Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.” “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
You got it! Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
You got it! Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
Exactly! The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
I felt self-conscious — even a bit ashamed — of being Asian. Andrew Yang fufusix 发表于 2020-12-24 10:22
这个安住杨就更搞笑了。一边用自己的Asian stereotype谋取某些华人的支持(参见隔壁如火如荼支持安住杨当纽约市长),一边公开说ashamed of being Asian。他说ashamed的时候怎么没见左派拿出骂trump说china virus的力气骂他?脑子洗穿。双标到这程度了还不自知。
Tm的没事就黑美国?trump 敢ban吗?之前ban中国被民主党骂成筛子了。现在人家要下台了,ban了有屁用啊,一个月不到Biden 上台就废了。大家世界一统一起死吧。要怪只能怪中国,输出病毒很积极,现在到处甩锅还不让自己公民回国。
哦,你对biden说去啊,你们选的Biden 咋就不做对的事儿呢
你们骂trump时咋就不说了呢?trump 批评病毒属输出国(这个国家不仅积极输出病毒,现在还不让公民回国,还到处甩锅泼脏水),你们如丧考妣骂得他祖宗十八代都不得安宁?歧视南非你们就支持?
“countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
该ban却不能ban,这个叫什么来着?对了,叫体制问题 这国怎 我陷思
“countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
You got it!
Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
这不是你们选的吗?民主党大一统好意思ban谁?你们这些华人天天躲家里,感染率上不去,这么privileged,民主党巴不得你们aa下感染率,不然太对不起systemic racism了
我就觉得华人又搞笑,觉得自己命无比贵。自己privileged可以呆家里数钱网购,还要嘲笑其他种族必须出门上班还必须亲自买菜。嗯,好日子要来了,喊大声了,继续喊华人多privileged,继续嘲笑其他穷的种族,绝对后果比叫个China virus 酸爽多了
Exactly! The head of a new task force is a Yale professor who has seen “countless patients whose conditions were shaped by factors having nothing to do with science and everything to do with broader social inequity.”
真奇怪, 一边骂美国不断航, 一边骂中国断航
I felt self-conscious — even a bit ashamed — of being Asian.
Andrew Yang
这个安住杨就更搞笑了。一边用自己的Asian stereotype谋取某些华人的支持(参见隔壁如火如荼支持安住杨当纽约市长),一边公开说ashamed of being Asian。他说ashamed的时候怎么没见左派拿出骂trump说china virus的力气骂他?脑子洗穿。双标到这程度了还不自知。
把南非缺医少药的非裔兄弟都接到美国来治病吧。 Biden makes tackling racial, ethnic inequities during coronavirus pandemic a priority,👍