None Compete is very common. I think sometimes it is called garden leave. Depending on the level, you can have a year garden leave but mostly I have seen 3-6 months. You do get paid. Your case seemed to be tricky, definitely talk to a lawyer. You don''''''''t want to put your fate in the hand of an online stranger, do you? Why in the world did you tell them where you are heading? Plus you should check what you signed when you initially joined, I wouldn''t sign anything else now, period.
It almost seemed like you should have talked to a lawyer before you accepted the new job. I assume the new employer knows what they are doing, so maybe ask your new boss if the legal department is in the loop on this non compete clause. They probably have done it before so things might not be that bad.
另外,我需要知会新公司有这个non compete的存在吗?今天老板说,legal department会出一封信让我转交给新公司,说是有什么overlap,然后我不能work on这些有overlap的内容之类的,但本来我在老公司就没有涉及过这些内容,这样的话我到新公司去还是不能做老公司信上写的那些内容吗?
因为当时签的合同说要disclose去哪家新公司 所以才说的
It almost seemed like you should have talked to a lawyer before you accepted the new job. I assume the new employer knows what they are doing, so maybe ask your new boss if the legal department is in the loop on this non compete clause. They probably have done it before so things might not be that bad.
谢谢mm的回复。我再看了下当时的条约,title写的是non interference and confidentiality, 请问non interference和non compete意思是一样的吗?
我当时想的是non compete和non interference是不是不一样的意思,我签的是non interference.