他说,共和党必须重塑为“多民族、多种族和工人阶级的”政党。佛罗里达州共和党联邦参议员马可·鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)在周三(11月11日)发布的采访中表示,共和党必须通过与工人阶级选民以及有色人种建立更多联系来改变形象。 https://www.axios.com/rubio-gop-reset-trump-872340a7-4c75-4c2b-92 Rubio says the GOP needs to reset after 2020 After the 2020 election, Republicans need to rebrand their party as the champions of working-class voters and steer away from its traditional embrace of big business, Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview with Axios. Why it matters: Rubio told me he is leaving the door open for a 2024 presidential run — so his comments are some of the earliest signals of how the GOP contenders may try to acknowledge President Trump''s successes while finding their own path. "The future of the party is based on a multiethnic, multiracial working class coalition," said Rubio. The big picture: The election wasn''t the full-scale repudiation of Trump that many people expected. He got 70 million votes — the second most of all time — and the party made gains in the House. And Trump''s 2016 win wasn''t just a rejection of Hillary Clinton. It was also a vote of no confidence in the Republican establishment and traditional party orthodoxy. Rubio said Republicans have long believed in and supported the free market, "but the free market exists to serve our people. Our people don''t exist to serve the free market." He added that working class Americans are now largely against big businesses “that only care about how their shares are performing, even if it''s based on moving production overseas for cheaper labor." "They''re very suspicious, quite frankly, dismissive of elites at every level. And obviously that''s a powerful sentiment."
https://www.axios.com/rubio-gop-reset-trump-872340a7-4c75-4c2b-92 Rubio says the GOP needs to reset after 2020 After the 2020 election, Republicans need to rebrand their party as the champions of working-class voters and steer away from its traditional embrace of big business, Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview with Axios. Why it matters: Rubio told me he is leaving the door open for a 2024 presidential run — so his comments are some of the earliest signals of how the GOP contenders may try to acknowledge President Trump''s successes while finding their own path. "The future of the party is based on a multiethnic, multiracial working class coalition," said Rubio. The big picture: The election wasn''t the full-scale repudiation of Trump that many people expected. He got 70 million votes — the second most of all time — and the party made gains in the House. And Trump''s 2016 win wasn''t just a rejection of Hillary Clinton. It was also a vote of no confidence in the Republican establishment and traditional party orthodoxy. Rubio said Republicans have long believed in and supported the free market, "but the free market exists to serve our people. Our people don''t exist to serve the free market." He added that working class Americans are now largely against big businesses “that only care about how their shares are performing, even if it''s based on moving production overseas for cheaper labor." "They''re very suspicious, quite frankly, dismissive of elites at every level. And obviously that''s a powerful sentiment."
回复 1楼ethes的帖子 卢比奥这次步子有点大,2024参加大选感觉差不多定了! 目前至少有下列8位共和党籍参议员公开表示应立即让拜登收到每日呈送总统的情咨报告: Roy Blunt,Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney. 其中数位,包括卢比奥明确使用“transition(过渡, 或移交)"的措辞。
回复 1楼ethes的帖子 卢比奥这次步子有点大,2024参加大选感觉差不多定了! 目前至少有下列8位共和党籍参议员公开表示应立即让拜登收到每日呈送总统的情咨报告: Roy Blunt,Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney. 其中数位,包括卢比奥明确使用“transition(过渡, 或移交)"的措辞。
回复 1楼ethes的帖子 卢比奥这次步子有点大,2024参加大选感觉差不多定了! 目前至少有下列8位共和党籍参议员公开表示应立即让拜登收到每日呈送总统的情咨报告: Roy Blunt,Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney. 其中数位,包括卢比奥明确使用“transition(过渡, 或移交)"的措辞。
https://www.axios.com/rubio-gop-reset-trump-872340a7-4c75-4c2b-92 Rubio says the GOP needs to reset after 2020
After the 2020 election, Republicans need to rebrand their party as the champions of working-class voters and steer away from its traditional embrace of big business, Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview with Axios.
Why it matters: Rubio told me he is leaving the door open for a 2024 presidential run — so his comments are some of the earliest signals of how the GOP contenders may try to acknowledge President Trump''s successes while finding their own path.
"The future of the party is based on a multiethnic, multiracial working class coalition," said Rubio.
The big picture: The election wasn''t the full-scale repudiation of Trump that many people expected. He got 70 million votes — the second most of all time — and the party made gains in the House.
And Trump''s 2016 win wasn''t just a rejection of Hillary Clinton. It was also a vote of no confidence in the Republican establishment and traditional party orthodoxy.
Rubio said Republicans have long believed in and supported the free market, "but the free market exists to serve our people. Our people don''t exist to serve the free market."
He added that working class Americans are now largely against big businesses “that only care about how their shares are performing, even if it''s based on moving production overseas for cheaper labor." "They''re very suspicious, quite frankly, dismissive of elites at every level. And obviously that''s a powerful sentiment."
After the 2020 election, Republicans need to rebrand their party as the champions of working-class voters and steer away from its traditional embrace of big business, Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview with Axios.
Why it matters: Rubio told me he is leaving the door open for a 2024 presidential run — so his comments are some of the earliest signals of how the GOP contenders may try to acknowledge President Trump''s successes while finding their own path.
"The future of the party is based on a multiethnic, multiracial working class coalition," said Rubio.
The big picture: The election wasn''t the full-scale repudiation of Trump that many people expected. He got 70 million votes — the second most of all time — and the party made gains in the House.
And Trump''s 2016 win wasn''t just a rejection of Hillary Clinton. It was also a vote of no confidence in the Republican establishment and traditional party orthodoxy.
Rubio said Republicans have long believed in and supported the free market, "but the free market exists to serve our people. Our people don''t exist to serve the free market."
He added that working class Americans are now largely against big businesses “that only care about how their shares are performing, even if it''s based on moving production overseas for cheaper labor." "They''re very suspicious, quite frankly, dismissive of elites at every level. And obviously that''s a powerful sentiment."
目前至少有下列8位共和党籍参议员公开表示应立即让拜登收到每日呈送总统的情咨报告: Roy Blunt,Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney.
其中数位,包括卢比奥明确使用“transition(过渡, 或移交)"的措辞。
Cornyn是被德州turnout吓怕了 还是动起干掉Mitch自己上位的心思了。。。ummm。。。。
Rubio肯定会去选 但是他的出身对于北方工人阶级太没有吸引力了
工人阶级政党? 他不是古巴难民的后代么?
这种古巴流亡来的,第一痛恨古巴人,第二痛恨的就是中国人了。 他呼吁的多种族就是黑人和墨西哥人选票,没华裔什么事。关中国使馆、叫中国virus、就他跟德州那个同样古巴流亡来的Ted Cruz蹦的最欢。他上台就不仅仅跟中国贸易战了,打热战都不是梦。 当然,轮子这种梦想着颠覆中国政权、自己回去坐龙椅的可能会喜欢他
抛弃了这些就永远选不上了。 同样dem抛弃了少数族裔个LGBT就业永远选不上了........ 这才是现实的悲哀
就是。本来我是希望共和党控制国会的。Chinese virus 一出来以后才知道那些共和党人都是种族歧视分子。对我们亚裔连一个最基本的尊重都没有。这几年不管怎么样我都不会选任何共和党的人。
一般情况自己的州会力挺自己的senator, 2016年他连自己的州佛罗里达都没守住,曾经诅咒发誓老百姓对不起他、要退出政坛来着。在佛罗里达,他也就是在流亡的古巴贵族群里有号召力,很多人都认为他是战争狂人