回复 1楼xinchina的帖子 1你听过哪些鼓励的话,对你产生了积极的影响,请分享内容,让大家一起感受肯定的语言的力量。 Titile: honesty There is honesty and then there is honesty. The first type of honesty is the type you have with your friends and family. You trust them with the quirky things about you and with some of the crazy stuff you done. A drunken tale from college. Maybe a humiliating moment from their past, but not with everything. Everyone maintains a thin veneer, a mask they present to the world that filters out their darker secrets. The second type of honesty is rare. This type is a bared soul, no secrets, no dark corner unchecked honesty. It takes a special person to be able to share all of their hidden secrets with another person. But, it takes an incredibly special person to listen to them. A person who you completely trust. A person who loves you no matter what you say. A person who loves you and stands beside you without judgement. I am often surprised by what I tell my Sarah. How much I trust her to hear me be completely honest. No filtering, no fear, no coloring the story to make it palatable. She listens, she loves and she accepts. She knows things about me that no one else knows. Things I would never even tell a therapist. I trust her completely to know these things about me and to continue to love me, always and forever. She is my Sarah. She is unique in all the world. I love her. ~Sir 2.在分享一句床上你喜欢的赞美,让我们也跟着被温暖一下吧? Title: Beautiful My Sarah has spent a lot of time this week on all fours with me standing behind her. I often take a long time staring at her before I touch her. She has asked me to write down what I see when I put her on all fours. At first it seemed like a simple task. I know she is very interested in my thoughts and I am happy to write them down. But this request was much harder to put into words than I thought it would be. My Sarah is beautiful in so many ways. Her kindness, her loving heart, her intelligence, her humor, her charity, her face, her smile, her body and more. When we are together I feel at peace and in the presence of something extraordinary. If you have ever gone to an art museum and been startled and compelled by a specific piece then you understand how I feel when I am with my Sarah. ... (中间太长了,而且有成人性行為內容,如果想阅读全篇,请让我知道,我再post) ... Once I have enough strength back I move back to the edge of the bed and look at her. She is covered in sweat. Her thighs are drenched in her juices. Her long black hair is spread everywhere. Through all of the thrusting and panting she has maintained her position on all fours because she is determined to be a perfect submissive. She is so beautiful in so many ways. It is impossible not to love her. ~Sir
能说不是伴侣/配偶的吗? 曾经casual date过一段时间的人,最开始两人都非常casual, 也不exclusive, 两人情况差太多,绝无可能稳定交往,就是有期限的一段关系,而且双方都有共识,讲明了的。没想到两人connection很好,相互尊重,相互赢得信任。他给我的都是积极的东西,“期限”到了之后“分手”,双方都很难过,但都必须往前看往前走了。 “分手”后对方说虽然在一起的时间非常短,但我算是他most impactful ex,有intellectual stimulation, 有高度信任,让他更comfortable with his body, love his body (and himself),非常感谢我。 挺珍惜这个评语的。
先向版主道歉,以后我会记得等版主分享了以后我再贴文分享我的。 @otokorashii_onna, 你说得正是。他最近对我说,他前度婚姻裏没想要生孩子,意外有了,turn out 对他来说是一个很好的人生修炼的功课。他现在更有负担照顾人的能力和坚持。现在他能把我负担起来。He is responsible for me. 我这有要求的公主,不容易照顾啊! 驻: 我贴了几秒中后,发现在第二点的分享内容裏,可以把我先生Journal的头两年段也post上,才比较完整的前文后理。知道你喜欢看,所以有空请回头阅读。 中间的,我就省略了,是性爱R-rate的成人内容,没有必要占版那么多。
大家真的不要吝惜对伴侣在床上的赞美,勇敢的说出来吧(当然了,真情实感的流露最好)。 在面对心爱的人的时候,Every dick deserves to feel like the best dick in the world and every vagina deserves to be praised as the tightest and wettest.
