有住在Rye City,NY的姐妹们么?

楼主 (北美华人网)
不知道版上有没有住在Rye City,NY的姐妹们,尤其是有学龄娃的?想知道在那儿生活起来是不是真的觉得很白,孩子(和大人)融入要困难点?
娃秋天就该上K了,最近在为买房做准备,目前在考虑是Scarsdale还是Rye City,学区都很好,房价也差不多。比较倾向于Scarsdale因为学校跟镇子中国人比较多,觉得孩子融入应该会好一点。但真的挺喜欢Rye的,海边小镇,开车几分钟就不少park跟海滩。看了几个open house,觉得社区环境也很好,唯一的concern就是比较白。学校里的亚裔才10%左右,还有很多是日本人。娃越大越深刻体会到融入在孩子成长中的重要性,觉得不是逼不得已的话,没必要主动选择hard 模式。。。
I only know Rye and Rye Brook which are next to each other near NY and CT border. 20+ years ago checked them out but decided to stay in CT instead. One thing stood out was the tax rate, it was 3X of CT with similar priced properties (for an example Darien, CT vs Rye NY) and in general, properties were way older in Rye (not necessary a minus). I think now CT might have caught up a bit. Yes I remember being told about Japanese executives in Rye area but it wasn''t a concern then. It was a fine town then and I am sure it still is. Why are you concerned about 10% Asians in schools? It only make your kids school lives easier. One thing that I didn''''t know before was there in that area (CT/NY border), in a lot of families, mom stays at home so if both of the parents work, it becomes very hard to mingle with others because you won''t be attending lot of the PTA meetings and organized activities.

I think a lot people considered Rye, NY ended up in Dairen, CT because of tax and those choose Rye because of closer proximity to Manhatten.
“唯一的concern就是比较白。学校里的亚裔才10%左右,还有很多是日本人。” 我们当时放弃了Rye,因为一个班也不一定有个大陆来的亚裔。