New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has already been touting his leadership during the coronavirus pandemic amid his book tour, but now he'll also be an Emmy winner in the process. The International Emmy Awards announced on Friday that the Democrat will receive its Founder's Award "in recognition of his leadership during the Covid19 pandemic & his masterful use of TV to inform & calm people around the world."
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has already been touting his leadership during the coronavirus pandemic amid his book tour, but now he'll also be an Emmy winner in the process.
The International Emmy Awards announced on Friday that the Democrat will receive its Founder's Award "in recognition of his leadership during the Covid19 pandemic & his masterful use of TV to inform & calm people around the world." true!
纽约春天的时候的确很糟,但那时候没经验,缺医少药,有情可原。 纽约现在的阳性率能排入全美倒数前五名, 以纽约的人口密度来说, 控制的相当不错了。
2月13日,纽约市长到纽约餐厅吃饭,大骂川普,呼吁大家外出就餐 3月2日,纽约州长宣布没有风险,80%患者都能自我痊愈 3月5日,加州已经封城,而纽约市长亲自乘坐地铁,呼吁纽约人坐地铁。 3月12日,纽约卫生局长建议封城,被纽约州长和纽约市长同时拒绝 3月13日,川普宣布国家紧急状态,纽约州长抨击川普制造全国恐慌。 3月16日,纽约市长亲自去健身房健身 3月18日,纽约州长否决“纽约居民隔离”方案 3月28日,川普提议纽约封路,纽约州长抨击川普向纽约宣战
应该是床大大赢才对 too much winning