不打疫苗怎么就置别人生命于不顾了?现在连疫苗是不是防感染都不知道呢,说不定打了疫苗没有症状,出去更要浪了。 “All three (vaccines)have been tested in large clinical trials, and have shown promise in preventing disease symptoms. But none has demonstrated that it prevents infection altogether, or reduces the spread of the virus in a population. This leaves open the chance that those who are vaccinated could remain susceptible to asymptomatic infection — and could transmit that infection to others who remain vulnerable. “In the worst-case scenario, you have people walking around feeling fine, but shedding virus everywhere,” says virologist Stephen Griffin at the University of Leeds, UK.” https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03441-8
不打疫苗怎么就置别人生命于不顾了?现在连疫苗是不是防感染都不知道呢,说不定打了疫苗没有症状,出去更要浪了。 “All three (vaccines)have been tested in large clinical trials, and have shown promise in preventing disease symptoms. But none has demonstrated that it prevents infection altogether, or reduces the spread of the virus in a population. This leaves open the chance that those who are vaccinated could remain susceptible to asymptomatic infection — and could transmit that infection to others who remain vulnerable. “In the worst-case scenario, you have people walking around feeling fine, but shedding virus everywhere,” says virologist Stephen Griffin at the University of Leeds, UK.” https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03441-8 ca563 发表于 2020-12-10 19:08
不打疫苗怎么就置别人生命于不顾了?现在连疫苗是不是防感染都不知道呢,说不定打了疫苗没有症状,出去更要浪了。 “All three (vaccines)have been tested in large clinical trials, and have shown promise in preventing disease symptoms. But none has demonstrated that it prevents infection altogether, or reduces the spread of the virus in a population. This leaves open the chance that those who are vaccinated could remain susceptible to asymptomatic infection — and could transmit that infection to others who remain vulnerable. “In the worst-case scenario, you have people walking around feeling fine, but shedding virus everywhere,” says virologist Stephen Griffin at the University of Leeds, UK.” https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03441-8
有啥世态炎凉的。 不愿意先打的少出门 ,不接触人,如果出门见人一直戴口罩不可以么? 为啥所有人都要做一样的选择。
原层主非常戏剧化。。。 好抓马
难道说为了其他人想要我出门 我就必须冒风险打个后果不可知的疫苗?
我保证对社会负责 不出去乱逛 还不行吗?
哈哈哈哈哈 有点可爱的 五毛君
现在怎么样就还继续怎么样吧 能有越长的观测期越安全 我保证不出来乱溜达总可以吧?