还有一个相关的例子就是Online Dating经常出现的一个场面, 其中一方觉得omg we had such a good connection,特别希望继续, 而另一方却觉得只是一次还算愉快的date, 并不想second date。当然如果出现这种情况,有很多可能的解释,但其中一种就是,一方的社交技巧比较高,能让对方(不只是约会对象,其他任何交际对象都适用)感到如沐春风。两者实力根本就不对等。
回复 13楼haUSA123的帖子 谢谢你的问候。我们的发展,算是「守得了云开见到了月明」。 刚开始时有人会用「相逢恨晚」来形容。但我先生用一个positive的观点带我来看我们的相爱旅程,他说:「We have the rest of our life to be together.」 MeekSarah 发表于 2020-12-20 17:27
回复 13楼haUSA123的帖子 谢谢你的问候。我们的发展,算是「守得了云开见到了月明」。 刚开始时有人会用「相逢恨晚」来形容。但我先生用一个positive的观点带我来看我们的相爱旅程,他说:「We have the rest of our life to be together.」 MeekSarah 发表于 2020-12-20 17:27
回复 8楼haUSA123的帖子 期待你分享你所认识的两位有这种能力的男人与你的互动经历故事。 「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有!」 以下是我先生的 Flashback: Falling (希望能带给你同感,勾起你想起有这种能力的男人如何与你心心相连) I knew at this point Sarah was special. I needed to be on my guard to avoid any romantic entanglements. But my heart wanted her. So my head told me what I wanted to hear, "You can be just friends." Ha! It sounded so reasonable, so plausible at the time. In hindsight it was neither. But I didn't know that yet, so I was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Things are a bit of a blur at this point. I am running down a hill that was too steep. I do not dare stop because I will start to tumble and get hurt. All I can do is control my fall and hope I land somewhere safe. I recall going to a group lunch with her and we talked a lot. I tried to spread my attention around the table so I did not appear too focused on Sarah. I don't know how obvious I was being at the time. I recall going to another lunch with just Sarah. She was a little surprised that it was just the two of us. She had assumed it was another group lunch. But she was kind and did not break her commitment. We sat and talked and had a wonderful time. She is so amazing. I started looking for ways to spend time with her. She usually arrives at the office before me, so I started coming in earlier so we could sit in the kitchen and talk. We met at a Starbucks one morning. We sat and talked like we always do. That was when I began to realize what was happening to me. To us. I could not stop myself if I wanted to. I did not want to. My memory is still a little blurry at this point. I am falling. I would reserve conference rooms in the morning so we could be alone and talk. We spent a lot of time together. In the mornings. At lunch. After work. She took me out for Tapas one evening after work. I sat across the table from her in this empty restaurant. I had unfettered access to look into her eyes. Watch her lips as she talked. She was mesmerizing. Somewhere along the way. Sometime during all these discussions we were having. She managed to slip by every defense around my heart. Defenses I have spent decades building and fortifying. She just walked in to my heart the way you walk into your own house. Confident, warm, comfortable, unthinking, because she belongs there. Sarah belongs in my heart. I am happier than I have been in a long time.
回复 18楼MeekSarah的帖子 "She just walked in to my heart the way you walk into your own house. Confident, warm, comfortable, unthinking, because she belongs there." 太甜了
回复 8楼haUSA123的帖子 期待你分享你所认识的两位有这种能力的男人与你的互动经历故事。 「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有!」 以下是我先生的 Flashback: Falling (希望能带给你同感,勾起你想起有这种能力的男人如何与你心心相连) I knew at this point Sarah was special. I needed to be on my guard to avoid any romantic entanglements. But my heart wanted her. So my head told me what I wanted to hear, "You can be just friends." Ha! It sounded so reasonable, so plausible at the time. In hindsight it was neither. But I didn't know that yet, so I was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Things are a bit of a blur at this point. I am running down a hill that was too steep. I do not dare stop because I will start to tumble and get hurt. All I can do is control my fall and hope I land somewhere safe. I recall going to a group lunch with her and we talked a lot. I tried to spread my attention around the table so I did not appear too focused on Sarah. I don't know how obvious I was being at the time. I recall going to another lunch with just Sarah. She was a little surprised that it was just the two of us. She had assumed it was another group lunch. But she was kind and did not break her commitment. We sat and talked and had a wonderful time. She is so amazing. I started looking for ways to spend time with her. She usually arrives at the office before me, so I started coming in earlier so we could sit in the kitchen and talk. We met at a Starbucks one morning. We sat and talked like we always do. That was when I began to realize what was happening to me. To us. I could not stop myself if I wanted to. I did not want to. My memory is still a little blurry at this point. I am falling. I would reserve conference rooms in the morning so we could be alone and talk. We spent a lot of time together. In the mornings. At lunch. After work. She took me out for Tapas one evening after work. I sat across the table from her in this empty restaurant. I had unfettered access to look into her eyes. Watch her lips as she talked. She was mesmerizing. Somewhere along the way. Sometime during all these discussions we were having. She managed to slip by every defense around my heart. Defenses I have spent decades building and fortifying. She just walked in to my heart the way you walk into your own house. Confident, warm, comfortable, unthinking, because she belongs there. Sarah belongs in my heart. I am happier than I have been in a long time. MeekSarah 发表于 2020-12-20 21:40
我想我经历过,而且不止一次。。 但我发现周围知道的人不多。。所以稀有吧。。
知道的几个例子 比较初步的,能感觉对方对自己的思念,关注,等等 中级的能让对方也呼应,想你 高级的双方可以心意相通。。 read each other's mind..
