再次更新:一位细心的小伙伴发现这个捐款设立的时候就不是benefit zack,而是ACP Foundation and 4 others are organizing this fundraiser to benefit ACP Foundation update:今天早上更新留名的白教授email和学校主页不一样,多了一个S。。而且好多人逼捐, 越来越像骗子了。。。而且zack本人已经回sams上班,并不像捐款连接里说的没有劳动能力,请大家警惕。 捐款发起者没有一个和救人的zack有直接联系,怎么确定钱会给我们想捐的人呢。而且原来目标五万,据说12/10出车祸车total了,又加到10万,昨天还是十万以上的给受害的亚裔家庭,今天就是6万以上的平分了。。。不想咱们的善良被利用。华人卧虎藏龙,大家能verify一下吗? update:已经好多人提出怀疑,第一个发帖人multiplelife也在多个主题帖子和自己的楼跟帖表示怀疑可是却不在主楼更新,所以好多不爬楼的根本看不到。。。 又看了今天的更新,首先不说事故今年三月才发生,为什么last june有ceremony,就想问问为什么zack和原来受害亚裔一家有关的不能发表声明呢?那样不是可以消灭所有怀疑吗?这里是link,大家可以自己看看 https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-an-anti-hate-crime-hero-and-a-victim
再次更新:一位细心的小伙伴发现这个捐款设立的时候就不是benefit zack,而是ACP Foundation and 4 others are organizing this fundraiser to benefit ACP Foundation update:今天早上更新留名的白教授email和学校主页不一样,多了一个S。。而且好多人逼捐, 越来越像骗子了。。。而且zack本人已经回sams上班,并不像捐款连接里说的没有劳动能力,请大家警惕。 捐款发起者没有一个和救人的zack有直接联系,怎么确定钱会给我们想捐的人呢。而且原来目标五万,据说12/10出车祸车total了,又加到10万,昨天还是十万以上的给受害的亚裔家庭,今天就是6万以上的平分了。。。不想咱们的善良被利用。华人卧虎藏龙,大家能verify一下吗? update:已经好多人提出怀疑,第一个发帖人multiplelife也在多个主题帖子和自己的楼跟帖表示怀疑可是却不在主楼更新,所以好多不爬楼的根本看不到。。。 又看了今天的更新,首先不说事故今年三月才发生,为什么last june有ceremony,就想问问为什么zack和原来受害亚裔一家有关的不能发表声明呢?那样不是可以消灭所有怀疑吗?这里是link,大家可以自己看看 https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-an-anti-hate-crime-hero-and-a-victim littlefat 发表于 2020-12-12 17:48
直接去捐款页面,有更新。 Dear Donors and Followers, Thank you for your donation and support of Zach Owen and the Cung family. APAPA, OCA and UCA were co-sponsors of the ceremony in Houston, where Zach was recognized with the advocacy award last June,
After we learned Zach planned to move to Durant, OK to live with his grandfather, we reached out to ACP Foundation in Dallas, which is only one and half hours away from Durant. We thank ACP Foundation and President Qiang Gan for agreeing to manage the donations. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again. Steven Pei 白先慎 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston [email protected] or [email protected]
直接去捐款页面,有更新。 Dear Donors and Followers, Thank you for your donation and support of Zach Owen and the Cung family. APAPA, OCA and UCA were co-sponsors of the ceremony in Houston, where Zach was recognized with the advocacy award last June,
After we learned Zach planned to move to Durant, OK to live with his grandfather, we reached out to ACP Foundation in Dallas, which is only one and half hours away from Durant. We thank ACP Foundation and President Qiang Gan for agreeing to manage the donations. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again. Steven Pei 白先慎 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston [email protected] or [email protected] yaner11 发表于 2020-12-13 12:46
直接去捐款页面,有更新。 Dear Donors and Followers, Thank you for your donation and support of Zach Owen and the Cung family. APAPA, OCA and UCA were co-sponsors of the ceremony in Houston, where Zach was recognized with the advocacy award last June,
After we learned Zach planned to move to Durant, OK to live with his grandfather, we reached out to ACP Foundation in Dallas, which is only one and half hours away from Durant. We thank ACP Foundation and President Qiang Gan for agreeing to manage the donations. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again. Steven Pei 白先慎 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston [email protected] or [email protected] yaner11 发表于 2020-12-13 12:46
这个教授的学校主页, 和你显示邮箱地址不一样: http://www.ee.uh.edu/faculty/pei Dr. Shin-Shem Steven Pei Professor Office Location: W322 Engineering Building 2 Phone: 713-743-4433 | Fax: 713-743-4444 Email: [email protected]
gofundme 的可信度如何? 我们常常看到有周围不幸的事件, 然后大家募款, 没看到有人质疑偏捐。比如有个单亲妈妈被害, 大家给她的未成年孩子募捐。 我们社区的脸书上常常有。 我刚刚看了一下 gofundme 网站。 如果有欺骗行为, 可以在网站举报。。 目前我还是倾向于相信这个募款是真实的。 但是谢谢认真查证的人。 Is GoFundMe Legit? With over $9 billion raised from more than 120 million donations, GoFundMe offers users a proven and legitimate platform for fundraising. Our primary goal is to ensure that all of the funds raised on our platform are used only as stated in the fundraiser story. We also work to ensure that all donations are delivered securely to the right person. As part of this, GoFundMe relies on the help of our community to keep GoFundMe secure. Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser's legitimacy. You should be able to answer the following questions by reading the fundraiser: How is the organizer related to the intended recipient of the donations? What is the purpose of the fundraiser and how will the funds be used? Are direct family and friends making donations and leaving supportive comments? Is the intended recipient in control of the withdrawals? If not, is there a clear path for the funds to reach them? If any of the points above are missing on the fundraiser, we encourage you to message the organizer by clicking 'Contact' next to their name on their fundraiser to ask for more information.
