收入10万以下有机会拿到$600的direct deposit,失业救济会每周额外给$300 https://www.wsj.com/articles/congress-races-to-approve-virus-relief-package-11608481584?mod=hp_lead_pos1 Congress Reaches Final Agreement on Pandemic Relief Package expected to include $600 checks for many Americans and $300 a week in extra jobless aid WASHINGTON—Lawmakers reached a final agreement on the $900 billion coronavirus relief package, moving Congress closer to approval of a fresh infusion of aid to households, small businesses and schools after months of gridlock. The emerging agreement is expected to provide a $600 direct check to many Americans, $300 a week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits, and aid for schools, vaccine distribution and small businesses. “President Trump has pushed hard for months to send Americans badly needed financial relief,” White House spokesman Ben Williamson said. “We look forward to Congress sending a bill to his desk imminently for signature.” Negotiators on Sunday had been finalizing details for the rest of the bill after settling a disagreement on the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending powers earlier in the weekend. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) on Sunday afternoon said all outstanding issues were settled. “At long last we have the bipartisan breakthrough the country has needed,” Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor. “Now we need to promptly finalize text, avoid any last-minute obstacles and cooperate to move this legislation through both chambers.”
欧洲复工股跌惨了,美帝复工股今天会跟进, 特斯拉周五 last minutes 最后一跃盘前都吐出来了 Travel stocks suffer British Airways parent IAG and cruise operator Carnival dropped more than 9% to lead a broad decline for travel and leisure stocks, while booking service Trainline and mall operator URW shed more than 8%.
Congress Reaches Final Agreement on Pandemic Relief Package expected to include $600 checks for many Americans and $300 a week in extra jobless aid
WASHINGTON—Lawmakers reached a final agreement on the $900 billion coronavirus relief package, moving Congress closer to approval of a fresh infusion of aid to households, small businesses and schools after months of gridlock. The emerging agreement is expected to provide a $600 direct check to many Americans, $300 a week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits, and aid for schools, vaccine distribution and small businesses. “President Trump has pushed hard for months to send Americans badly needed financial relief,” White House spokesman Ben Williamson said. “We look forward to Congress sending a bill to his desk imminently for signature.” Negotiators on Sunday had been finalizing details for the rest of the bill after settling a disagreement on the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending powers earlier in the weekend. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) on Sunday afternoon said all outstanding issues were settled. “At long last we have the bipartisan breakthrough the country has needed,” Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor. “Now we need to promptly finalize text, avoid any last-minute obstacles and cooperate to move this legislation through both chambers.”
这可不是刺激股市,很多低收入人群因为lock down丢了工作。今年food bank事物都不够了
美帝 main street 不像美股和华人贵妇群表现的这样, 无数失业穷人眼巴巴的指望着这几百块呢
是的,这个利好早就baked in了。
Travel stocks suffer
British Airways parent IAG and cruise operator Carnival dropped more than 9% to lead a broad decline for travel and leisure stocks, while booking service Trainline and mall operator URW shed more than 8%.
无知屁民欢天喜地地感谢政府给自己发了600块,却不懂得实质上这钱一发,自己口袋 里的钱又有不少被转到了资本家口袋里。
我并不同意你的观点,第一这笔钱实际上是由每个普通人的花费流入市场的。 当然最后成了你所说的进入了资本家口袋。但是实质上也是因为你使用了资本家的服务,因此你选择用金钱偿付使用他们的服务。 这是一个平等公正的价值观,我们社会上的所有人都同意了这一尊则。 第二,印钱这一过程实质上对资本家是不利的。 因为他们的资本实际上被稀释了。 你不能把穷人使用了资本家的服务而使资本家有钱这一观点转换为, 放水是给资本家的福利。 我认为你的观点是不公正,不正确的。 第三,实际上宏观经济达到了一定的体谅,在大型资本控场的情况下, 政府印钱是唯一的解决办法。因为市场上没钱了。 你会问这钱都去哪儿了呢。 这钱被大量的资本家掌控了。 这时候市场上没钱,你不印钱制造流通性,富人不花钱,穷人没钱花, 这是要造成动乱的。 今年的情况特别如此, 富人很有钱, 穷人没钱花, 更由于疫情造成大量工人失业。 这失业是十分关键的,因为大量的工人以劳动换取酬劳, 这一过程相当于从富人哪里赚钱, 因此钱又从富人哪里回到了穷人哪里, 流通性恢复了, 但是如果穷人无法工作,而他们仍然需要使用资本家的服务的时候。 这时候矛盾就形成了。 政府的调解工作是要确保社会不发生动乱, 这时候实际上是富人一直在吃亏,比如地主,大企业,小企业,等等。 金钱的流通性的确实对经济的打击是十分巨大的。 现在政府必须再给经济注入活力,确保穷人还有钱给富人以继续使用他们的设施。 但是富人却还不得不拿着被注水的酬劳以继续让穷人使用他们的设施让经济继续。 长期以往的结果就是,通货膨胀, 物价飞升。 但是美元好在有历史的全球流通性。 作为最坚硬的货币, 这也是美国人民长期的努力以及天佑美利坚把。
econ major的同学,出来拍死他。
我也震翻了,小红书好几个员工在为Wish打call。下面评论都是投诉Wish,员工小姐姐来一句“你不是target customer”。我就奇怪了有什么target customer是乐意付钱了收不到货的?
recourse plz