我也来发一个,当时他是短信发的,所以不是特别crafted. 我还特意截屏留下来了: Sharing the entirety of my thoughts and life with you is becoming more comfortable for me, with time and practice. You inspire me to attain a more purposeful understanding of life and myself as a whole. Your energy, realism, affection, and often logistical (smiley, kiss emoji) outlook helps me understand not only my heart but my mind better than ever before. I'll admit I must apologize because I rejected much of the reflection/encouragement to grow at first, out of fear of "the new", unease around questioning for deeper meanings, and emotional vulnerability. Words are one thing, but evolved behavior is the evidence of trust. I trust you. For that support, perspective, & inspiration amongst many other reasons, I thank you baby. 当对方感受到的和我本身确实很看重的东西是一致的时候,这种感觉真好啊。
我觉得我更喜欢跟校花一起坐在床上,校花的美腿靠着我,无需赞美。 我也喜欢跟小娃散步,小娃骑小自行车。我们可能谈论家里冲突,可能谈论量子力学标准模型,也可能谈论一点 artistry、虽然小娃不热衷 artistry。我觉得这样就很好。无需刻意赞美。 或者说,we share life, more or less.
大家真的不要吝惜对伴侣在床上的赞美,勇敢的说出来吧(当然了,真情实感的流露最好)。 在面对心爱的人的时候,Every dick deserves to feel like the best dick in the world and every vagina deserves to be praised as the tightest and wettest. otokorashii_onna 发表于 2020-12-24 01:32
只照字面理解,我跟我先生都在这裏失败了让对方feel this way。 我的阴道不够窄来夹他,让他内射我。他的已经是在她前度未婚妻的宾州男人們裏排行第二粗,硬,大,长,好使好用了。她经过三十多年的丰富性经验,数据分析,去年还给我先生的在第二位,她的剛變成過去的其中一位性伴侶排第一。我听了,开始以下与我先生的对话: 我:她只用你三十年前的阴茎来比较,现在三十年后的你毕竟比不起以前吧。提议你用现在的阴茎在给她看,看你还是不是排第二。 他:这我就不选择去挑战了,我还是喜欢保持排第二名的虚荣。嘻嘻! 说说我的阴道也比不上他前妻的够窄,够夹得紧,能使我先生前奏开始到射只需要5分钟。我五个小时也搞不成他射。 但是这些种种都不影响我两一起过夫妻生活的选择,更丝毫不影响我们的相爱或感情,沒有影響他對我的好。我先生说他对前妻的后奏并没有对我那么照顾好,他射完了,就自己睡并没有理她,她自己整理好就离开他的睡房。的确,我先生射完后还会拥抱我,cuddle 我,还帮我洗澡,梳理,或是把我安顿好睡姿,按我喜欢的系统盖好我的被子,亲吻我额头温柔说「Goodnight, my love」,帮我设定电热毯,mobile 充电,关灯,像照顾一个大娃娃。
when you are on top of me, you look like a goodness..... you are so wet, and cum all over me.... you taste so delicious... I Love Love your tight and wet P..sy, I could have it all day long...
回复 52楼的帖子 我回答这个问题吧。 对于原生家庭出生的,这个非常难。其实已经非常非常非常大的进步了。小娃现在都已经说 “I will go to college one day. And you will be living in paradise”。但实际上,原生家庭出生的,永远是否定的言语大于肯定。并且会做没有必要的 negative prediction。还是会 hurtful。这也许没办法。 而在亲密关系和家庭关系里,楼主的丰满理想,是做不到的。 小娃之所以很开心现在,因为她虽然 highly sensitive,但她同时也是 highly intelligent。她学会了 proactive and selective 的 temporarily emotion detachment,这样就能降低被 toxic / harsh comments 所 hurt。 但这有一个 side effect,就是不容易 emotional very closely connected。但这样能 block 住 toxic comments 的损害。 不恰当的比方,就好比要限制癫痫的损害,短期可行解决方案,除了抑制癫痫,还有就是适当割裂大脑,限制损害区域。
没错,就是紧和湿这两个最有成就感,哈哈哈 我喜欢听的话有: 你皮肤很好 you smell so good 你是我做过的女人里最紧的 you are the best! i wanna do you (好喜欢dirty talk😌 和很多直接诚实的话) 胸大屁股好摸😁 let‘s cum together babe i love you❤️
我听过我先生这样说过 他跟他那样子身材出众的校花前妻 在一起時,也是只能没脾气。有甚么想跟她争议的也吞进去了,换上最好用的和气完場话对她说:「Good that you are pretty!」 now,我是他妻子,他对我说:「Good that you are cute!」我记忆力特别好,所以敏感上身,想到他到底用什么point 要跟我说有吞下肚子里不说的 影响到他情绪健康, 要用这种思维来平衡他对妻子的心态的呢?我会记住,找个他有个适合心情探讨的时机,我再挖回来这话题跟他继续聊。
