真关心900 billion怎么分配的看这个。 Overall, the COVID-19 relief bill totals more than $900 billion. Americans who meet specific income criteria are expected to get $600. The relief bill includes about $166 billion for the stimulus checks, according to a breakdown from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: Here’s the group’s breakdown of what else is in the bill: • $325 billion in aid to small businesses (includes Paycheck Protection Program) • $120 billion for unemployment assistance ($300 a week for 11 weeks) • $82 billion for education (such as K-12 education grants) • $56 billion for health care (includes funding for states to do COVID-19 testing)
真关心900 billion怎么分配的看这个。 Overall, the COVID-19 relief bill totals more than $900 billion. Americans who meet specific income criteria are expected to get $600. The relief bill includes about $166 billion for the stimulus checks, according to a breakdown from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: Here’s the group’s breakdown of what else is in the bill: • $325 billion in aid to small businesses (includes Paycheck Protection Program) • $120 billion for unemployment assistance ($300 a week for 11 weeks) • $82 billion for education (such as K-12 education grants) • $56 billion for health care (includes funding for states to do COVID-19 testing) thestral 发表于 2020-12-22 19:30
很多坏,但有能力, 很多坏,还没能力, 有些好,可没能力
文章解释了通过的法案是omnibus bill, 不是federal budget. 憲法规定总统必须按照国会通过了联邦预算案放款。但omnibus bill是没有憲法的约束,法案通过后,钱袋子却是总统揑在手里的。怎样支出,放款那里,都是由总统决定的,
所以议员们将自己喜欢的或是有利益关系的政治拨款全放在这份omnibus bill内,留着將来与总统作deal. 而总统将来也用拨不拨款的条件,与那些议员作deal。
看了这篇文章,才知道在O8任期並没有federal budget,只用omnibus bill.
楼主出来说两句,你和thestral 哪个说得对?
应该,这个bill竟然偷偷地放了一条,让总统使用insurrection act的权力失效.
看来有些人很担心trump会使用insurrection act
是拿covid relief捆绑销售其它一大揽子有的没的援助。川普veto的话,新闻就只会说川普不同意纾困。而真正不关心纾困的,难道不恰恰是这些借用纾困,强行推自己agenda的民主党吗!!!
天哪,他veto了,假如被两院2/3反veto,就通过了!然后他就不能用resurrection act了???