of recent decades. Abetted by compliant courts and easily gulled media, the feds brand as criminals good people who intended no crime.” —Stuart Taylor, Jr., National Journal columnist and Newsweek contributing editor    “In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate has written a work peerless in revelations about the mad expansion of federal statutes whose result is to define, as criminal, practices no rational citizen could have viewed as illegal. The book is chilling in its detail of the investigations and ruin that have befallen people ground up in this prosecution mill. Whether in the book’s scathing chronicle of the destruction of Arthur Andersen, largest accounting firm in the nation, an obscure attorney, or the bizarre government case mounted against a Boston politician—to name a few—Harvey A. Silverglate brings home, unforgettably, the truth that everyone is vulnerable to the terrors wrought by out of control prosecutors. No one reading this can fail to be gripped by these cases, by the hard bright light he shines on every step of these prosecutions, and the mindset that created them. It’s a bombshell that was worth waiting for.” —Dorothy Rabinowitz, Wall Street Journal editorialist and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize   “Gilbert & Sullivan wrote about how the punishment fits the crime. Three Felonies a Day shows how federal prosecutors have conceived of something truly frightening—punishment without crime. Harvey A. Silverglate, one of the truly hard-working and uncompromising defenders of our civil liberties, has written the ultimate horror-story of prosecutorial abuse. We, the public, should pay attention.” —Errol Morris, documentary film-maker, winner of the Academy Award for The Fog of War, producer and director of the legendary documentary The Thin Blue Line    “This brilliant book lays out the terrifying threat to human rights posed by vindictive federal prosecutions, often sold as moralistic crusades to a gullible press and public. Anyone who cares about American democracy should read this gripping and vitally important expose.” —Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor, Harvard University, and author of The Stuff of Thought   “Harvey A. Silverglate masterfully chronicles federal prosecutors’ vindictive enlistment of opaque criminal prohibitions to snare the unwary and to stunt civil society. A bloated criminal code that fails to warn before it strikes is tyranny’s first cousin.” —Bruce Fein, former associate deputy attorney general under President Reagan, and chairman of the American Freedom Agenda   “Three Felonies a Day is one of the most important books to be written about law in a generation. It should be read by anyone who cares about the rule of law.… Law-abiding citizens beware: Prosecutors wield Godlike power as they decide how to interpret vague and open-ended statutes that can turn the stuff of everyday life into a federal case. Individual freedom and the rule of law hang in the balance. Three Felonies a Day is more than a brilliant collection of great stories about law, although it is sure that: it is a manifesto from one of America’s staunchest defenders of civil liberties demanding that all of us join in the fight for true freedom and the rule of law.” —Susan R. Estrich, Robert Kingsley Professor of Law and Political Science, University of Southern California   “In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate zeroes in on governmental misconduct—the brazen abuse by certain federal prosecutors of immense government power for purposes other than justice. The book is a clarion call—to prosecutors, reminding them what their true role is in a democracy—and to the public, reminding everyone of our collective responsibility firmly to oppose, discipline and prohibit such unacceptable abuses in order to protect the Constitution and the rights it guarantees. The book is a compelling read.” —Michael S. Greco, former president of the American Bar Association    “To many readers, the book will read like a highlight reel of the most prominent and challenging cases to be brought in recent years…. Silverglate deftly combines the legal sophistication of a criminal defense expert with the plain speech and driving narrative of a journalist.” —Matthew W. Hutchins, The Harvard Law Record
“[Three Felonies a Day] argues that federal criminal law is so comprehensive and vague that all Americans violate it every day, meaning prosecutors can indict anyone at all.” —Adam Liptak, The New York Times    “Technology exacerbates the problem of laws so open and vague that they are hard to abide by, to the point that we have all become potential criminals. Boston civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate calls his new book ‘Three Felonies a Day,’ referring to the number of crimes he estimates the average American now unwittingly commits because of vague laws.” —L. Gordon Crovitz, The Wall Street Journal    “After studying dozens of prosecutions dating back 25 years, among them cases he worked on and several that were tried in Massachusetts federal court, Silverglate concludes that federal criminal laws have run amok, enabling overzealous prosecutors to pin flimsy, headline-grabbing crimes on any one of us—even for well-intended behavior that does not appear to violate any law.” —Tom Mashberg, The Boston Herald   “In a work that is sure to stir sharp public debate, veteran defense-attorney-turned-author Harvey A. Silverglate examines the legally and politically charged issues surrounding recent federal criminal prosecutions.” —Robert A. Cornetta, presiding justice of the Salem District Court