Dumpling is a broad classification for a dish that consists of pieces of dough (made from a variety of starch sources) wrapped around a filling, or of dough with no filling. The dough can be based on bread, flour or potatoes, and may be filled with meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruits or sweets. ---------Wiki
哈,同样的经历。有个小朋友说老来我家蹭饭不好意思,要给我们做一次dumplings. 我很惊讶这娃还会包饺子?结果折腾了一个多小时就煮了些面疙瘩🤣
这个是著名的肝脏团子汤 也叫dumpling... 冬天最喜欢的前菜
刚刚才看到这个 大人都研究了好久😂