of course. That's credit score 101. Unless you pay before the statement is cut so the balance reported shows zero, otherwise utilization rate is calculated and if you happen to have a card with a low limit say $2000, charge $1500 and you don't zero out the balance before statement closes, you will see a 100 point drop on your credit score (but it recovers in a couple of months).
miss payment 不可能才降这么一点。
Re 我也是感恩节过后信用分数骤降,比楼主降得多。
这个有可能。我的信用分数在最近3年每月都在5以内浮动,从来没出现这么大浮动。花费多这个也不太make sense,我买的单数多但都不贵,或者说上月根本没有大件,全是小东西。之前大笔买家具那几个月也没见分数降
因为你用的金额突然增大了 超过了一定比例
of course. That's credit score 101. Unless you pay before the statement is cut so the balance reported shows zero, otherwise utilization rate is calculated and if you happen to have a card with a low limit say $2000, charge $1500 and you don't zero out the balance before statement closes, you will see a 100 point drop on your credit score (but it recovers in a couple of months).
5% utlization and score dropped 几十点 makes no sense. I would guess you have one card whose utilization exceeded 25% to see this kind of impact.