不懂为啥不用支票,Money order非常不利于追讨被盗的钱的。 Quote from an article: "If your money order was fraudulently cashed by a person who was not the intended recipient, obtaining a refund becomes more difficult. None of the issuers guarantee refunds for money orders reported stolen and cashed though they may be issued in select situations." 基本上文章里给出的建议是拿到调查报告以后报警。
有人有遇上MO杯倒用的吗 最后都如何解决的。谢谢 唉 死马当活马医 只能先交$15看看WU调查报告怎么写吧
Quote from an article: "If your money order was fraudulently cashed by a person who was not the intended recipient, obtaining a refund becomes more difficult. None of the issuers guarantee refunds for money orders reported stolen and cashed though they may be issued in select situations." 基本上文章里给出的建议是拿到调查报告以后报警。
取Money order要ID的, WU那边拿到的报告里面应该有是谁取的