据美媒报道,这位名叫Abraham Amezcua的59岁单身父亲是洛杉矶港口的一名码头工人,今年三月因疫情停止工作。 为了给孩子准备圣诞礼物,他在今年11月底复工,但不幸感染新冠。 在出现了新冠症状后,这名父亲在家中自我隔离,随后被大儿子发现死于家中。尽管他已经死亡,但家中还留下了许多未付的水电费账单。 更加不幸的是,他的三名孩子——13岁的大儿子和11岁的一对双胞胎弟妹——也被检测出感染了新冠。 目前这家人的亲属已经在网络募捐平台上发起募捐活动。家属表示,一旦水电公司发现Amezcua已经死亡,可能会立即切断水电 ---补充切除水电的原文 "It went as far as once the water and power company found out Abraham was deceased, they wanted to cut off power immediately," Castaneda said. "I just hope people can find it in their hearts to help these kids out because it''s not their fault." 原链接: https://people.com/health/family-makes-desperate-plea-after-single-father-dies-from-covid-complications-children-test-positive/
回复 12楼fino819的帖子 原文在这里“"It went as far as once the water and power company found out Abraham was deceased, they wanted to cut off power immediately," Castaneda said. "I just hope people can find it in their hearts to help these kids out because it's not their fault."
在出现了新冠症状后,这名父亲在家中自我隔离,随后被大儿子发现死于家中。尽管他已经死亡,但家中还留下了许多未付的水电费账单。 更加不幸的是,他的三名孩子——13岁的大儿子和11岁的一对双胞胎弟妹——也被检测出感染了新冠。 目前这家人的亲属已经在网络募捐平台上发起募捐活动。家属表示,一旦水电公司发现Amezcua已经死亡,可能会立即切断水电 ---补充切除水电的原文 "It went as far as once the water and power company found out Abraham was deceased, they wanted to cut off power immediately," Castaneda said. "I just hope people can find it in their hearts to help these kids out because it''s not their fault."
原链接: https://people.com/health/family-makes-desperate-plea-after-single-father-dies-from-covid-complications-children-test-positive/
不想说别的,但是对比一下“不少于300万美元,用于支持香港的民主和网络自由项目,包括为港乱提供法律和其他帮助不少于300万美元,” 这部9000亿美元的新冠救济法案和今年年初中国国家电网申明“欠费用户不断电”的作法 美国真的是腐败合法化程度最高的国家
原文在这里“"It went as far as once the water and power company found out Abraham was deceased, they wanted to cut off power immediately," Castaneda said. "I just hope people can find it in their hearts to help these kids out because it's not their fault."
很多东西没有办法的 就是这样