Former Raytheon Engineer Sentenced for Exporting Sensitive Military Related Technology to China Today, Wei Sun, 49, a Chinese national and naturalized citizen of the United States, was sentenced to 38 months in prison by District Court Judge Rosemary Marquez. Sun previously pleaded guilty to one felony count of violating the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). Sun was employed in Tucson for 10 years as an electrical engineer with Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Raytheon Missiles and Defense develops and produces missile systems for use by the United States military. During his employment with the company, Sun had access to information directly related to defense-related technology. Some of this defense technical information constituted what is defined as “defense articles,” which are controlled and prohibited from export without a license under the AECA and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (the ITAR). From December 2018 to January 2019, Sun traveled from the United States to China on a personal trip. On that trip, Sun brought along unclassfified technical information in his company-issued computer, including data associated with an advanced missile guidance system that was controlled and regulated under the AECA and the ITAR. Despite having been trained to handle these materials correctly, Sun knowingly transported the information to China without an export license in violation of the AECA and the ITAR. “Sun was a highly skilled engineer entrusted with sensitive missile technology that he knew he could not legally transfer to hostile hands,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers. “Nevertheless, he delivered that controlled technology to China. Today’s sentence should stand as a warning to others who might be tempted similarly to put the nation’s security at risk.” “The United States relies on private contractors to help build our unparalleled defense technology,” said United States Attorney Michael Bailey. “People who try to expose that technology to hostile foreign powers should know that prison awaits them. The close cooperation of the victim defense contractor and the dedication of the FBI made this case a success.” “This isn’t about a laptop mistakenly taken on a trip, this was the illegal export of U.S. missile technology to China,” said Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler, Jr. of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division. “The FBI will continue to partner with companies to protect their information and our national security while bringing criminals such as Wei Sun to justice.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation, investigated this matter with the assistance of Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Beverly K. Anderson and Nicole P. Savel, Assistant United States Attorneys, and William Mackie from the National Security Division, Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, handled the prosecution.
以后华人回国log on 公司的网络要给你安个罪名会不会太容易了? 这个老中八成是被骗认罪了。欲加之罪何患无辞,查你笔记本,查你浏览记录,就算最后不了了之,这个老中的生活也受了很大影响。 老中以后要学会gofundme跟他们斗到底,连川普这种傻叉的粉不要碧莲的骗人都有那么多捐款,捐几个钱跟他们官司打到底,以后有了判例就好多了 Sun took his company laptop on a trip overseas despite Raytheon security officials warning him not to. He also told his bosses that he only traveled to the Philippines and Singapore when he actually also traveled to China. On Jan. 7, he reportedly logged onto Raytheon’s internal network while abroad and sent a letter of resignation, saying he intended to work and study overseas. When he returned, his bosses quizzed him about inconsistencies in his itinerary, and he confessed to also having also traveled to China.
被告可不是因为带了IT Security software出境才被判的。而且Raytheon有明确的出境审批手续,也告诉他不要带笔记本了。 We know from the criminal complaint filed on 23 January 2019 that Raytheon’s travel briefing program clearly was working and in place. Sun filed his foreign travel notification with his employer in December 2018. Within the notification he advised that he intended to travel with his company issued laptop computer. Given Sun’s work within the Ballistic Missile Defense project, security personnel ordered him not to travel abroad with his company computer, as to do so would violate export control laws of the United States.
被告可不是因为带了IT Security software出境才被判的。而且Raytheon有明确的出境审批手续,也告诉他不要带笔记本了。 We know from the criminal complaint filed on 23 January 2019 that Raytheon’s travel briefing program clearly was working and in place. Sun filed his foreign travel notification with his employer in December 2018. Within the notification he advised that he intended to travel with his company issued laptop computer. Given Sun’s work within the Ballistic Missile Defense project, security personnel ordered him not to travel abroad with his company computer, as to do so would violate export control laws of the United States. 道特安 发表于 2020-11-18 16:08
Former Raytheon Engineer Sentenced for Exporting Sensitive Military Related Technology to China
Today, Wei Sun, 49, a Chinese national and naturalized citizen of the United States, was sentenced to 38 months in prison by District Court Judge Rosemary Marquez. Sun previously pleaded guilty to one felony count of violating the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).
