Foxnews 还好,newsmax 也叛变了?看来这个lawsuit威力不小 Conservative media outlet Newsmax issued a clarification on Monday about recent claims made by guests about a voting software company the network suggested flipped votes to President-elect Joe Biden. "Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies," the outlet said in a statement posted online and read by host John Tabacco. "There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other."
Foxnews 还好,newsmax 也叛变了?看来这个lawsuit威力不小 Conservative media outlet Newsmax issued a clarification on Monday about recent claims made by guests about a voting software company the network suggested flipped votes to President-elect Joe Biden. "Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies," the outlet said in a statement posted online and read by host John Tabacco. "There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other."
Foxnews 还好,newsmax 也叛变了?看来这个lawsuit威力不小 Conservative media outlet Newsmax issued a clarification on Monday about recent claims made by guests about a voting software company the network suggested flipped votes to President-elect Joe Biden. "Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies," the outlet said in a statement posted online and read by host John Tabacco. "There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other."
这里很多的说法都是从法long功那里来的。youtube 上很多自酶体为了流量,每天也传播大量的这类真假难辨的新闻
你自己心虚吧,还披个弓马。 MASSIVE FRAUD。 Biden 是个骗子,煮霉被操控删帖封号,败灯也是个Coward,删帖,这都是本人亲身经历。我发的还是政府的文件链接,希望他能解释,结果不仅被删还说明不能发链接,老船的骂他夸他的都存在。这就是作恶心虚和问心无愧的差别。你也许一直是个历来顺受听上面话的顺民,即使发现不平事件也宽容大量包容政府,像呵斥李文亮的那些人一样。呵呵 ,我们愿意寻找真相,不需要你来批判污蔑我们这些正义之人。对你眼瞎了,愿意吃霉体垃圾,或者人不够聪明,不能分辩是非。最后坚信: 败灯这个非法总统会下去。
法庭没有过,过庭的你自己看一下报告。和具体判决书。不是没有Fraud. 你再等几天。
你都被这帮白痴气糊涂了,拜登哪有上台机会 ?不存在退下去的说法。
你说吧等几天? 你说等几天就等几天 但是不要时间到了又说再等几天
版主说你们不要惹事 否则就和买买提一样的命运了 保护华人网长青难道妹子不明白
我发现了, 说大选没有作弊的都可以留闲话版。
得嘞 赶紧变买买提吧 反正已经被五毛控制了这儿
Conservative media outlet Newsmax issued a clarification on Monday about recent claims made by guests about a voting software company the network suggested flipped votes to President-elect Joe Biden. "Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies," the outlet said in a statement posted online and read by host John Tabacco. "There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other."
还等啥呀 就那么着了 天天说作弊 听证会一场又一场 然后呢然后呢然后呢 所以 就这样吧 无非今后大家多赚钱 追物质升华非精神升华呗
Foxnews Newsmax 现在正式加入Fake News。BE PROUD。
本来新闻机构就不保证报道的是事实。猜想也可报道。要不然报道trump 通俄的不是都只有解体了。
你这个video比我看到的媒体上文字稿文字稿澄清得更彻底啊。把以前说,什么flip votes,和克林顿家族,委内瑞拉有关系诸如此类谣言一并否认了