有人把宗教归纳成一系列“劝人行善”的道德法则。严格讲这种说法有些贬低宗教。对于严瑾的宗教信仰者来讲,宗教追求的乃是跨越宇宙时间空间的永恒真理。我们在人生世界所应遵循的道德法则不过是永恒的宇宙真理的一部分,因此宗教远比教你怎么做人的道德法则深渊、广泛。 宗教的最终目标虽然不是道德规范,但从为人修行做起可以是一个起点。比方佛教有“五戒十善八正道”,基督教则有Ten Commandments 和Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit等。 佛教十善:不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄言、不绮语、不两舌、不恶口、不悭贪、不嗔恚、不邪见(注:不杀生不偷盗不邪淫不妄语不饮酒也被称为“五戒”)。佛教八正道是:正见、正思维、正语、正业、正念、正精进、正命、正定。 圣经旧约提到了著名的Ten Commandments (见Exodus 20与Deuteronomy 5)。因基督教与犹太教都用旧约,这十项道德是两种宗教文化共享的”Judeo-Christian ethics”的重要部分。 基督教又信“三位一体”: father, son and the Holy Spirit(又称Holy Ghost)。基督教信仰的一个目的是通过信仰改变自己人生(这点和佛教或其它信仰是一致的)。怎样衡量一个人(包括自己)的信仰是否真实?圣经新约Galatians5 提出了”9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit”的概念: “...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." 言外之意生活言行各方面能体现出上面这九点的人可以考虑自己的信仰是真实的。 当然,宗教信仰里面的各种概念,如基督教的love与佛教的善,是很深渊的概念,不能从字面上用世俗概念理解。这是宗教深刻渊博之处,常人没有“修行”不易得来。
如果说善是佛教的中心,爱(love)则是基督教的中心。然而基督教的爱,不是感觉,而是行动,是will the good of the other(为了另一个人的利益奉献自己) pilingjushi 发表于 2020-12-27 19:25
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。 " My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。"
我已经快被sloth and gluttony杀死了 wdong 发表于 2020-12-27 19:41
Seven Deadly Sins (pride, envy, greed, sloth, gluttony, lust 等)pride 是其首(cardinal or capital sin),因人有傲慢无法容下上帝,没有上帝人就没有爱(God is Love见John等),没有爱其它人性弱点会层出不穷
爱(不是平常意义上的love 而是Christian love or biblical love)是基督教中心甚至是上帝的同义词(John “God is love”),基督教里其它道德规范律属于“爱”这个大道德。比方人缺乏self-control (贪吃喝玩乐等)是一个“罪”(基督教的sin 不是犯罪的意思,而是人的局限之意)。吃喝玩乐本身不是“罪”,但做过头了人变得贪图自我享受,使人无法接近爱也就是上帝,变成“罪人”,即无法跳出人类大局限之人
Q The 4 Types of Love in the Bible - Learn Religions Four unique forms Four unique forms of love are found in Scripture. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God's divine love.May 11, 2020 The 7 Types of Love in the Bible. “For God so loved the world ...medium.com › the-7-types-of-love-in-the-bible-71dfc5... http://www.steppesoffaith.com/faith/7-types-love-bible ... We see many examples of storge in the Bible starting with Father God Himself. ... We're all experiencing different types of love depending on our situations, but agape is the most ... UQ Q https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/a0zsr5/love/ The affection that parents feel for children, the care we feel for our friends, the romantic desire we have for our spouses, the sense of basic respect and concern for all of our fellow human beings - these are good kinds of love that are compatible with what it means to be a Stoic. Love can help us live virtuously when it inspires us to care for others, to fulfill our duties, and to avoid selfishness. But love can also clearly be dangerous, if we act on feelings of lust or greed, or if we ignore our own well-being because we're chasing after someone else. UQ
Q The 4 Types of Love in the Bible - Learn Religions Four unique forms Four unique forms of love are found in Scripture. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God's divine love.May 11, 2020 The 7 Types of Love in the Bible. “For God so loved the world ...medium.com › the-7-types-of-love-in-the-bible-71dfc5... http://www.steppesoffaith.com/faith/7-types-love-bible ... We see many examples of storge in the Bible starting with Father God Himself. ... We're all experiencing different types of love depending on our situations, but agape is the most ... UQ Q https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/a0zsr5/love/ The affection that parents feel for children, the care we feel for our friends, the romantic desire we have for our spouses, the sense of basic respect and concern for all of our fellow human beings - these are good kinds of love that are compatible with what it means to be a Stoic. Love can help us live virtuously when it inspires us to care for others, to fulfill our duties, and to avoid selfishness. But love can also clearly be dangerous, if we act on feelings of lust or greed, or if we ignore our own well-being because we're chasing after someone else. UQ EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-27 20:55
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。 " My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。" EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-27 19:45
Christian love 或Godly love也叫agape (希腊字) pilingjushi 发表于 2020-12-27 21:03
