宗教的正确打开方式-英国古老的教堂变身大型疫苗接种中心 在管风琴的伴奏下科学为老人们注入生命的希望

楼主 (北美华人网)
英格兰的各大教堂变身为大型疫苗接种点。下面是著名的Salisbury Cathedral的照片。 800年的老教堂,保护的特别好。在黑死病的年代,许多信徒来到当时还很年轻的Salisbury Cathedral祈祷。 现在不论什么信仰的老人们都可以来这里领取能带给他们希望的疫苗啦~
基督教会在罗马帝国陷落后曾经是黑暗时代中研究科学,传承知识,探索自然哲学奥秘,掌握先进文化的代表。 医疗的先驱也曾是慈悲为怀的教士们。。。 某些反疫苗的反口罩的还要搞superspreader event的教会啊,那还是太年轻了,思想没跟上啊。。。 https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-salisbury-cathedral-proves-to-be-efficient-vaccine-hub-now-rollout-is-about-to-step-up-another-gear-12189843 https://twitter.com/SalisburyNHS/status/1350415288089632770
Salisbury Cathedral was a mere new-build when people came to pray for deliverance from the Black Death. Several centuries on it''''s giving hope against a modern plague.
Local GPs turned the transept into a pop-up vaccination clinic, while the people most vulnerable to COVID-19 queued in the cloisters for their turn. It was impressively efficient. And it needs to be if the NHS is to hit the target of immunising almost 15 million people in the top four priority groups by mid-February.

与此同时 英国政府公布了令人震惊的数据 新冠院内传染率高的惊人 八分之一的住院病人在院内感染了新冠。 六分之一的新冠住院病人,是因为接受其他病症治疗的时候在医院内被感染的。
25,000 Covid-19 victims were infected in hospital: One in six patients on wards caught coronavirus while being treated for other illnesses, figures show More than 25,000 patients caught coronavirus in hospital since second wave One in six Covid-19 patients in NHS hospitals in England were infected while being treated for other conditions since September So far this month, 5,684 Covid-positive in-patients out of 44,315 were infected after being admitted for other conditions More than 25,000 patients have caught coronavirus in hospital since the second wave of the pandemic began in September. One in six Covid-19 patients in NHS hospitals in England were infected while being treated for other conditions, according to internal Health Service figures. So far this month, 5,684 Covid-positive in-patients out of 44,315 – about one in eight – were infected after being admitted for other conditions.