回复 3楼CleverBeaver的帖子 IRS的规定是如果雇佣自家人(父母,子女)不用交Social Security and Medicare taxes。 真是难搞了
Don't withhold or pay Social Security and Medicare taxes from wages you pay to: Your spouse, Your child who is under age 21, Your parent, unless an exception is met, or An employee who is under age 18 at any time during the year, unless performing household work is the employee's principal occupation. If the employee is a student, providing household work isn't considered to be his or her principal occupation. See Publication 926 PDF for more information on these exceptions.
更新 今天又和家人聊了,老人说自己不愿意在美国养老,叫我别买了,他们很可能会放弃绿卡,需要的时候再申请绿卡,还问我如果放弃了再申请,原来交的10年稅还能算么?
你交social security也能拿退休金的 也挺好的
你要报税,报有收入,当然不可能只交medicare,不报联邦税,州税,ss。当然收入如果很低联邦和州税就没啥了。 我知道有报雇佣父母的,报了十年,为了省税,每年都是卡着4个点报(那时候年收入不到4千就够4点,现在应该高了),到了申请的时候,被调查,结果认为欺诈的。也知道有雇佣自己母亲最后成功的,十几年前她给妈妈开的每个月1000。另外还听过为了避免调查,朋友间交换报雇佣对方老人的。 还知道一个50多岁由妹妹申请来的移民,来了以后没有固定工作过(80年代),每年做点割草的零工,凑够4个点算数,到了年龄夫妻俩都顺利申请到medicare和ss
楼主,公民自费买 Medicare 也是一千多一个月,正大光明。
IRS的规定是如果雇佣自家人(父母,子女)不用交Social Security and Medicare taxes。 真是难搞了
Don't withhold or pay Social Security and Medicare taxes from wages you pay to: Your spouse, Your child who is under age 21, Your parent, unless an exception is met, or An employee who is under age 18 at any time during the year, unless performing household work is the employee's principal occupation. If the employee is a student, providing household work isn't considered to be his or her principal occupation. See Publication 926 PDF for more information on these exceptions.
Nanny 需要W2, 不知道交税多少
一千多一个月自费? 是一个人500, 两个人1000吧?
可以给1099。你父母交Medicare tax 和SSN tax