
楼主 (北美华人网)
多吃鸡蛋白 其他蛋白质你可能过敏 勤还床单 3-5天换一次 多运动 还过敏药 但是这个后来吃了就没用了 最终还是要增加抵抗力
我最近也有, 医生说我洗热水澡太多了。 最近因为疫情, 又回去上班了,洗澡是多了些。用酒精消毒和口罩也可能是原因之一。
我换了几个牌子的过敏药了。😭 不过我经常爱泡澡减压倒是真的。这个是不是会导致比较容易出疹子?
跟压力有很大关系的 可以Google一下stress hives
还有我用Zyrtec, 目前为止lotion只有减缓作用。 Zyrtec才能全面止住。
看过敏医生. 不是任何过敏药都对荨麻疹有效。
我是有慢性urticaria 荨麻疹,2017年大爆发的时候,难受得快死了。去ER被草草打发回家,后来幸运约到一个过敏专科医生,让我当天walk in去看。在门诊,打了2针epi,顿时觉得身上的痒和痛慢慢消失,就像清晨的雾被太阳光照射以后,马上云开雾散的感觉。后来吃了2周的激素慢慢减量停药,加上2,3种抗过敏药和抑制肥大细胞的药, 最后才把荨麻疹压下来。我现在每天靠吃半颗zyrtec 控制。如果不吃,当天晚上就开始从手脚的位置发痒,然后蔓延全身。时不时还有flare up, 我要加一颗hydrozyxine 才开以。
查不出原因,我猜可能是因为我2016年底生完2胎以后身体内激素紊乱,2017年3月换了新工作,紧接着2017年8月我爸爸在美国这边中风。几件事情叠加导致的stress,激发第一次严重outbreak. 现在的慢性荨麻疹还和我血糖高还有患有hashimoto''''''''s disease有关。总之,我自己就是个hot mass. 现在就是小车不倒尽管推吧。
上周看这个医生,他说他的病人有严重的,每天需要吃2种antihistamines h2 blocker,再加一种antihistamines h1 blocker,3种药一天吃3次,才可以压住这种痒。我听到后蛮绝望的。
我医生推荐的: Things that make hives worse:   -COLD -sunlight -heat -exercise -alcohol -aspirin -nonsteroids anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, motrin, advil, aleve, alka-seltzer) -infections/illness -scratching!   Zyrtec (generic name is cetirizine hydrochloride) 10 mg tabs - Take 1 tablet in morning every day - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. This is the maximum dose! - take zyrtec daily (whichever dose controls your hives) for 2 months - This medicine is over the counter, no prescription needed. - At Costco, this medicine is known as Aller-Tec and costs about $16 for 365 tablets.   When to stop? - Stop taking the medicine in 2-months to see how long you can go without hives. - decrease Zyrtec 1 pill at a time every 1-2 weeks and only continue to decrease if hives do not come back. For example, if you're on Zyrtec 3 pills daily, go down to 2 pills daily for 2 weeks, no more hives, then go down to 1 pill daily for 2 weeks, and if no more hives stop. Try not stop antihistamines abruptly, for example, going from Zyrtec 3 pills daily to 0. This may cause hives to come back. - If the hives don't come back, stop taking the medication. - If the hives do come back, re-start the medication as prescribed and continue taking it for another 2-months - You should stop the medication once every 2-months to see if your chronic idiopathic urticaria has gone away on its own - Don't worry if you need to continue taking the medication for a long time, it is a benign medication with few side effects   AS NEEDED, add: Atarax (hydroxyzine) 25 mg tablets / Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25 mg tablets - Take 1 tablet by mouth in the evening as needed for itching or hives that develop despite use of the above medications   Anti-itch steroid free lotions: - try Sarna or Albolene, both are available over-the-counter. Put in refrigerator for enhanced cooling anti-itch effect     If you have swelling in your tongue or throat and difficulty breathing, this is an emergency! Call 911!   Call or email me if you have any questions or concerns, or if the hives are not getting better with the above medications   CHRONIC URTICARIA &/or ANGIOEDEMA Chronic Urticaria with or without Angioedema is hives and/or localized areas of swelling which occurs for a least a period of 6 to 8 weeks and in most cases for reasons which are not clearly known. Hives of shorter duration, on the other hand, can sometimes be traced to a particular food or drug.   A single spot of hives can last for a few hours or as long as 24-48 hours, but the problem may come and go for weeks or months or even years in some cases. About 50% of the cases go away by 6 months for reasons that can't be explained. Out of the remaining 50%, about 40% of those cases or 20% of the total group, may still have hives 10 years later.   However, you may have swelling without hives. Swollen areas may hurt a bit because of stretching of the skin, but they do not usually itch like hives. It can be dangerous if severe swelling affects your throat, but this is very rare.   Typically, patients with chronic hives have a mysterious onset. That is, for no apparent reason on a particular day they start breaking out in red, raised, itchy bumps anywhere on the body. The breaking out can occur any time of the day or night and may be daily for extended periods of time or may skip days. Usually there is no clear cut pattern although in some patients there may be triggering or aggravating factors such as stress, temperature extremes, pressure points e.g. waistbands, bra-straps or shoe tops, and aspirin or related drugs. As a rule, allergy to foods does not play a role in the chronic (longer duration) variety of hives.   Most people with this condition do not have any underlying serious medical problems. However, on rare occasions other medical conditions have been found which seem to be directly related and for this reason a some lab tests may be done, depending on the individual's history. In about 40% of cases of chronic hives there appears to be an autoimmune basis where the persons body makes an antibody against a tiny part of itself that triggers what appears to be an allergic reaction. The cause of this antibody formation is unknown. The treatment is ususally the same as the non-antibody form of chronic hives.   