Sun was employed in Tucson for 10 years as an electrical engineer with Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Raytheon Missiles and Defense develops and produces missile systems for use by the United States military. During his employment with the company, Sun had access to information directly related to defense-related technology. Some of this defense technical information constituted what is defined as “defense articles,” which are controlled and prohibited from export without a license under the AECA and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (the ITAR).
From December 2018 to January 2019, Sun traveled from the United States to China on a personal trip. On that trip, Sun brought along unclassfified technical information in his company-issued computer, including data associated with an advanced missile guidance system that was controlled and regulated under the AECA and the ITAR. Despite having been trained to handle these materials correctly, Sun knowingly transported the information to China without an export license in violation of the AECA and the ITAR.
“Sun was a highly skilled engineer entrusted with sensitive missile technology that he knew he could not legally transfer to hostile hands,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers. “Nevertheless, he delivered that controlled technology to China. Today’s sentence should stand as a warning to others who might be tempted similarly to put the nation’s security at risk.”
“The United States relies on private contractors to help build our unparalleled defense technology,” said United States Attorney Michael Bailey. “People who try to expose that technology to hostile foreign powers should know that prison awaits them. The close cooperation of the victim defense contractor and the dedication of the FBI made this case a success.”
“This isn’t about a laptop mistakenly taken on a trip, this was the illegal export of U.S. missile technology to China,” said Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler, Jr. of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division. “The FBI will continue to partner with companies to protect their information and our national security while bringing criminals such as Wei Sun to justice.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, investigated this matter with the assistance of Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Beverly K. Anderson and Nicole P. Savel, Assistant United States Attorneys, and William Mackie from the National Security Division, Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, handled the prosecution.
🔥 最新回帖
为什么要把笔记本带回国呢? 而且有下载的内容。自己连个laptop都没有吗
对华政策可能会缓和,但估计还是偏紧张。扬眉吐气 感觉也不太可能吧?不能苛求,能正常生活,不被追着喊病毒,间谍就好了。
不过 我很好奇政府是啥操作,为啥在正式定罪之前,还可以不放他出来的。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
所以他是被冤枉的? 他有没有上诉? 你觉得判多少比较合适? 还是根本就不应该判?
具体庭审的信息我们能在网上看到么? 所以他最后认罪,合作减刑了?
他具体认的什么罪? 不小心把笔记本带出境? 具体的庭审控辩双方的信息是不是不公开的?
大的政策方向上, 移民就是移民吧?中印日韩台湾都是一样的, 华府这边台湾和大陆出来的在军方承包商工作的不少, 具体的业务可能有区别, 我看台湾人的职位要高很多, 但是人家出来的也很早
你问这个问题有意义么? 如果? 我能知道? 你能知道?
我知道台湾人回台湾度假以前, 要走程序上报一些东西, 都有具体的规定和流程要做
在这种公司做这份工作,还把公司笔记本带到中国。 这是给自己找事呢。
同意! 他有没有上诉? 有没有律师团帮他弄? 在这里猜测没有意义
Sun took his company laptop on a trip overseas despite Raytheon security officials warning him not to. He also told his bosses that he only traveled to the Philippines and Singapore when he actually also traveled to China. On Jan. 7, he reportedly logged onto Raytheon’s internal network while abroad and sent a letter of resignation, saying he intended to work and study overseas. When he returned, his bosses quizzed him about inconsistencies in his itinerary, and he confessed to also having also traveled to China.
你这真是自我设限,模范移民思维啊。 这工作是美国山姆大叔跟我安排的?不是因为个人能力?信任的主语是谁? 你把自己作为美国公民来想,不想你的肤色种族,警察FBI能不能没有probable cause就把你拎出来严查?查你个底掉?其他种族的做同样的事情根本没人管?
你说得容易,我一个同事就是这样,结果老板联系不上快疯了,虽然HR给解释了是公司政策,但是老板的怒气最终还是要反映到个人头上。 很可能以后重要的工作就不考虑这个人了
这个文件连最搞笑的一个专家检测了笔记本说,这个笔记本上的IT Security Software也是禁运的,所以也属于没有license export. 也不知道007执行任务是不是也要想搞个禁运licences?
什么意思? 他因为这个软件也被治罪了?
