#Hiring SDE/Full Stack/ML 自动驾驶独角兽公司Tusimple全美招聘

楼主 (北美华人网)
2021年上市在即,想要财务自由的机会就在眼前,加入TuSimple!!!           TuSimple was founded in 2015 with the goal of bringing the top minds in the world together to achieve the dream of a driverless truck solution. With a foundation in computer vision, algorithms, mapping, and AI, TuSimple is working to create the first commercially viable autonomous truck driving platform with L4 (SAE) levels of safety.
目前有122 Jobs在招,大部分Software Engineer/ML/Agorithm/hardware Enginner/ Product/PM相关的职位都有面向Jr level ~Sr level的,不少Intern 职 位。 疫情期间可以remote work, 之后需要搬家到San Diego,CA 或者Tucson,AZ,公司提供 relocation support。 公司可以提供免费三餐,医疗保险不需要个人掏钱,最重要的是Sponsor H1b、Green card!!!
职位相关信息已经申请方式见官网: https://boards.greenhouse.io/tusimple
我这边主要负责Software Engineering 相关职位(语言不限于C++/Python,Java/PHP/C#都可以考虑,只要coding 能力强就行👍),建议大家直接官网申请或者带着职link和简历发邮件给我。其他非engineering职位如果申请 职位2周没有收到回复,也可以邮件我,会帮忙跟进 [email protected]        
更多职位信息动态,可以加我Wechat: daisychu0826(务必备注姓名+职位),我拉你进TuSimple-SDE 招聘群