For the most part, this problem is nothing but a nuisance and in due time will run its course no matter what is done. It is impossible to predict in the majority of cases what the course will be, but while you are waiting for the end to the outbreaks of hives and and/or swelling, there is medication to take that will usually control the problem, at least to some degree.   For the best control it is most effective if you take medication on a regular basis while you are waiting for the outbreaks to burn out. Usually antihistamine medication will do the job. In some cases, a combination of medicines are required and in the more difficult cases, cortisone-type medicine may be used to calm things down.   If you have not already tried it, hydroxyzine (Atarax) is often the most effective antihistamine. The effective dose of hydroxyzine varies from patient to patient with some patients responding to as little as 10 mg a night while another may require 50-100 mg for control. You may need to experiment on your own to find the dose that works for you. Once you have found an effective dose, stay on it for about a two week period and if the hives have not appeared, gradually decrease the dose every 5 days or so to see if there is a break through point. In some cases, a particular dose taken every other day may be all that is needed. If the problem does not respond to hydroxyzine and/or you do not tolerate the medication, it is important that you call so that something else can be prescribed or added to your therapy. For those who can't tolerate hydroxyzine, an alternative such as over-the-counter loratadine may be tried.   If these medications have already been tried and haven't worked or were poorly tolerated, there are still other medications that can be tried that may work.
我医生推荐的: Things that make hives worse:   -COLD -sunlight -heat -exercise -alcohol -aspirin -nonsteroids anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, motrin, advil, aleve, alka-seltzer) -infections/illness -scratching!   Zyrtec (generic name is cetirizine hydrochloride) 10 mg tabs - Take 1 tablet in morning every day - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. This is the maximum dose! - take zyrtec daily (whichever dose controls your hives) for 2 months - This medicine is over the counter, no prescription needed. - At Costco, this medicine is known as Aller-Tec and costs about $16 for 365 tablets.   When to stop? - Stop taking the medicine in 2-months to see how long you can go without hives. - decrease Zyrtec 1 pill at a time every 1-2 weeks and only continue to decrease if hives do not come back. For example, if you're on Zyrtec 3 pills daily, go down to 2 pills daily for 2 weeks, no more hives, then go down to 1 pill daily for 2 weeks, and if no more hives stop. Try not stop antihistamines abruptly, for example, going from Zyrtec 3 pills daily to 0. This may cause hives to come back. - If the hives don't come back, stop taking the medication. - If the hives do come back, re-start the medication as prescribed and continue taking it for another 2-months - You should stop the medication once every 2-months to see if your chronic idiopathic urticaria has gone away on its own - Don't worry if you need to continue taking the medication for a long time, it is a benign medication with few side effects   AS NEEDED, add: Atarax (hydroxyzine) 25 mg tablets / Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25 mg tablets - Take 1 tablet by mouth in the evening as needed for itching or hives that develop despite use of the above medications   Anti-itch steroid free lotions: - try Sarna or Albolene, both are available over-the-counter. Put in refrigerator for enhanced cooling anti-itch effect     If you have swelling in your tongue or throat and difficulty breathing, this is an emergency! Call 911!   Call or email me if you have any questions or concerns, or if the hives are not getting better with the above medications   CHRONIC URTICARIA &/or ANGIOEDEMA Chronic Urticaria with or without Angioedema is hives and/or localized areas of swelling which occurs for a least a period of 6 to 8 weeks and in most cases for reasons which are not clearly known. Hives of shorter duration, on the other hand, can sometimes be traced to a particular food or drug.   A single spot of hives can last for a few hours or as long as 24-48 hours, but the problem may come and go for weeks or months or even years in some cases. About 50% of the cases go away by 6 months for reasons that can't be explained. Out of the remaining 50%, about 40% of those cases or 20% of the total group, may still have hives 10 years later.   However, you may have swelling without hives. Swollen areas may hurt a bit because of stretching of the skin, but they do not usually itch like hives. It can be dangerous if severe swelling affects your throat, but this is very rare.   