前几天看到 Mint Mobile buy 3 get 3 free promotion until 1/3, 决定试试看! 现在Verizon 的手机费太贵了!! porting out existing phone number is super easy too! 想省钱的姐妹去看看吧。promo 活动还有两天就结束了。 如果买最便宜的 plan $15 一个月。现在活动期间相当于$45 6 个月! 如果想用我的referral link 再省 $15 ($30 for 6 months) 的,请私信我,就不在这发referral 了 referral credit will appear after you activate your sim card, not at checkout. if you want to port out your existing phone number from the current provider (takes a couple of minutes!!), Don''''t cancel the line beforehand!! you will need to order mint mobile from their website first and once it arrives, activate it on the website and select you want to activate using an existing phone number. you will need to get the following info before activating using existing phone number: 1: generate a one time transfer out pin from the current provider 2: get the account number from your bill statement 3 the phone number you want to port out your lines from the current provider will be automatically cancelled once your phone number is ported out to Mint, it literally takes a couple of mins to port out phone number.
if you want to port out your existing phone number from the current provider (takes a couple of minutes!!), Don''''t cancel the line beforehand!! you will need to order mint mobile from their website first and once it arrives, activate it on the website and select you want to activate using an existing phone number. you will need to get the following info before activating using existing phone number: 1: generate a one time transfer out pin from the current provider 2: get the account number from your bill statement 3 the phone number you want to port out
your lines from the current provider will be automatically cancelled once your phone number is ported out to Mint, it literally takes a couple of mins to port out phone number.
个人还是非常推荐mint的,家属本来无脑爱google fi的也被我拉入坑了。服务也很好,运营蛮现代简约的,没什么营销坑。
可以自己在网上买sim,到了直接开。 建议先开通了再cancel,因为需要current phone plan的account number 和PIN。
你这个是以前办理的吗?我刚入xfinity mobile,但好像没法多条线share 1G了。
不知道现在是不是还可以,我是年中疫情的时候从share 3G降下来的
我家这里只有comcast和att可以选,att的服务还不如comcast,comcast最早给我的plan是$40 50M,过期了现在标准plan是$45 75M,最低的25M带宽 $20/月,我觉得也没法再怎么便宜了
yes, open online. very easy
you can get on their website and put in your zip code to see the signal coverage
you are free to reserve your own opinion, for the money, I am willing to give it a shot.
要试用再转。 我领导用了visible。25刀无限。Verizon的网。但是优先级别低,在公司还好,在家里基本上10分钟就掉线。没办法用。现在转mint了,买3送3中。所以你一定要试用。
hello Mobile也有T-Mobile网。没有黑五deal时,还是最划算的。
撸,就是把自己主号放到Google voice。随便转carrier不会丢号码。
FI的正确是和人合作,只要data, 1gb $9.,2GB $12,等。可以国际漫游。在美国可以Google voice打电话。数据卡最好放到双卡机上,出差时使用。
请解释一下什么是主卡放在google voice 上? 我现在转来转去就 port out phone number 就好了,为什么要放在google voice 上? 那个mint 你怎么年年搞得? 是转到别的公司再回来吗?
我听说Mint是根据activate的device确定你是不是新用户, 所以不换手机的话是不是搞不了多次?
请问一下,如果google voice放主号,forward到mint的号码,那可以用google voice的号收iMessage / FaceTime吗?谢谢!
you have 45 days to activate it in order to take advantage of this deal
那是针对port number用户的。新用户不管