perhaps to understand fully the four types of love, by studying many books including many Greek words (including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess) and so much devote time , would spend a person''s whole life before taking enough acts, besides lasting confusion. they are merely Greek theories in the past, too complicated, i think. anyway, enjoy your search! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
+1 perhaps people do need a concrete definition of a God construct. Q To put this in another way, as right reason is identical with God, a man will never make sufficient progress until he has conceived a right idea of God. --- A A Long (PROBLEMS IN STOICISM) UQ
perhaps to understand fully the four types of love, by studying many books including many Greek words (including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess) and so much devote time , would spend a person''''''''''''''''s whole life before taking enough acts, besides lasting confusion. they are merely Greek theories in the past, too complicated, i think. anyway, enjoy your search! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-28 03:08
my point is there should have been already an equivalent English word which was invented for Agape long long time ago, if this Greek word had/has been so much important and valuable to/for Christians. If not yet, why, why not? Q 1382 Martin Luther''''''''s translation of the Old Testament The first complete English-language version of the Bible dates from 1382 and was credited to John Wycliffe and his followers. Biblical translation | Britannica UQ
perhaps to understand fully the four types of love, by studying many books including many Greek words (including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess) and so much devote time , would spend a person''''''''s whole life before taking enough acts, besides lasting confusion. they are merely Greek theories in the past, too complicated, i think. anyway, enjoy your search! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-28 03:08
next time before i intend to act, i might need to think in advance which one of the four types of love in order to proceed my act of love! and before that perhaps i would require to have certain special knowledge and accredited training about the four types of love, provided by a trainer who is qualified. a degree? so other people without adequate training should be unable to choose or perform a correct type of love acts (or feelings). ??? confusion is just to me.
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。 " My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。" EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-27 19:45
<Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。> Q Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao The Tao is usually described in terms of elements of nature, and in particular as similar to water. Like water it is undifferentiated, endlessly self-replenishing, soft and quiet but immensely powerful, and impassively generous.[11] Much of Taoist philosophy centers on the cyclical continuity of the natural world, and its contrast to the linear, goal-oriented actions of human beings. 道通常是用自然的元素来描述的,特别是类似于水。 像水一样,它是无差别的,无休止的自我补充,柔软而安静,但功能强大,而且慷慨慷慨。[11] 道家哲学中的许多思想都集中在自然界的周期性连续性上,并且与人类的线性,以目标为导向的行为形成对比。 In all its uses, the Tao is considered to have ineffable qualities that prevent it from being defined or expressed in words. It can, however, be known or experienced, and its principles (which can be discerned by observing Nature) can be followed or practiced. Much of East Asian philosophical writing focuses on the value of adhering to the principles of the Tao and the various consequences of failing to do so. 在道的所有用途中,道被认为具有无法言喻的特质,无法用字来定义或表达。 但是,它可以是已知的或有经验的,并且可以遵循或实践其原理(可以通过观察自然来辨别)。 东亚的许多哲学著作都着重于坚持道家原则的价值以及不遵循道家的各种后果。 UQ
perhaps to understand fully the four types of love, by studying many books including many Greek words (including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess) and so much devote time , would spend a person''''''''s whole life before taking enough acts, besides lasting confusion. they are merely Greek theories in the past, too complicated, i think. anyway, enjoy your search! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape
EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-28 03:08
<(including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess)> Q https://journal.equinoxpub.com/LHS/article/view/12732 Wang, C. C. (1985). Chinese-Greek-English Interlinear New Testament.* Taichung: Conservative Baptist Press. UQ *word-to-word translation