Typically, patients with chronic hives have a mysterious onset. That is, for no apparent reason on a particular day they start breaking out in red, raised, itchy bumps anywhere on the body. The breaking out can occur any time of the day or night and may be daily for extended periods of time or may skip days. Usually there is no clear cut pattern although in some patients there may be triggering or aggravating factors such as stress, temperature extremes, pressure points e.g. waistbands, bra-straps or shoe tops, and aspirin or related drugs. As a rule, allergy to foods does not play a role in the chronic (longer duration) variety of hives.   Most people with this condition do not have any underlying serious medical problems. However, on rare occasions other medical conditions have been found which seem to be directly related and for this reason a some lab tests may be done, depending on the individual's history. In about 40% of cases of chronic hives there appears to be an autoimmune basis where the persons body makes an antibody against a tiny part of itself that triggers what appears to be an allergic reaction. The cause of this antibody formation is unknown. The treatment is ususally the same as the non-antibody form of chronic hives.   For the most part, this problem is nothing but a nuisance and in due time will run its course no matter what is done. It is impossible to predict in the majority of cases what the course will be, but while you are waiting for the end to the outbreaks of hives and and/or swelling, there is medication to take that will usually control the problem, at least to some degree.   For the best control it is most effective if you take medication on a regular basis while you are waiting for the outbreaks to burn out. Usually antihistamine medication will do the job. In some cases, a combination of medicines are required and in the more difficult cases, cortisone-type medicine may be used to calm things down.   If you have not already tried it, hydroxyzine (Atarax) is often the most effective antihistamine. The effective dose of hydroxyzine varies from patient to patient with some patients responding to as little as 10 mg a night while another may require 50-100 mg for control. You may need to experiment on your own to find the dose that works for you. Once you have found an effective dose, stay on it for about a two week period and if the hives have not appeared, gradually decrease the dose every 5 days or so to see if there is a break through point. In some cases, a particular dose taken every other day may be all that is needed. If the problem does not respond to hydroxyzine and/or you do not tolerate the medication, it is important that you call so that something else can be prescribed or added to your therapy. For those who can't tolerate hydroxyzine, an alternative such as over-the-counter loratadine may be tried.   If these medications have already been tried and haven't worked or were poorly tolerated, there are still other medications that can be tried that may work.

yoyoyaya1117 发表于 2021-01-12 18:00

回复 13楼yoyoyaya1117的帖子
如果所有OTC的药都不管用的话,可以试一试xolair, 最新的一种药,因为在专利期内,比较贵。每月去诊所打一针即可
我是有慢性urticaria 荨麻疹,2017年大爆发的时候,难受得快死了。去ER被草草打发回家,后来幸运约到一个过敏专科医生,让我当天walk in去看。在门诊,打了2针epi,顿时觉得身上的痒和痛慢慢消失,就像清晨的雾被太阳光照射以后,马上云开雾散的感觉。后来吃了2周的激素慢慢减量停药,加上2,3种抗过敏药和抑制肥大细胞的药, 最后才把荨麻疹压下来。我现在每天靠吃半颗zyrtec 控制。如果不吃,当天晚上就开始从手脚的位置发痒,然后蔓延全身。时不时还有flare up, 我要加一颗hydrozyxine 才开以。
查不出原因,我猜可能是因为我2016年底生完2胎以后身体内激素紊乱,2017年3月换了新工作,紧接着2017年8月我爸爸在美国这边中风。几件事情叠加导致的stress,激发第一次严重outbreak. 现在的慢性荨麻疹还和我血糖高还有患有hashimoto''''''''s disease有关。总之,我自己就是个hot mass. 现在就是小车不倒尽管推吧。
上周看这个医生,他说他的病人有严重的,每天需要吃2种antihistamines h2 blocker,再加一种antihistamines h1 blocker,3种药一天吃3次,才可以压住这种痒。我听到后蛮绝望的。
QQ.com 发表于 2021-01-12 17:59

我医生推荐的: Things that make hives worse:   -COLD -sunlight -heat -exercise -alcohol -aspirin -nonsteroids anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, motrin, advil, aleve, alka-seltzer) -infections/illness -scratching!   Zyrtec (generic name is cetirizine hydrochloride) 10 mg tabs - Take 1 tablet in morning every day - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening - if still having hives, increase to 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. This is the maximum dose! - take zyrtec daily (whichever dose controls your hives) for 2 months - This medicine is over the counter, no prescription needed. - At Costco, this medicine is known as Aller-Tec and costs about $16 for 365 tablets.   