Trump Cries Voter Fraud. In Court, His Lawyers Don’t. President Trump has claimed widespread fraud was at play in the presidential election. Several of his lawyers have told judges in courtrooms across the country that they don’t believe that to be true. Twenty20002020 发表于 2020-11-13 12:26
你的五毛钱到账了就行,多发帖,加油! yummyeah 发表于 2020-11-13 12:30
你不会看英文?人家 wall street journal 的链接都给了。 不懂就去查查字典,别在这里出丑。。。 artdong 发表于 2020-11-13 12:31
楼主,2 手货不流行了。川普还被离婚了呢。。。被这些左媒骗的很高兴啊。川普律师说:川普会百分百连任,作弊的会进监狱。白等和民主党一帮人玩大了,不如老船聪明果断,比老船流氓腐败,哎。。。。 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 denis_sis 发表于 2020-11-13 14:28
Fake fake fake,我去巨巨推特没找到相关内容 月亮宝宝 发表于 2020-11-13 15:15
你不会看英文?人家 wall street journal 的链接都给了。
脑子坏了还是眼瞎了?川普自己的律师, under oath, 在法庭上说没有选举作弊的证据。
她们不这么说怎么能让你 HIGH 啊! 怎么能骗你的钱啊!被人耍了还一本正经的!怪不得川普吃定了你们👌
Instead, 我找到了这个,死亡威胁Trump的律师们和他们的家人。人神共怒!Bring them to justice! Criminals!
Mike Roman @mikeroman
Trump’s lawyers in PA were doxxed this week. Bomb threats shut down their buildings, death threats to family members. They kept going. They believe in fair elections and know if every legal vote is counted, @realDonaldTrump wins!
你要多无知才叫wsj 左媒。不过你这种脑子只会相信川普的话,活该被骗。再多捐点吧。捐款8,000 以下都归川普。