depending on states. Oh, it is illegal to ship alchol through USPS so definitely avoid it. There isn’t a universal answer to this question, as it depends on the laws and regulations in each state, city, and county that both the seller and buyer are located in. Why is that? When Prohibition ended with the 21st Amendment, it gave states the power to regulate and set their own laws on the sale of alcoholic beverages in their states.
如果delivery address在california的话costco.com有些不错的酒. 也可以上casemates.com淘一下(woot wine创始人自己重新搞的一个网站),不过他们的酒比较经济适用一点
难说,每个人爱的葡萄不一样。有些人喜欢Pinot Noir那种比较轻盈的口感细细品,有人爱喝特别冰的sauvignon blanc, 有些人就喜欢比较厚重圆润的Cabinet Sauvignon配意面pizza。也有特别懂品酒的人产地年份普通种类样样都有自己的要求。美国很多人就喜欢喝特别甜的葡萄酒,但是会喝酒的人觉得甜的酒还不如喝尿。如果觉得GC不妥你还是稍微了解一下对方的喜好,或者看看对方有没有特别想尝试的酒。
There isn’t a universal answer to this question, as it depends on the laws and regulations in each state, city, and county that both the seller and buyer are located in. Why is that? When Prohibition ended with the 21st Amendment, it gave states the power to regulate and set their own laws on the sale of alcoholic beverages in their states.
如果打听到了以后,可以看看所在州的酒庄有什么比较好的酒。加州,Washington State,还有东岸的纽约州都有不错的当地酒庄。我会比较建议从这些酒庄买local的酒送他/她,比在wine shop买的有心思。如果人在加州还能送NAPA valley的品酒卷也是不错的。