When to stop? - Stop taking the medicine in 2-months to see how long you can go without hives. - decrease Zyrtec 1 pill at a time every 1-2 weeks and only continue to decrease if hives do not come back. For example, if you're on Zyrtec 3 pills daily, go down to 2 pills daily for 2 weeks, no more hives, then go down to 1 pill daily for 2 weeks, and if no more hives stop. Try not stop antihistamines abruptly, for example, going from Zyrtec 3 pills daily to 0. This may cause hives to come back. - If the hives don't come back, stop taking the medication. - If the hives do come back, re-start the medication as prescribed and continue taking it for another 2-months - You should stop the medication once every 2-months to see if your chronic idiopathic urticaria has gone away on its own - Don't worry if you need to continue taking the medication for a long time, it is a benign medication with few side effects   AS NEEDED, add: Atarax (hydroxyzine) 25 mg tablets / Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25 mg tablets - Take 1 tablet by mouth in the evening as needed for itching or hives that develop despite use of the above medications   Anti-itch steroid free lotions: - try Sarna or Albolene, both are available over-the-counter. Put in refrigerator for enhanced cooling anti-itch effect     If you have swelling in your tongue or throat and difficulty breathing, this is an emergency! Call 911!   Call or email me if you have any questions or concerns, or if the hives are not getting better with the above medications   CHRONIC URTICARIA &/or ANGIOEDEMA Chronic Urticaria with or without Angioedema is hives and/or localized areas of swelling which occurs for a least a period of 6 to 8 weeks and in most cases for reasons which are not clearly known. Hives of shorter duration, on the other hand, can sometimes be traced to a particular food or drug.   A single spot of hives can last for a few hours or as long as 24-48 hours, but the problem may come and go for weeks or months or even years in some cases. About 50% of the cases go away by 6 months for reasons that can't be explained. Out of the remaining 50%, about 40% of those cases or 20% of the total group, may still have hives 10 years later.   However, you may have swelling without hives. Swollen areas may hurt a bit because of stretching of the skin, but they do not usually itch like hives. It can be dangerous if severe swelling affects your throat, but this is very rare.   Typically, patients with chronic hives have a mysterious onset. That is, for no apparent reason on a particular day they start breaking out in red, raised, itchy bumps anywhere on the body. The breaking out can occur any time of the day or night and may be daily for extended periods of time or may skip days. Usually there is no clear cut pattern although in some patients there may be triggering or aggravating factors such as stress, temperature extremes, pressure points e.g. waistbands, bra-straps or shoe tops, and aspirin or related drugs. As a rule, allergy to foods does not play a role in the chronic (longer duration) variety of hives.   Most people with this condition do not have any underlying serious medical problems. However, on rare occasions other medical conditions have been found which seem to be directly related and for this reason a some lab tests may be done, depending on the individual's history. In about 40% of cases of chronic hives there appears to be an autoimmune basis where the persons body makes an antibody against a tiny part of itself that triggers what appears to be an allergic reaction. The cause of this antibody formation is unknown. The treatment is ususally the same as the non-antibody form of chronic hives.   For the most part, this problem is nothing but a nuisance and in due time will run its course no matter what is done. It is impossible to predict in the majority of cases what the course will be, but while you are waiting for the end to the outbreaks of hives and and/or swelling, there is medication to take that will usually control the problem, at least to some degree.   For the best control it is most effective if you take medication on a regular basis while you are waiting for the outbreaks to burn out. Usually antihistamine medication will do the job. In some cases, a combination of medicines are required and in the more difficult cases, cortisone-type medicine may be used to calm things down.   If you have not already tried it, hydroxyzine (Atarax) is often the most effective antihistamine. The effective dose of hydroxyzine varies from patient to patient with some patients responding to as little as 10 mg a night while another may require 50-100 mg for control. You may need to experiment on your own to find the dose that works for you. Once you have found an effective dose, stay on it for about a two week period and if the hives have not appeared, gradually decrease the dose every 5 days or so to see if there is a break through point. In some cases, a particular dose taken every other day may be all that is needed. If the problem does not respond to hydroxyzine and/or you do not tolerate the medication, it is important that you call so that something else can be prescribed or added to your therapy. For those who can't tolerate hydroxyzine, an alternative such as over-the-counter loratadine may be tried.   If these medications have already been tried and haven't worked or were poorly tolerated, there are still other medications that can be tried that may work.

yoyoyaya1117 发表于 2021-01-12 18:00

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