今年6月的时候给父母申请了B签证的延期extension,一直都是application received 但是11月份初就买到机票回国了,最近我收到了移民局让他们打指纹的信,现在我该怎么办?是写一封信要求withdraw application还是就这么不管? 我问了USCIS的客服,他们说如果写信withdraw,就算是withdraw application,如果不写信不打指纹,就算abandon application,不管怎样,超过原来B签证有效时间的都算是over staying! uscis跟我发的原话是:We can not make that determination, again whether you withdrew or left is as abandon you were not granted an extension. Its up to DOS or CBP to make that decision based on your last travel. You were not granted an extension therefore any time you stayed after your I-94 expired will be considered over staying. 所以请问一下 我还需要写信withdraw吗?感觉没有差别,都是over staying?
You were not granted an extension therefore any time you stayed after your I-94 expired will be considered over staying. LZ你父母不都在过期前回去了吗,有啥over stay不over stay的。
我问了USCIS的客服,他们说如果写信withdraw,就算是withdraw application,如果不写信不打指纹,就算abandon application,不管怎样,超过原来B签证有效时间的都算是over staying!
uscis跟我发的原话是:We can not make that determination, again whether you withdrew or left is as abandon you were not granted an extension. Its up to DOS or CBP to make that decision based on your last travel. You were not granted an extension therefore any time you stayed after your I-94 expired will be considered over staying. 所以请问一下 我还需要写信withdraw吗?感觉没有差别,都是over staying?
LZ你父母不都在过期前回去了吗,有啥over stay不over stay的。
USCIS的意思是6月底原本有效期到了之后的时间统统算over staying
我上传withdraw letter的一个月后,online就有withdraw的批准信了,再等等
这个方法好!请问是upload evidence 那里上传的吗
请问是上传到哪里呢?是upload evidence 那里吗?