其实我担心弄巧成拙,所以发帖子之前有google了一下,见有人说了下面一段话,所以更犹豫。。。 Why do people say ‘aww, you didn't have to do that’ when you do something nice? Is it because they like you? - Quora God no! It’s because you really didn’t have to do that. “Aww, you didn’t have to do that” and other similar sayings are ways to deal with personal embarrassment. Maybe the person you did something nice for feels guilty they didn’t finish the task themself. Or maybe the person is appreciative but can’t pay you. It’s awkward. But, fortunately, once they’ve said that, it’s done, you don’t have to pursue it any further. They’ve thanked you for your efforts and that’s that. The only thing you could really do at this point is say “well, it was the least I could do” or “It was nothing.”
有个美国同事A帮了我一个工作上的忙,虽然是他分内之事,但我还是想趁这个holiday season 送个小礼物,表示一下谢意。因为我最近都是在家工作,就先把礼物留给了另一个同事B,请她在同事A哪天回办公室时转交。然后我给A发了个邮件,告诉了这事。 结果收到同事A的回复,说是"Many thanks for the kind gesture, you did not have to do this", 并说他最近也都是在家工作,要到明年才会回公司上班。 这种情况下,我觉得他应该不是中国式的客气推诿一下吧?所以我是不是不用再让同事B帮忙转交礼物了? BTW,我两平级在不同的部门,所以不存在我高攀他的嫌疑。 不想会错意。谢谢! thethornbird 发表于 2020-12-16 19:03
那就更不用纠结了啊。楼上的都说了,对方就是客气一下,没有任何隐含含义。直接回一封,its not perishable and I will ask B to leave in your mailbox/desk. Have a nice holiday! Hope to see you in person in new year
其实我担心弄巧成拙,所以发帖子之前有google了一下,见有人说了下面一段话,所以更犹豫。。。 Why do people say ‘aww, you didn't have to do that’ when you do something nice? Is it because they like you? - Quora God no! It’s because you really didn’t have to do that. “Aww, you didn’t have to do that” and other similar sayings are ways to deal with personal embarrassment. Maybe the person you did something nice for feels guilty they didn’t finish the task themself. Or maybe the person is appreciative but can’t pay you. It’s awkward. But, fortunately, once they’ve said that, it’s done, you don’t have to pursue it any further. They’ve thanked you for your efforts and that’s that. The only thing you could really do at this point is say “well, it was the least I could do” or “It was nothing.”
Why do people say ‘aww, you didn't have to do that’ when you do something nice? Is it because they like you? - Quora
God no! It’s because you really didn’t have to do that. “Aww, you didn’t have to do that” and other similar sayings are ways to deal with personal embarrassment. Maybe the person you did something nice for feels guilty they didn’t finish the task themself. Or maybe the person is appreciative but can’t pay you. It’s awkward. But, fortunately, once they’ve said that, it’s done, you don’t have to pursue it any further. They’ve thanked you for your efforts and that’s that. The only thing you could really do at this point is say “well, it was the least I could do” or “It was nothing.”
这是客气话 既然说了就还是要送。我待过的公司都有可以recognize同事的program。25刀不需要批准,随便送,我一般就送这个,比自己送礼请吃饭强。
晕呀,我不是贿赂。。。 我其实给我团队里的人都送了同样的礼物,我在邮件里也都跟他明说了。 我们圣诞节送个小礼物,是很正常的。
这个我也常做。但他这个CASE不合适。 其实我就是想表示一下善意。他的邮件里,除了那句you do not have to do this让我confused之外,其他的都很善意。
那就更不用纠结了啊。楼上的都说了,对方就是客气一下,没有任何隐含含义。直接回一封,its not perishable and I will ask B to leave in your mailbox/desk. Have a nice holiday! Hope to see you in person in new year
这句话太常见啦 完全不用放心上 就是表明领你这个情和自己不是想当然的认为你该送我礼物
MM, 我说的是“我明年见他了,再自己送”了的呀