律师 很贵的。个人如果被FBI搞了 如果搞到底,不倾家荡产是不可能的。而且时间漫长~看有几个耗得起的
所以最后都倾向于认罪减刑? 双方都省事
的确:警察FBI能不能没有probable cause就把你拎出来严查。但是如果有,就当然可以。
最主要是不是有racial profiling?是不是别的同事出国旅游根本没人管,看你是个Chinese就各种下套,想搞你,辞退你就给你捅到FBI
我们还有off shore team在上海呢。
另外, 中美还是敌对关系吧? 一个英国白男去欧洲可能就不会有太多顾虑
很多公司欧美同时出国旅游带着公司电脑还做私人用途屁事没有,中国人连电脑都不敢带。 当然有可能只规定了不能带到export control的国家。总之,这事一般都没人管,管了也没这么严,现在就是严打,而且针对的就是中国人
我觉得更多的人会不参与 不去搅这个浑水
大妈/五毛 以为公司笔记本上面那些监控软件都是吃干饭的吗?智商着急啊 电脑上的任何文件都是随时监控的,你动了都能在服务器上找到log。
自己读读自己的话的逻辑。 “具体不清楚”,“一般来说”,“没有”(肯定)。 一句话几个转折几个自相矛盾?
这人给Raytheon工作。这公司干嘛的,对它的export control有多严大家应该有概念吧。
这跟公司和项目有关啊,有export control的项目不能随便往外带,开始做项目的时候都会有相关指导,更何况这个案件里被告出国前,公司已经再次跟他强调过不能带了。
他这个因为跟军事用途有关 Ballistic missile
意思就是说 哦黄皮肤? 那就老老实实的打工。工作时候死命干活,别说别看,机器人一样的啥也别带回家就可以了。
大妈这么信口雌黄良心不痛吗 以前有留学生回国被抓,媒体大肆炒作间谍案,最后的罪名是看黄片,你还有其他种族的类似例子?
就按你贴的判决来看,笔记本电脑上的security software是禁运的。是不是每个公司笔记本都会装? 那是不是每个有公司笔记本的travel都会被老板旁敲侧击问你去了哪?然后报给FBI?
楼上还说要gofundme, 遇上nj_guy这种同胞 不被批斗就算不错啦,还想捐到钱。偶呵呵了
他们这种security clearance的雇员应该有training, 什么东西能带出去, 什么东西不能.
如果真的买成了情报, 恐怕不是三年期刑了吧?
所以说有没有racial profiling的关键就是雇员出国vacation带了装有公司杀毒软件的是不是回来都被严查, 是不是都被判38个月
你这个做学术研究实验设计可以, 实际操作很难搞清楚的
确实如此。不过胡搅蛮缠也没用,他们自己不服就去试试。这家伙就是在Tucson机场被海关 (CBP) 拦下的。
带去伊朗, 回来结果应该一样, 被严查. 美国就这么几个敌对国家. 跟race没什么关系. 只跟意识形态对立有关.
被告可不是因为带了IT Security software出境才被判的。而且Raytheon有明确的出境审批手续,也告诉他不要带笔记本了。
We know from the criminal complaint filed on 23 January 2019 that Raytheon’s travel briefing program clearly was working and in place. Sun filed his foreign travel notification with his employer in December 2018. Within the notification he advised that he intended to travel with his company issued laptop computer. Given Sun’s work within the Ballistic Missile Defense project, security personnel ordered him not to travel abroad with his company computer, as to do so would violate export control laws of the United States.
公司笔记本电脑不能随便带出国的吧。我们公司还不是和军工有关联的敏感公司,哪怕度假,出境前必须告知人事部,去之前,回来后都需要签表格啥的。笔记本电脑是铁定不允许的。除非是工作需要,必须要带,那个要专门批准的。这一点我一向很小心, better be safe than sorry
又不是自己,有必要胡搅蛮缠么?不过都是看客而已,看到同胞被判这么狠,说几下而已。 像您这种看客又有正义感,又有集体主义精神,又有臭骂活该的爱美国主义 又说不是种族歧视 可真是少见。美国移民应该多找您这样的人。
是啊,大家自己想想,如果你工作的项目涉及有严格export control的产品,而且出国的时候需要报备,公司的人告诉你不要带笔记本出国,你还会坚持一定要带上笔记本去度假,然后中间再登录一下写个辞职信吗?
噗呲 还得感恩戴德?难道不是因为美国没有合适的人才才招移民吗?这么贱的人可真少见。