你这个猜错了,我出生的家庭非常好,父母都是高知,从来不在我面前吵架。 当然父母也因为我小学时候数学不及格,而骂过我,但跟同期平行比真不算啥。 我觉得大家对高知家庭可能有偏见。这偏见很大程度上是因为大家更多看到的是 high achiever。High Achiever 确实容易可敬不可爱。但 high intelligence 其实是另一个维度的特性。 我实际上是在被 overprotected 环境里长大的。这对我的 mental health 很好,特别我也是 high sensitive。 但有一个副作用就是我比较 immature。
1你听过哪些鼓励的话,对你产生了积极的影响,请分享内容,让大家一起感受肯定的语言的力量。 Titile: honesty There is honesty and then there is honesty. The first type of honesty is the type you have with your friends and family. You trust them with the quirky things about you and with some of the crazy stuff you done. A drunken tale from college. Maybe a humiliating moment from their past, but not with everything. Everyone maintains a thin veneer, a mask they present to the world that filters out their darker secrets. The second type of honesty is rare. This type is a bared soul, no secrets, no dark corner unchecked honesty. It takes a special person to be able to share all of their hidden secrets with another person. But, it takes an incredibly special person to listen to them. A person who you completely trust. A person who loves you no matter what you say. A person who loves you and stands beside you without judgement. I am often surprised by what I tell my Sarah. How much I trust her to hear me be completely honest. No filtering, no fear, no coloring the story to make it palatable. She listens, she loves and she accepts. She knows things about me that no one else knows. Things I would never even tell a therapist. I trust her completely to know these things about me and to continue to love me, always and forever. She is my Sarah. She is unique in all the world. I love her. ~Sir
2.在分享一句床上你喜欢的赞美,让我们也跟着被温暖一下吧? Title: Beautiful My Sarah has spent a lot of time this week on all fours with me standing behind her. I often take a long time staring at her before I touch her. She has asked me to write down what I see when I put her on all fours. At first it seemed like a simple task. I know she is very interested in my thoughts and I am happy to write them down. But this request was much harder to put into words than I thought it would be. My Sarah is beautiful in so many ways. Her kindness, her loving heart, her intelligence, her humor, her charity, her face, her smile, her body and more. When we are together I feel at peace and in the presence of something extraordinary. If you have ever gone to an art museum and been startled and compelled by a specific piece then you understand how I feel when I am with my Sarah. ... (中间太长了,而且有成人性行為內容,如果想阅读全篇,请让我知道,我再post) ... Once I have enough strength back I move back to the edge of the bed and look at her. She is covered in sweat. Her thighs are drenched in her juices. Her long black hair is spread everywhere. Through all of the thrusting and panting she has maintained her position on all fours because she is determined to be a perfect submissive. She is so beautiful in so many ways. It is impossible not to love her. ~Sir
