谷歌的知名人工智能(AI)研究员蒂姆尼特·格布鲁(Timnit Gebru)周三发布Twitter消息称,她突然遭到该公司的解雇。 格布鲁是谷歌“伦理人工智能团队”(Ethical AI Team)的技术联合负责人,致力于算法偏见和数据挖掘领域的工作。她是著名的技术多样性倡导者,并联合创立了一个名为“Black in AI”的黑人研究人员社区。
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
WSJ 报道里面这么一段话。您细品,愿意有这样的同事吗?我的工作环境如果有这样的同事,我得赶紧走人。 “In August, Gebru told Bloomberg News that Black Google employees who speak out are criticized even as the company holds them up as examples of its commitment to diversity. She recounted how co-workers and managers tried to police her tone, make excuses for harassing or racist behavior, or ignore her concerns.”
The paper called out the dangers of using large language models to train algorithms that could, for example, write tweets, answer trivia and translate poetry, according to a copy of the document. The models are essentially trained by analyzing language from the internet, which doesn’t reflect large swaths of the global population not yet online, according to the paper. Gebru highlights the risk that the models will only reflect the worldview of people who have been privileged enough to be a part of the training data.
所以她的研究发现 人脸识别技术 在识别深色肤色的女性上错误率很高,跟识别白男相比。懂行的来说说这是为啥?算法也种族歧视? ”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“ flowereat 发表于 2020-12-03 20:12
The paper called out the dangers of using large language models to train algorithms that could, for example, write tweets, answer trivia and translate poetry, according to a copy of the document. The models are essentially trained by analyzing language from the internet, which doesn’t reflect large swaths of the global population not yet online, according to the paper. Gebru highlights the risk that the models will only reflect the worldview of people who have been privileged enough to be a part of the training data. xuexuan 发表于 2020-12-04 01:20
好奇查了下。还真有。 Dark skin反射的光不够,导致sensor不work. 说明当时设计的时候没有考虑到肤色深的。 Is this soap dispenser racist?” was the question that became an internet sensation. In a video at a Marriott hotel, an automatic soap dispenser is shown unable to detect a black customer’s hand. The dispenser used near-infrared technology to detect hand motions, an article on Mic read. The invisible light is reflected back from the skin which triggers the sensor. Darker skin tones absorb more light, thus enough light isn''t reflected back to the sensor to activate the soap dispenser.
好奇查了下。还真有。 Dark skin反射的光不够,导致sensor不work. 说明当时设计的时候没有考虑到肤色深的。 Is this soap dispenser racist?” was the question that became an internet sensation. In a video at a Marriott hotel, an automatic soap dispenser is shown unable to detect a black customer’s hand. The dispenser used near-infrared technology to detect hand motions, an article on Mic read. The invisible light is reflected back from the skin which triggers the sensor. Darker skin tones absorb more light, thus enough light isn''t reflected back to the sensor to activate the soap dispenser. ReesWitherspoon 发表于 2020-12-04 03:48
好奇查了下。还真有。 Dark skin反射的光不够,导致sensor不work. 说明当时设计的时候没有考虑到肤色深的。 Is this soap dispenser racist?” was the question that became an internet sensation. In a video at a Marriott hotel, an automatic soap dispenser is shown unable to detect a black customer’s hand. The dispenser used near-infrared technology to detect hand motions, an article on Mic read. The invisible light is reflected back from the skin which triggers the sensor. Darker skin tones absorb more light, thus enough light isn''t reflected back to the sensor to activate the soap dispenser. ReesWitherspoon 发表于 2020-12-04 03:48
好奇查了下。还真有。 Dark skin反射的光不够,导致sensor不work. 说明当时设计的时候没有考虑到肤色深的。 Is this soap dispenser racist?” was the question that became an internet sensation. In a video at a Marriott hotel, an automatic soap dispenser is shown unable to detect a black customer’s hand. The dispenser used near-infrared technology to detect hand motions, an article on Mic read. The invisible light is reflected back from the skin which triggers the sensor. Darker skin tones absorb more light, thus enough light isn''t reflected back to the sensor to activate the soap dispenser. ReesWitherspoon 发表于 2020-12-04 03:48
🔥 最新回帖
为啥是jeff dean辞的她?她不是说是manager's manager么,那应该是他们的director,这黑女级别挺低,如果现在她不搞这套咋咋呼呼的,哪里轮得到jeff dean出面,太看得起她了
Email 不是书面啊?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
”She is well-known for her work on a landmark study in 2018 that showed how facial recognition software misidentified dark-skinned women as much as 35% of the time, whereas the technology worked with near precision on white men.“
需要higher exposure
一方面深肤色对亮度要求更高,另一方面training data不平衡,深肤色的样本本身就少
这是没看原文吧,公司内部审核又不是peer review,居然说relevant work不够,显然是小题大做找借口不想让发而已
Twitter 上这么多精神不正常的人。
“In August, Gebru told Bloomberg News that Black Google employees who speak out are criticized even as the company holds them up as examples of its commitment to diversity. She recounted how co-workers and managers tried to police her tone, make excuses for harassing or racist behavior, or ignore her concerns.”