gofundme 的可信度如何? 我们常常看到有周围不幸的事件, 然后大家募款, 没看到有人质疑偏捐。比如有个单亲妈妈被害, 大家给她的未成年孩子募捐。 我们社区的脸书上常常有。 我刚刚看了一下 gofundme 网站。 如果有欺骗行为, 可以在网站举报。。 目前我还是倾向于相信这个募款是真实的。 但是谢谢认真查证的人。 Is GoFundMe Legit? With over $9 billion raised from more than 120 million donations, GoFundMe offers users a proven and legitimate platform for fundraising. Our primary goal is to ensure that all of the funds raised on our platform are used only as stated in the fundraiser story. We also work to ensure that all donations are delivered securely to the right person. As part of this, GoFundMe relies on the help of our community to keep GoFundMe secure. Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser's legitimacy. You should be able to answer the following questions by reading the fundraiser: How is the organizer related to the intended recipient of the donations? What is the purpose of the fundraiser and how will the funds be used? Are direct family and friends making donations and leaving supportive comments? Is the intended recipient in control of the withdrawals? If not, is there a clear path for the funds to reach them? If any of the points above are missing on the fundraiser, we encourage you to message the organizer by clicking 'Contact' next to their name on their fundraiser to ask for more information. Heiniu 发表于 2020-12-13 16:16
gofundme 的可信度如何? 我们常常看到有周围不幸的事件, 然后大家募款, 没看到有人质疑偏捐。比如有个单亲妈妈被害, 大家给她的未成年孩子募捐。 我们社区的脸书上常常有。 我刚刚看了一下 gofundme 网站。 如果有欺骗行为, 可以在网站举报。。 目前我还是倾向于相信这个募款是真实的。 但是谢谢认真查证的人。 Is GoFundMe Legit? With over $9 billion raised from more than 120 million donations, GoFundMe offers users a proven and legitimate platform for fundraising. Our primary goal is to ensure that all of the funds raised on our platform are used only as stated in the fundraiser story. We also work to ensure that all donations are delivered securely to the right person. As part of this, GoFundMe relies on the help of our community to keep GoFundMe secure. Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser''s legitimacy. You should be able to answer the following questions by reading the fundraiser: How is the organizer related to the intended recipient of the donations? What is the purpose of the fundraiser and how will the funds be used? Are direct family and friends making donations and leaving supportive comments? Is the intended recipient in control of the withdrawals? If not, is there a clear path for the funds to reach them? If any of the points above are missing on the fundraiser, we encourage you to message the organizer by clicking ''Contact'' next to their name on their fundraiser to ask for more information. Heiniu 发表于 2020-12-13 16:16
gofundme 的可信度如何? 我们常常看到有周围不幸的事件, 然后大家募款, 没看到有人质疑偏捐。比如有个单亲妈妈被害, 大家给她的未成年孩子募捐。 我们社区的脸书上常常有。 我刚刚看了一下 gofundme 网站。 如果有欺骗行为, 可以在网站举报。。 目前我还是倾向于相信这个募款是真实的。 但是谢谢认真查证的人。 Is GoFundMe Legit? With over $9 billion raised from more than 120 million donations, GoFundMe offers users a proven and legitimate platform for fundraising. Our primary goal is to ensure that all of the funds raised on our platform are used only as stated in the fundraiser story. We also work to ensure that all donations are delivered securely to the right person. As part of this, GoFundMe relies on the help of our community to keep GoFundMe secure. Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser''s legitimacy. You should be able to answer the following questions by reading the fundraiser: How is the organizer related to the intended recipient of the donations? What is the purpose of the fundraiser and how will the funds be used? Are direct family and friends making donations and leaving supportive comments? Is the intended recipient in control of the withdrawals? If not, is there a clear path for the funds to reach them? If any of the points above are missing on the fundraiser, we encourage you to message the organizer by clicking ''Contact'' next to their name on their fundraiser to ask for more information. Heiniu 发表于 2020-12-13 16:16
捐款发起者没有一个和救人的zack有直接联系,怎么确定钱会给我们想捐的人呢。而且原来目标五万,据说12/10出车祸车total了,又加到10万,昨天还是十万以上的给受害的亚裔家庭,今天就是6万以上的平分了。。。不想咱们的善良被利用。华人卧虎藏龙,大家能verify一下吗? update:已经好多人提出怀疑,第一个发帖人multiplelife也在多个主题帖子和自己的楼跟帖表示怀疑可是却不在主楼更新,所以好多不爬楼的根本看不到。。。 又看了今天的更新,首先不说事故今年三月才发生,为什么last june有ceremony,就想问问为什么zack和原来受害亚裔一家有关的不能发表声明呢?那样不是可以消灭所有怀疑吗?这里是link,大家可以自己看看 https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-an-anti-hate-crime-hero-and-a-victim
🔥 最新回帖
也没必要上来喊骗子吧,可以先申请退款,确认了以后再捐:https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/204150420-Refund-Requesting-a-Refund 到底啦 回复
居然不是to benefit the victim. 这是什么操作?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
希望ACP Foundation可以出来证实一下,不然就只好请gofundme不release钱了
半年前George Floyd出事,他家各种亲戚都在gofundme募捐,还都很成功,让人叹而观止
我刚刚在gofundme report fraud了,提出了我的疑问,希望清者自清,不要伤害我们这么多好心人的心意。
有道理!能不能发帖找ACP 的人?我今天没法发帖啦
所以这么半天没来华人上澄清不符合逻辑 唯一的可能就是他们压根也不知道他们在凑集善款
起什么诉啊 没看到华州失业保险被骗了好几亿也没起诉呀 人都在尼日利亚怎么起诉?
