If you do get accepted into a college you applied ED, you are bound by an honor code to attend. ... If you do decide to reject the offer due to financial reasons, you won't have to pay a deposit or owe the college any money. No ED “rules” or honor code is broken, and you are free to attend another college
If you do get accepted into a college you applied ED, you are bound by an honor code to attend. ... If you do decide to reject the offer due to financial reasons, you won''t have to pay a deposit or owe the college any money. No ED “rules” or honor code is broken, and you are free to attend another college artdong 发表于 2020-12-11 13:33
Stanford 有ED?
恭喜各位娃们的 ED offer 啊,这是多少年的努力与自律啊。
记得当年俺娃拿到他的 dream school ED offer 的时候,激动的哭了,虽然最后还是选了给钱多的那间。
If you do get accepted into a college you applied ED, you are bound by an honor code to attend. ... If you do decide to reject the offer due to financial reasons, you won't have to pay a deposit or owe the college any money. No ED “rules” or honor code is broken, and you are free to attend another college
这个会不会损RP 而且听说会影响他学弟学妹今后的录取?
当然不损,已经说明 no honor code is broken。
Due to financial reasons. 没有good reason肯定不行吧
其实很多 ED offer 都是一个 negotiation process, 大学给不到学生想要的 grant,是可以拒绝的。
一般只能申请一间 ED,除非其他学校有 ED II,但是也必须第一个 ED rejected 或者 deferred。
法律上来说,拒绝 ED 学校不能起诉,但是同时申请几个ED学校可以起诉。大多数私校有 shared ED list 可以查的。