xx的优点: 眼睛大,是我喜欢的类型,百看不厌。 对我好,是对我最好的人,没有之一。 追求高但是又合情合理,敦促我进步,回头看,自己的多年不变进取心大半归功于她。 心地善良,待人真诚,真没见过这么真诚的人。 做饭好吃,要做就做大餐,一家子都吃得满足开心。 做事情要做就做到最好,从来不瞻前顾后,有大将之风。举个小例子,我就不会把家里的大帐篷拿出来在阳台上搭了给家里孩子们玩,因为又是组装又是拆卸,想想都烦,但是xx从来就是想到就拆。大人小孩都玩得开心,回头去看组装什么的又算得了什么。 对我的父母完全当自己父母来看待,生活上照顾,感情上陪伴,热情又耐心,完全是go extra miles,让我这个当儿子的自愧不如。 自从学了正面管教后,照顾孩子游刃有余,常常一个人带三个娃出去玩,让我可以在家静心工作。有的时候居然还可以忙里偷闲玩一会游戏。 谈到游戏,2012年暗黑破坏神3刚出来的时候居然给我放了一个礼拜的假,让我没日没夜的玩了七天,中间还给我买外卖。当然,七天以后也是非常负责任地帮助我戒掉了打游戏的瘾。 热爱学习,有了孩子后突然变得非常有好奇心,在这么繁忙中开始攻读新的学位,书一本一本的读,课一门一门的上,从不间断,而且涉猎非常广,也常常与我分享,算是我的良师益友吧。这些课程和书籍在生活上和工作上仍然在不停地指导我进步。 感情细腻,我有什么小情绪她都能读懂,有的时候精确得可怕,但是能很快帮助我消化,正面得对待。 总得来说,算是我们这一家人的spiritual leader吧。”
2.我在床上听过的affirmation。。。。喜欢听他在我的身体里多么的舒服。偶尔会听到你只要在床上对我好就够了这样掏心窝子的话。=This is the best BJ I ever had,虽然每次都这么说,但听了还是有成就感。当然,还有you look great,我爱你。
有这样的伴侣真是太棒了,互相把对方带到更好的地方 ~~
棋逢对手这个词好准确,感觉他们这样这才是D/S relationship最美好的样子。
@otokorashii_onna, 你说得正是。他最近对我说,他前度婚姻裏没想要生孩子,意外有了,turn out 对他来说是一个很好的人生修炼的功课。他现在更有负担照顾人的能力和坚持。现在他能把我负担起来。He is responsible for me. 我这有要求的公主,不容易照顾啊!
驻: 我贴了几秒中后,发现在第二点的分享内容裏,可以把我先生Journal的头两年段也post上,才比较完整的前文后理。知道你喜欢看,所以有空请回头阅读。 中间的,我就省略了,是性爱R-rate的成人内容,没有必要占版那么多。
你老公真的很细心 感觉很细腻
为啥不需要赞美? 还有人不爱听好听的?!
没 ,,, 校花的做法是直接扑倒。
Sharing the entirety of my thoughts and life with you is becoming more comfortable for me, with time and practice. You inspire me to attain a more purposeful understanding of life and myself as a whole. Your energy, realism, affection, and often logistical (smiley, kiss emoji) outlook helps me understand not only my heart but my mind better than ever before. I'll admit I must apologize because I rejected much of the reflection/encouragement to grow at first, out of fear of "the new", unease around questioning for deeper meanings, and emotional vulnerability. Words are one thing, but evolved behavior is the evidence of trust. I trust you. For that support, perspective, & inspiration amongst many other reasons, I thank you baby.
家里人都说我很 intelligent,小娃说我是 genius daddy。
不敢不敢。 我没干啥,哈哈。正常的交流沟通。 这个是现在的男友哈。不是刚才我说的那个短暂的关系。
在下驽钝 懂了!!
我也喜欢跟小娃散步,小娃骑小自行车。我们可能谈论家里冲突,可能谈论量子力学标准模型,也可能谈论一点 artistry、虽然小娃不热衷 artistry。我觉得这样就很好。无需刻意赞美。
或者说,we share life, more or less.
还有就是我觉得双方在一起是有“责任”boost each other's sexual confidence的。一种爱的义务吧。 不过虽然说是义务但是也不能强迫,还是要真情实感。比如说如果真心觉得对方性吸引力其实没那么大,只是duty sex的话,也说不出来这种肉麻的话。
当然我有时也对小娃说,“My little theorist, ...”
只照字面理解,我跟我先生都在这裏失败了让对方feel this way。
我:她只用你三十年前的阴茎来比较,现在三十年后的你毕竟比不起以前吧。提议你用现在的阴茎在给她看,看你还是不是排第二。 他:这我就不选择去挑战了,我还是喜欢保持排第二名的虚荣。嘻嘻!
