Google 翻译了一下德式烤鸭 For the roast duck, preheat the oven to 160 ° C with a fan oven and wash the duck thoroughly inside and out under cold water. Then you dry the duck with kitchen paper and remove any fat from the abdominal cavity. Then you season the duck vigorously with salt, pepper and paprika powder. Use kitchen thread to tie the wings and clubs together along the side. Then you put the duck upside down with the water and the poultry stock in a roasting pan. Place the roasting pan with the duck on the middle rack in the oven without a lid and roast the duck for about 2 ½ hours. During the roasting time, the duck must be pierced under the wings and legs several times so that the fat can escape. The fat collected in this way is skimmed off after about 30 minutes and the curtain is repeated later. The duck is doused with roast stock in between and some water is added if necessary. After about 60 minutes, turn the duck. The finished duck is left to rest for 5 minutes, the kitchen thread is removed and it is carved into pieces of the same size. For the sauce, the cornstarch is mixed with cold water and this is added to the roast, which is boiled while stirring and seasoned with salt and pepper. pino 发表于 2020-12-04 04:13
谢谢分享!Ina 的烤虾方子也很好
非常简单:切掉尾巴上的蒂,再纵切成两半儿,放进大容器里,加两勺橄榄油,两勺粗盐,黑胡椒,拌匀,平铺一层在烤盘上,400 F, 半小时,中间翻一两次就好。
还有烤rib, 头晚儿腌上,酱油,老抽,蚝油,味精,辣椒粉,孜然粉,红糖,料酒。第二天放roast pan rack上,盖上锡纸,375 F烤一个半小时。取出来刷蜂蜜和头晚的腌料,放回去,两面各broil几分钟,注意盯着点儿,别烤糊了。完成。非常好吃。
还有法式lamb rack,其实也很好做,成品不比米其林差。网上找方子吧。不太常做,具体有点忘了。不过是面包屑,rosemary, honey mustard,盐,胡椒配成糊状包裹羊排,进炉烤15分钟什么的。
红烧肉用烤箱倒是从来没想到过,下次要试试staub两面煎然后进烤箱,谢谢分享! 烤箱菜还有各种Pulled meat,可以一次做多些,做各种burger卷饼热sandwich甚至卷饭团。
在德国饭店看厨师推出来小车子现场切就是这种 闻着超级香 但是吃起来私以为不如中式的 胜在简单方便