
楼主 (北美华人网)
看到隔壁帖子, https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2619779&fid=398
有些疑问, 我们的情况也是类似,只是有身份了,不担心H1B的问题。
怎么样算搬家到外州了呢?如果我们在本州的房子还没卖掉的话是不是就不算搬家了呢? 还是一旦从外州开始租房就开始算居住了?
我们的情况是LD明年先去外州工作了,我还在现在的公司WFH,是不是我们现在的房子一旦卖掉了我就得跟公司HR打招呼更新tax deduction的情况了?还是需要提前打招呼?除了HR以外,有必要同时通知manager吗?
我会及早通知 没有必要delay 让manager也觉得你比较上心
wfh按规定只有tax会有影响 但是通知一下顺便聊聊busy with packing and moving, 让人理解你家里压力大 为啥不呢
If you have been in remote working status officially before your move, you need to let HR know your new address and effective date as some HR policy changes based on which state you are in and you can get all the mails from your company. Prior to that I think it's a courtesy to let your manager know that you are moving a few months ahead of your move. Sometimes with the move your time zone could be different from your current one and it helps to coordinate everything at work. If you are working temporarily remote like some of us are due to the pandemic, you need to get approval from your management before moving so they can process paperwork to get your status changed from office to remote, etc.
我会及早通知 没有必要delay 让manager也觉得你比较上心
wfh按规定只有tax会有影响 但是通知一下顺便聊聊busy with packing and moving, 让人理解你家里压力大 为啥不呢
WendyUU 发表于 2020-11-17 19:44

嗯。。 房子没卖掉之前还不想惊动manager
If you have been in remote working status officially before your move, you need to let HR know your new address and effective date as some HR policy changes based on which state you are in and you can get all the mails from your company. Prior to that I think it's a courtesy to let your manager know that you are moving a few months ahead of your move. Sometimes with the move your time zone could be different from your current one and it helps to coordinate everything at work. If you are working temporarily remote like some of us are due to the pandemic, you need to get approval from your management before moving so they can process paperwork to get your status changed from office to remote, etc.

Redshow66 发表于 2020-11-17 20:01

got it。我的case是后者,只是因为pandemic现在WFH。请问office and remote status对我有什么实质上的区别么?