正式判决违宪在哪里? 而且法官是说 IF,是个假设,不是承认 unconstitutional。不要又浑水摸鱼了。 Another Republican effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election has been stopped, this time by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which on Saturday rejected a request that some 2.5 million mail-in ballots in the state be thrown out. In its ruling, the high court unanimously dismissed a lawsuit that claimed that a 2019 state law allowing no-excuse absentee ballots was unconstitutional. The suit, filed by U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and others on Nov. 21, requested that the state reject mail ballots submitted under that law or allow state lawmakers to select presidential electors. The state legislature is controlled by Republicans. The justices contended that if the plaintiffs had constitutional concerns over the mail-in voting law, their suit would have been filed earlier and not after millions of mail-in ballots were cast in the 2020 primary and general election. The justices further noted that the plaintiffs waited until after the votes had been tallied and their preferred presidential candidate lost the state.
回复 108楼artdong的帖子 Many of these cases have been either dismissed or dropped。 RN1 发表于 2021-01-02 22:47
And many others have been ruled and voluntarily dismissed. BTW, dismissal does NOT mean the judges did not look at the evidences. Dismissal means the judge have looked at all the evidences and rule that a lawsuit or criminal charge is terminated.
立案英文是 file a case. File is to deposit with the clerk of the court a written complaint or petition which is the opening step in a lawsuit. https://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=747 然后法官决定是否开庭或者调查,不是你我路人。
回复 114楼artdong的帖子 英文法律用词我不了解。我所说的立案不仅仅是file a case. 任何人都可以file a case to sue sb., 但是能不能真正立案走上法庭,就需要证据,l舞弊指控尤其需要检查机关例如DOJ和FBI的证据。 RN1 发表于 2021-01-02 23:29
And many others have been ruled and voluntarily dismissed. BTW, dismissal does NOT mean the judges did not look at the evidences. Dismissal means the judge have looked at all the evidences and rule that a lawsuit or criminal charge is terminated. artdong 发表于 2021-01-02 22:48
川粉基本都是想当然,就比如当初闹得沸沸扬扬的不许共和党监票员在场,实情是什么呢?前半段开现场投票川普领先,等到开始开mail in了川普就落后了,在外面的川粉就臆测里面造假了,纷纷要求现场注册成为监票员,一百多号人不戴口罩就要往里冲。被拒绝以后就哭天抹泪高喊fraud不许监票,那里头6个共和党的监票是死人?最后还闹出那个non zero number这种让人笑掉大牙的庭审。要我说这种案子都能上庭也就仗着川粉跟川普一起胡搅蛮缠不要脸就算了。
而且法官是说 IF,是个假设,不是承认 unconstitutional。不要又浑水摸鱼了。
Another Republican effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election has been stopped, this time by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which on Saturday rejected a request that some 2.5 million mail-in ballots in the state be thrown out. In its ruling, the high court unanimously dismissed a lawsuit that claimed that a 2019 state law allowing no-excuse absentee ballots was unconstitutional.
The suit, filed by U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and others on Nov. 21, requested that the state reject mail ballots submitted under that law or allow state lawmakers to select presidential electors. The state legislature is controlled by Republicans.
The justices contended that if the plaintiffs had constitutional concerns over the mail-in voting law, their suit would have been filed earlier and not after millions of mail-in ballots were cast in the 2020 primary and general election. The justices further noted that the plaintiffs waited until after the votes had been tallied and their preferred presidential candidate lost the state.
没有立案??? Are you kidding me?
Arizona 就有七个舞弊案立案, Michigan 有八个立案,Pennsylvania 有十五个立案,Wisconsin 有七个立案。。。。
Many of these cases have been either dismissed or dropped。
Most of these cases have been dismissed or dropped.
And many others have been ruled and voluntarily dismissed.
BTW, dismissal does NOT mean the judges did not look at the evidences. Dismissal means the judge have looked at all the evidences and rule that a lawsuit or criminal charge is terminated.
什么叫立案?立案需要涉及检查机关的investigations; 举报人说我发现有舞弊现象,检查机关应该进行investigations从而使之成为了法庭上的证据。DOJ和FBI的不作为,使舞弊官司不能真正走上法庭。
立案英文是 file a case.
File is to deposit with the clerk of the court a written complaint or petition which is the opening step in a lawsuit.
英文法律用词我不了解。我所说的立案不仅仅是file a case. 任何人都可以file a case to sue sb., 但是能不能真正立案走上法庭,就需要证据,l舞弊指控尤其需要检查机关例如DOJ和FBI的证据。
川粉基本都是想当然,就比如当初闹得沸沸扬扬的不许共和党监票员在场,实情是什么呢?前半段开现场投票川普领先,等到开始开mail in了川普就落后了,在外面的川粉就臆测里面造假了,纷纷要求现场注册成为监票员,一百多号人不戴口罩就要往里冲。被拒绝以后就哭天抹泪高喊fraud不许监票,那里头6个共和党的监票是死人?最后还闹出那个non zero number这种让人笑掉大牙的庭审。要我说这种案子都能上庭也就仗着川粉跟川普一起胡搅蛮缠不要脸就算了。
比如说,TRUMP说vaccine很快就出来了,当时各种丢人的政客和媒体不停的出来言之凿凿的说TRUMP撒谎, 搞得VACCINE出来都不敢承认,一直到大选结束才敢宣布。你说这是TRUMP领导不力,还是一些政客的手段???!!!!三月份让你关国门,让你在家呆着,各种打波打滚的闹着要自由。现在满大街死人了,才想起TRUMP!!!
当初为了赢大选,一直说ANTIFA不存在,BLM是PEACEFUL 的。现在出来又开始打脸了吧。总有一天,也会有人求解决BLM的问题。
还有Hunter Biden 的事也是各种隐瞒污蔑说是Russia Disinformation,现在呢?即便上台又怎么样,不知道BIDEN能不能等到群众有时间去impeach他。你们可以继续为了政治把头埋在沙子里当鸵鸟,告诉你自己,这不是真的。 但是别忘了,制造问题花的是你交的税钱。解决问题也需要你交税来解决。
isn't Trump the commander-in-chief? 川总之前有三年时间去协调政府各部门和企业合作,2020就是他执政三年的成果。然后川粉又说他是政治素人,不是politician,拜托那就不要揽这个瓷器活啊! 如果都不是川普的错,为什么之前都是奥巴马的错?这双标的也太明显了吧?