If you are concerned, have your friend buy money order with his debit cards and give you the money order and the receipts. Cost at walmart is 88 cents per $1000. You can turn around deposit it into your bank. Problem solved.
No it is person who gives gift paying tax, not the people who receivesw the gift. If your friend does not have green card, then he does not need to pay tax. For you part, you just need to file one IRS form.
所以,在美国 不能朋友间相互大额转帐是吗?
钱有点多 估计cash方法 一时半会儿不可行呢
If you are concerned, have your friend buy money order with his debit cards and give you the money order and the receipts. Cost at walmart is 88 cents per $1000. You can turn around deposit it into your bank. Problem solved.
gift tax 不是一年一万五左右免税吗