很多单位要求,员工投稿前必须单位 Clearance。
新闻链接里jeff dean的回复很清楚:公司员工发paper是要通过内部审核,她在deadline的前一天才提交审核。因为没有足够时间审核,所以就同意让她先提交了。之后内部审核的时候,发现很多了问题,尤其是有些相关的research没有提到,所以让她把文章撤回来。她就不干了,问是谁不同意啥的,威胁她老板说不让发就离职,然后老板的老板就发信让她离职了。也算是求仁得仁吧。
“inconsistent with the expectations of a Google manager.”
活该、不是有一张黑脸就可以任意妄为,竟然还惊动我男神Jeff dean,神马玩意
why don't they let her revise it before making a final decision to retract it?
说实话不是歧视黑人,我也碰到过这样的黑人,没有真本事成天拿皮说事 会哭的娃有奶喝,要是老中估计乖乖早卷铺盖走人,你看这个人真能折腾,公司闹,群发邮件,twitter闹,马上变网红,搞不好会闹到媒体...起诉...
他们越这样别人看他们就越是pink elephant in the room 惹不起躲得起
估计审核她文章那几个人现在都在瑟瑟发抖呢。这要是公司屈从满足了她的要求,这几个人估计要被拉出来批斗被cancelled 了。
如果那些relevant work是狗家自己做的,她还在文章里说这个问题没人解决过,发表出来不是打公司脸吗?
感觉这次Google讨不了好。。。估计后面会服软。。。心疼Jeff Dean一秒钟。。。
好奇查了下。还真有。 Dark skin反射的光不够,导致sensor不work. 说明当时设计的时候没有考虑到肤色深的。
Is this soap dispenser racist?” was the question that became an internet sensation. In a video at a Marriott hotel, an automatic soap dispenser is shown unable to detect a black customer’s hand. The dispenser used near-infrared technology to detect hand motions, an article on Mic read. The invisible light is reflected back from the skin which triggers the sensor. Darker skin tones absorb more light, thus enough light isn''t reflected back to the sensor to activate the soap dispenser.
我同意不能接受种族和性别bias, 但也不能把种族性别变成自己的privilege 了,那就是在反向bias!
希望谷歌这次别倒下,现在社会需要有common sense和勇敢的人, we all need to do the right thing and be brave.
搞不懂黄鼬的拧巴逻辑。你们到底是喜欢blm还是反对啊?为什么怎么做你们都要作啊?再说谷歌什么时候说过会为了种族放弃原则的?所以你们是希望她被fire 还是不希望?
这是技术难点跟歧视有什么关系 我实验室eye tracker 老是对不上我眼,我也发篇文章说是歧视asian?
如果是公共设施呢? 如果只能让一部分人洗手,那另外一部分人抱怨是合理的,公共设施的采购就不应该继续采购这个只有一部分人能用的产品了。 技术的问题,我觉得可以用其他技术,比如 motion detection.
又是这种逻辑 那任何技术都有一部分人不干活啊,那干脆所有技术都别用了
肯定这个技术比别的好用才决定用这个的 要比人都是傻子啊,非用一个更差的技术