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。 " My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。" EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-27 19:45
I''''ve got just very primitive understanding of basic Stoicism. AFAIK, Stoics are practitioners of Wisdom, Justice and Courage, and Self-Control. (See below link for "A Model of Late Stoic Practice".) Everyone can be a Stoic (student of Stoicism) starting from 0% practice, but nobody can attain always 100% practice (even a Stoic Sage cannot). (So everyone is equal, but also different. Ha!) 我对基本斯多葛主义只有很原始的理解。 AFAIK,Stoics是智慧,正义与勇气和自我控制的执业者。 (请参阅下面的链接,了解“后期Stoic行为的模型”。) 每个人都可以从0%的练习开始成为Stoic(Stoicism的学生),但是没有人可以永远做到100%的练习(即使是Stoic贤者也不能)。 (所以每个人都是平等的,但也不同。哈!) https://dailystoic.com/glossary/ “That’s why the philosophers warn us not to be satisfied with mere learning, but to add practice and then training. For as time passes we forget what we learned and end up doing the opposite, and hold opinions the opposite of what we should.” —Epictetus, Discourses, 2.9. 13–14 “这就是为什么哲学家警告我们不要对单纯的学习感到满意,而要增加实践并且再训练。 随着时间的流逝,我们忘记了我们学到的东西,最终做了相反的事情,对我们应该做的事情持相反的看法。” —Epictetus,《话语》 2.9。 13-14
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。 " My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。" EvenOdd 发表于 2020-12-27 19:45
Q https://dailystoic.com/glossary/ Daimôn (δαίμων): divine spirit within humans; our individual genius.Daimôn (δαίμων): 人类内部的神灵; 我们个人的天才。 Chrysippus held that a happy and well-flowing life was the result “when the affairs of life are in every way tuned to the harmony between the individual divine spirit and the will of the director of the universe” (Lives of the Eminent Philosophers 7.1.88). Chrysippus认为“当生活事务在各个方面都被调整为个体神圣的精神与宇宙导演的意志之间的和谐时”的结果就是幸福而富裕的生活 Epictetus tells us never to worry because we are never alone: God is always within, as is our own daimôn (Discourses 1.14.14; not here). Epictetus告诉我们,永远不要担心,因为我们永远不会孤单:神一直在里面, 就像我们自己的daimôn一样(话语1.14.14;不在此处)。 UQ
宗教的最终目标虽然不是道德规范,但从为人修行做起可以是一个起点。比方佛教有“五戒十善八正道”,基督教则有Ten Commandments 和Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit等。
圣经旧约提到了著名的Ten Commandments (见Exodus 20与Deuteronomy 5)。因基督教与犹太教都用旧约,这十项道德是两种宗教文化共享的”Judeo-Christian ethics”的重要部分。
基督教又信“三位一体”: father, son and the Holy Spirit(又称Holy Ghost)。基督教信仰的一个目的是通过信仰改变自己人生(这点和佛教或其它信仰是一致的)。怎样衡量一个人(包括自己)的信仰是否真实?圣经新约Galatians5 提出了”9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit”的概念: “...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。
" My religion is Stoicism, believing God is the Universe/Nature, Natural Law (Spirituality), and all things (Inc. Jesus) and beyond (inc. mysteries), as explained and searched by science and rationality. 我的宗教是斯多葛主义,相信上帝是宇宙/自然,自然法则(灵性), 以及万物(包括耶稣)和超越一切(包括奥秘),正如科学和理性所解释和探讨的那样。"
Seven Deadly Sins (pride, envy, greed, sloth, gluttony, lust 等)pride 是其首(cardinal or capital sin),因人有傲慢无法容下上帝,没有上帝人就没有爱(God is Love见John等),没有爱其它人性弱点会层出不穷
Four unique forms Four unique forms of love are found in Scripture. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God's divine love.May 11, 2020
The 7 Types of Love in the Bible. “For God so loved the world ... medium.com › the-7-types-of-love-in-the-bible-71dfc5...
http://www.steppesoffaith.com/faith/7-types-love-bible ... We see many examples of storge in the Bible starting with Father God Himself. ... We're all experiencing different types of love depending on our situations, but agape is the most ... UQ
Q https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/a0zsr5/love/
The affection that parents feel for children, the care we feel for our friends, the romantic desire we have for our spouses, the sense of basic respect and concern for all of our fellow human beings - these are good kinds of love that are compatible with what it means to be a Stoic. Love can help us live virtuously when it inspires us to care for others, to fulfill our duties, and to avoid selfishness.
But love can also clearly be dangerous, if we act on feelings of lust or greed, or if we ignore our own well-being because we're chasing after someone else. UQ
Christian love is primarily not feelings but acts
perhaps to understand fully the four types of love, by studying many books including many Greek words (including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess) and so much devote time , would spend a person''s whole life before taking enough acts, besides lasting confusion.
they are merely Greek theories in the past, too complicated, i think.
anyway, enjoy your search!
perhaps people do need a concrete definition of a God construct.
