The interest paid by U.S. Treasury bonds is exempt from income taxation at the state and local level, but is fully taxable on your federal income tax return. The Department of the Treasury will provide you with a Form 1099-INT detailing the amount of interest you were paid on your Treasury securities that you can use when you file your federal tax return.
You can avoid paying taxes on interest earned by Series EE and Series I savings bonds when you redeem them if you use the money toward qualified higher education costs for yourself, your spouse, or any of your dependents.
ibonds 也是不错的选择。我以后可能会从emergency fund 里挪一些出来买。ibond最近6个月的利率是1。68, 比存银行强。
我们现在开始买treasury EE bonds。一个ssn 一年限买1万。所以夫妇俩一年可以买2万。20年后本金翻倍。我们准备每年买两万,20年后退休的时候每年就有4万,可以用来补充SSA Benefit 的不足,或者401K强制取钱出来时,用这4万来交税都可以。也可以每年Bond到期的时候,从4万里拿出两万再继续买EE bonds.这样就相当于一个永动机,你可以从此以后每年都有2万的固定收入。
考虑到现在利率这么低,EE bonds折算下来有的3。5的利息还是挺吸引人的。而且EEbond 的利息只有拿出来的时候才交税,所以还有延迟交税的好处。
投资EEbonds 就像是给自己买一个annuity, 也是可以考虑的另一个投资的思路。
现在石油分红股闭着眼睛买。10%都不止。 3.5%? 十年后汽车贬成自行车。
The way stimuluses are going, I would consider adding some i-bonds too... fixed + float (which resets every 6 months based on inflation data).
小白上来请教,为什么现在买bond fund风险大?
Re: 美元这么贬值,等20年以后拿出来,连现在1倍这个时候能买的都买不了,完了你还得交利息税😅
那你也买了 ibond 吗? 是不是不用交州税?
The interest paid by U.S. Treasury bonds is exempt from income taxation at the state and local level, but is fully taxable on your federal income tax return. The Department of the Treasury will provide you with a Form 1099-INT detailing the amount of interest you were paid on your Treasury securities that you can use when you file your federal tax return.
You can avoid paying taxes on interest earned by Series EE and Series I savings bonds when you redeem them if you use the money toward qualified higher education costs for yourself, your spouse, or any of your dependents.