FDA guideline - if tested positive, 10 days quarantine. As long as there is no symptom in 10 days, they can go back to work. But thoe in close contact needs to quarantine 14 days because of incubation period
我们公司刚确诊了一个同事。 急吼吼地想回来上班,因为已经有2天不发烧了。 我就纳闷儿了,看她确诊没几天怎么就能回来上班呢?难道不需要转阴以后才能回来吗? 我就问了下HR回来上班的条件。人家甩过来一个CDC guidelines。 我说I see。 她就问说你觉得有问题吗?make sense吗? 我说,对我来说CDC这个guidelines完全不make sense,但是公司follow CDC也没什么错。但是,很多人在公司不戴口罩(包括这个得病的,平时压根不戴口罩),很容易大规模传播。公司能给员工提供的,首先是一个安全的工作环境。我觉得最好要求提供一个阴性证明才能回来上班。 没一会,HR给全公司发了一个邮件,强调必须好好戴好口罩。然后这个本来想周三回来上班的同事又被要求继续在家再待5天,下周一再回来。也算是折衷。 When you can be around others after you had or likely had COVID-19 When you can be around others (end home isolation) depends on different factors for different situations. Find CDC’s recommendations for your situation below. I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms You can be with others after At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving**Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation If you had severe illness from COVID-19 (you were admitted to a hospital and needed oxygen), your healthcare provider may recommend that you stay in isolation for longer than 10 days after your symptoms first appeared (possibly up to 20 days) and you may need to finish your period of isolation at home.
我们公司刚确诊了一个同事。 急吼吼地想回来上班,因为已经有2天不发烧了。 我就纳闷儿了,看她确诊没几天怎么就能回来上班呢?难道不需要转阴以后才能回来吗? 我就问了下HR回来上班的条件。人家甩过来一个CDC guidelines。 我说I see。 她就问说你觉得有问题吗?make sense吗? 我说,对我来说CDC这个guidelines完全不make sense,但是公司follow CDC也没什么错。但是,很多人在公司不戴口罩(包括这个得病的,平时压根不戴口罩),很容易大规模传播。公司能给员工提供的,首先是一个安全的工作环境。我觉得最好要求提供一个阴性证明才能回来上班。 没一会,HR给全公司发了一个邮件,强调必须好好戴好口罩。然后这个本来想周三回来上班的同事又被要求继续在家再待5天,下周一再回来。也算是折衷。 When you can be around others after you had or likely had COVID-19 When you can be around others (end home isolation) depends on different factors for different situations. Find CDC’s recommendations for your situation below. I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms You can be with others after At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving**Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation If you had severe illness from COVID-19 (you were admitted to a hospital and needed oxygen), your healthcare provider may recommend that you stay in isolation for longer than 10 days after your symptoms first appeared (possibly up to 20 days) and you may need to finish your period of isolation at home. yzz 发表于 2020-12-11 10:36
So true!! 关键我老板NND不戴口罩,进出大楼没办法,但是一到公司就这副样子,居然这么长时间了也不得 NND病毒真是不长眼
好奇怪的老板 我们必须去公司上班的人 都希望我们这些在家上班的人没有必要事情 别去公司 这个可以减少他们的风险
我女儿同学也是测出阳性然后去学校专门的大楼宿舍隔离,14天,每天学校安排人送饭洗衣服这点还不错,可是14天满了 也不测就放出来了,说是这两个月还是三个月都不用测了,真是百思不得其解
太扯了,我们公司三月就所有可以在家上班的都在家上班,除了老板因为要处理突发事件一个部门每天至少有一个on site, 公司人少了对一定要on-site的人也是保护
因为CDC 认为症状消失10天左右就不具备传染性了,虽然核算测试仍可能是阳性。
When you can be around others after you had or likely had COVID-19 When you can be around others (end home isolation) depends on different factors for different situations. Find CDC’s recommendations for your situation below. I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms You can be with others after At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving**Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation If you had severe illness from COVID-19 (you were admitted to a hospital and needed oxygen), your healthcare provider may recommend that you stay in isolation for longer than 10 days after your symptoms first appeared (possibly up to 20 days) and you may need to finish your period of isolation at home.
其他医院两周测一次。 我们今天email 也改了。有contact 可以测, 不需要在家等结果。继续看病...
同款大老板 他自己还有几十年的糖尿病史 为了看员工都在眼皮子底下 也是很拼了
保护员工一大原因也是保证business continuity啊,一下都倒了谁干活
哈哈这个也是我的心态, 我们组那些敢于不来上班的, 我希望他们一直不要来了, 等疫苗打上再说!
转阴,无症状,当然可以 了 !
你可以试试。。保存好证据,能证明 100% 是 这样被感染的。。
对的,CDC七八月份就开始的guideline,symptom based不是test based,症状减弱七八天后就不具备传染性,即便还是阳性 :(