但是这些种种都不影响我两一起过夫妻生活的选择,更丝毫不影响我们的相爱或感情,沒有影響他對我的好。我先生说他对前妻的后奏并没有对我那么照顾好,他射完了,就自己睡并没有理她,她自己整理好就离开他的睡房。的确,我先生射完后还会拥抱我,cuddle 我,还帮我洗澡,梳理,或是把我安顿好睡姿,按我喜欢的系统盖好我的被子,亲吻我额头温柔说「Goodnight, my love」,帮我设定电热毯,mobile 充电,关灯,像照顾一个大娃娃。
单纯从科学角度是说,自然的 long IELT 跟紧不紧关系不是那么大。
因为如果实在不紧的话,没法保持长时间得 erection 质量,也不会有 dry orgasm。
这个分享真的很赞,原封不动才有格调哈。我觉得语气特别重要哈,有的字比如骚,little slut啥的,如果语气用的有感情,就不是shaming,而是情到深处忍不住表达喜爱。
you are so wet, and cum all over me....
you taste so delicious...
I Love Love your tight and wet P..sy, I could have it all day long...
对于原生家庭出生的,这个非常难。其实已经非常非常非常大的进步了。小娃现在都已经说 “I will go to college one day. And you will be living in paradise”。但实际上,原生家庭出生的,永远是否定的言语大于肯定。并且会做没有必要的 negative prediction。还是会 hurtful。这也许没办法。
小娃之所以很开心现在,因为她虽然 highly sensitive,但她同时也是 highly intelligent。她学会了 proactive and selective 的 temporarily emotion detachment,这样就能降低被 toxic / harsh comments 所 hurt。
但这有一个 side effect,就是不容易 emotional very closely connected。但这样能 block 住 toxic comments 的损害。
没错,就是紧和湿这两个最有成就感,哈哈哈 我喜欢听的话有: 你皮肤很好 you smell so good 你是我做过的女人里最紧的 you are the best! i wanna do you (好喜欢dirty talk😌 和很多直接诚实的话) 胸大屁股好摸😁 let‘s cum together babe i love you❤️
我听过我先生这样说过 他跟他那样子身材出众的校花前妻 在一起時,也是只能没脾气。有甚么想跟她争议的也吞进去了,换上最好用的和气完場话对她说:「Good that you are pretty!」
now,我是他妻子,他对我说:「Good that you are cute!」我记忆力特别好,所以敏感上身,想到他到底用什么point 要跟我说有吞下肚子里不说的 影响到他情绪健康, 要用这种思维来平衡他对妻子的心态的呢?我会记住,找个他有个适合心情探讨的时机,我再挖回来这话题跟他继续聊。
一定程度过多的 negative comments 不是我这边的。但 high sensitive 是源于我这边,包括娃。
我以前也有 toxic 的地方,虽然不是主要问题。我自己的情况不是源于原生家庭 ,而是我的性格比较 explosive 原地爆炸。当然也因为不是原生家庭,意识到以后改变倒是不难。
另一方面,硬币有两面,剑有双刃。在处理得好的情况下,这实际上也是能 desensitize,对娃将来反而是一个很大的好处。
谢谢 @tidewater 这楼层的分享!
我自我评估,对号入座了:「 proactive and selective 的 temporarily emotion detachment,这样就能降低被 toxic / harsh comments 所 hurt。」
也给 这楼层的说中了我:「一个 side effect,就是不容易 emotional very closely connected。但这样能 block 住 toxic comments 的损害。」
我原生家庭的影响,楼层提到的我都能在我的原生家庭裏找到 对号入座 的地方:家父「的性格比较 explosive 原地爆炸」、、、家母「永远是否定的言语大于肯定。并且会做没有必要的 negative prediction。」
我觉得大家对高知家庭可能有偏见。这偏见很大程度上是因为大家更多看到的是 high achiever。High Achiever 确实容易可敬不可爱。但 high intelligence 其实是另一个维度的特性。
我实际上是在被 overprotected 环境里长大的。这对我的 mental health 很好,特别我也是 high sensitive。
但有一个副作用就是我比较 immature。