Dear Donors and Followers,
Thank you for your donation and support of Zach Owen and the Cung family.
APAPA, OCA and UCA were co-sponsors of the ceremony in Houston, where Zach was recognized with the advocacy award last June,
After we learned Zach planned to move to Durant, OK to live with his grandfather, we reached out to ACP Foundation in Dallas, which is only one and half hours away from Durant. We thank ACP Foundation and President Qiang Gan for agreeing to manage the donations.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again.
Steven Pei 白先慎 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston [email protected] or [email protected]
请问这个Steven Pei是什么人?我在AcP官网没找到 https://www.acp-foundation.org/2020届acp理事会/
后来就有了goFundMe上的更新 但这还是无法让我信服 facebook上的骗子现在多如牛毛
仔细看了一下,这个邮箱跟官网邮箱的后缀也不一样,不同域名的邮箱名字不一样也不奇怪吧,然后放狗搜了一下更新的邮箱,有这么一个结果,07年的,真假大家自己判断吧 http://www.famehall.com/safety/story/20070505072620.shtml
试试用你的email 当然最好的结果是,如果能在钱被取走以前goFundMe确认是fraud,那就人人都可以拿回来钱了
这个教授的学校主页, 和你显示邮箱地址不一样: http://www.ee.uh.edu/faculty/pei
Dr. Shin-Shem Steven Pei Professor Office Location: W322 Engineering Building 2 Phone: 713-743-4433 | Fax: 713-743-4444 Email: [email protected]
我刚刚看了一下 gofundme 网站。 如果有欺骗行为, 可以在网站举报。。 目前我还是倾向于相信这个募款是真实的。 但是谢谢认真查证的人。
Is GoFundMe Legit? With over $9 billion raised from more than 120 million donations, GoFundMe offers users a proven and legitimate platform for fundraising. Our primary goal is to ensure that all of the funds raised on our platform are used only as stated in the fundraiser story. We also work to ensure that all donations are delivered securely to the right person. As part of this, GoFundMe relies on the help of our community to keep GoFundMe secure. Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser's legitimacy. You should be able to answer the following questions by reading the fundraiser: How is the organizer related to the intended recipient of the donations? What is the purpose of the fundraiser and how will the funds be used? Are direct family and friends making donations and leaving supportive comments? Is the intended recipient in control of the withdrawals? If not, is there a clear path for the funds to reach them? If any of the points above are missing on the fundraiser, we encourage you to message the organizer by clicking 'Contact' next to their name on their fundraiser to ask for more information.
以前从来没怀疑过goFundMe 这次goFundMe应该也是受害者
大家不是质疑gofundme 的可信度。是质疑募捐的组织或者打个那个组织名义募捐的人。gofundme 只是一个捐款平台。
我们社区的脸书群里隔三岔五有人转贴 gofundme 募捐。不信的人不信, 但是我相信 gofundme 上还是很多是真实的募捐。
require refund: https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/204150420-Requesting-a-Refund
Steven Pei 为啥在募捐网上留个假Email地址?
不是中国人是什么意思?再说和是不是中国人也没有关系,是不是nobody也没有关系,现在大家就是想要确定钱是捐给因为救人失去劳动能力的zack,哪怕没有失去劳动能力,只要捐给zack Owen大家也认了。脸书账号不是官方证明,学校网上的email和gofunme留的不一样,这点很可疑。。。
不知道这样能不能贴人家的图,但是我找到这个。 基本上华人论坛就不该有捐款帖子。 一开始就不应该有人发帖募捐
我打算看一下George Floyd那个上千万的gofundme到底捐了多少钱,网上已经找不到确切的数字了。