1. 曾经有过吗? Yes
2. 现在还有吗? Yes
3. 如果第二个问题答案是yes, 是和现在的先生、妻子吗? No.
如果53一族,三个都是 Yes, 真 * 人生赢家!
如果现在在谈朋友,不知道我说什么的,应该检讨一下是不是谈了 个假恋爱,还是有点迟钝。。
但是,非常讨厌这种“你没经历过我经历过的事情就是白活了”“谈了个假恋爱”的说法 还有,心意相通跟男女赚钱有什么关系?
Of course, there are something not for everyone..
不是情商,而是一种定向的 Telepathy..
我生活中认识的确定应该有这种能力的。。一个已经中年,是国内一家非常有名集团的 董事级别
先回应楼主你在第一楼的三个问: 「 1. 曾经有过吗? Yes
2. 现在还有吗? Yes
3. 如果第二个问题答案是yes, 是和现在的先生、妻子吗? Yes. (和我現任先生。)
如果53一族,三个都是 Yes, 真 * 人生赢家! 」 我邂逅我先生那时,我还没过40岁,他也没到50岁。 我是被动型,我先生是hunter型。 他选择要追到的人,没有落空的。 我观察评估:他这种本领除了天生和原生家庭培育出来的性格之外,还有后天(照你话说的)「赚钱」中磨练出来的。 原生家庭:他排行中间,最容易被疏忽遗忘的一个孩子,在这种环境成长,他应该自幼就有许多让他学习掌握好看人眉头眼额说话行事的机会。
长得漂亮的,会撩的女的都能做到这一点 但是这个跟telepathy不是一回事
刚开始时有人会用「相逢恨晚」来形容。但我先生用一个positive的观点带我来看我们的相爱旅程,他说:「We have the rest of our life to be together.」
求讲故事 =)
说得真好。。 他挺能忽悠:D
期待你分享你所认识的两位有这种能力的男人与你的互动经历故事。 「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有!」 以下是我先生的 Flashback: Falling (希望能带给你同感,勾起你想起有这种能力的男人如何与你心心相连) I knew at this point Sarah was special. I needed to be on my guard to avoid any romantic entanglements. But my heart wanted her. So my head told me what I wanted to hear, "You can be just friends." Ha! It sounded so reasonable, so plausible at the time. In hindsight it was neither. But I didn't know that yet, so I was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Things are a bit of a blur at this point. I am running down a hill that was too steep. I do not dare stop because I will start to tumble and get hurt. All I can do is control my fall and hope I land somewhere safe. I recall going to a group lunch with her and we talked a lot. I tried to spread my attention around the table so I did not appear too focused on Sarah. I don't know how obvious I was being at the time. I recall going to another lunch with just Sarah. She was a little surprised that it was just the two of us. She had assumed it was another group lunch. But she was kind and did not break her commitment. We sat and talked and had a wonderful time. She is so amazing. I started looking for ways to spend time with her. She usually arrives at the office before me, so I started coming in earlier so we could sit in the kitchen and talk. We met at a Starbucks one morning. We sat and talked like we always do. That was when I began to realize what was happening to me. To us. I could not stop myself if I wanted to. I did not want to. My memory is still a little blurry at this point. I am falling. I would reserve conference rooms in the morning so we could be alone and talk. We spent a lot of time together. In the mornings. At lunch. After work. She took me out for Tapas one evening after work. I sat across the table from her in this empty restaurant. I had unfettered access to look into her eyes. Watch her lips as she talked. She was mesmerizing. Somewhere along the way. Sometime during all these discussions we were having. She managed to slip by every defense around my heart. Defenses I have spent decades building and fortifying. She just walked in to my heart the way you walk into your own house. Confident, warm, comfortable, unthinking, because she belongs there. Sarah belongs in my heart. I am happier than I have been in a long time.
哇 你这个太太太太甜了!
"She just walked in to my heart the way you walk into your own house. Confident, warm, comfortable, unthinking, because she belongs there." 太甜了
这两个人我都是没发展成功。。<= 第二次握手的那种。。
有人这么向我形容我先生: 「他观人于微,掌握人的心理,并顺着对方的心理,运用相应的方法,令人乐于跟他相处,这是他厉害的地方。」