Q To put this in another way, as right reason is identical with God, a man will never make sufficient progress until he has conceived a right idea of God. --- A A Long (PROBLEMS IN STOICISM) UQ
my point is there should have been already an equivalent English word which was invented for Agape long long time ago, if this Greek word had/has been so much important and valuable to/for Christians.
If not yet, why, why not?
Q 1382 Martin Luther''''''''s translation of the Old Testament The first complete English-language version of the Bible dates from 1382 and was credited to John Wycliffe and his followers.
Biblical translation | Britannica
next time before i intend to act, i might need to think in advance which one of the four types of love in order to proceed my act of love!
and before that perhaps i would require to have certain special knowledge and accredited training about the four types of love, provided by a trainer who is qualified. a degree?
so other people without adequate training should be unable to choose or perform a correct type of love acts (or feelings).
??? confusion is just to me.
<Live according to nature. 根据自然生活。>
Q Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao
The Tao is usually described in terms of elements of nature, and in particular as similar to water. Like water it is undifferentiated, endlessly self-replenishing, soft and quiet but immensely powerful, and impassively generous.[11] Much of Taoist philosophy centers on the cyclical continuity of the natural world, and its contrast to the linear, goal-oriented actions of human beings. 道通常是用自然的元素来描述的,特别是类似于水。 像水一样,它是无差别的,无休止的自我补充,柔软而安静,但功能强大,而且慷慨慷慨。[11] 道家哲学中的许多思想都集中在自然界的周期性连续性上,并且与人类的线性,以目标为导向的行为形成对比。
In all its uses, the Tao is considered to have ineffable qualities that prevent it from being defined or expressed in words. It can, however, be known or experienced, and its principles (which can be discerned by observing Nature) can be followed or practiced. Much of East Asian philosophical writing focuses on the value of adhering to the principles of the Tao and the various consequences of failing to do so. 在道的所有用途中,道被认为具有无法言喻的特质,无法用字来定义或表达。 但是,它可以是已知的或有经验的,并且可以遵循或实践其原理(可以通过观察自然来辨别)。 东亚的许多哲学著作都着重于坚持道家原则的价值以及不遵循道家的各种后果。 UQ
<(including a Bible NT in Greek, i guess)>
Q https://journal.equinoxpub.com/LHS/article/view/12732
Wang, C. C. (1985). Chinese-Greek-English Interlinear New Testament.* Taichung: Conservative Baptist Press. UQ
*word-to-word translation
I''''ve got just very primitive understanding of basic Stoicism. AFAIK, Stoics are practitioners of Wisdom, Justice and Courage, and Self-Control. (See below link for "A Model of Late Stoic Practice".) Everyone can be a Stoic (student of Stoicism) starting from 0% practice, but nobody can attain always 100% practice (even a Stoic Sage cannot). (So everyone is equal, but also different. Ha!) 我对基本斯多葛主义只有很原始的理解。 AFAIK,Stoics是智慧,正义与勇气和自我控制的执业者。 (请参阅下面的链接,了解“后期Stoic行为的模型”。) 每个人都可以从0%的练习开始成为Stoic(Stoicism的学生),但是没有人可以永远做到100%的练习(即使是Stoic贤者也不能)。 (所以每个人都是平等的,但也不同。哈!)
“That’s why the philosophers warn us not to be satisfied with mere learning, but to add practice and then training. For as time passes we forget what we learned and end up doing the opposite, and hold opinions the opposite of what we should.” —Epictetus, Discourses, 2.9. 13–14 “这就是为什么哲学家警告我们不要对单纯的学习感到满意,而要增加实践并且再训练。 随着时间的流逝,我们忘记了我们学到的东西,最终做了相反的事情,对我们应该做的事情持相反的看法。” —Epictetus,《话语》 2.9。 13-14
Q https://dailystoic.com/glossary/
Daimôn (δαίμων): divine spirit within humans; our individual genius. Daimôn (δαίμων): 人类内部的神灵; 我们个人的天才。
Chrysippus held that a happy and well-flowing life was the result “when the affairs of life are in every way tuned to the harmony between the individual divine spirit and the will of the director of the universe” (Lives of the Eminent Philosophers 7.1.88). Chrysippus认为“当生活事务在各个方面都被调整为个体神圣的精神与宇宙导演的意志之间的和谐时”的结果就是幸福而富裕的生活
Epictetus tells us never to worry because we are never alone: God is always within, as is our own daimôn (Discourses 1.14.14; not here). Epictetus告诉我们,永远不要担心,因为我们永远不会孤单:神一直在里面, 就像我们自己的daimôn一样(话语1.14.14;不在此处)。 UQ