Rep. Paul Gosar: Az congressman. First, Don''t give up. The process of unraveling fraud cannot be done in a day. Two. The amount of irregularities and anomalies that occurred are too numerous and too severe to chalk up to chance. I was on the ground of Az. The support and enthusiasm for President Trump was off the charts and widespread. Biden support was tepid even in the deep blue areas. We are going to continue to fight for transparency in this desert state and shine the sunlight of truth.
我也相信AZ做假,但是200票才recount太无语。Twitter上到处说剩下部队的票大都投猪党,AZ已经归猪党了。 Significant drop in AZ: Biden holds 11,635 vote lead. Maricopa County just dropped more than 13k. Trump won just 53% of them -- far below the 65%+ he needed. There are only about 24k ballots potentially left in AZ after today.
Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State epublican Arizona Rep. Kelly Townsend has pointed out that there are 14,099 Federal-only voters in Maricopa County alone, who are unable to establish their US citizenship, but still can vote in Federal elections. The number of potential non-citizen voters is higher than Biden’s lead in the state.
我也相信AZ做假,但是200票才recount太无语。Twitter上到处说剩下部队的票大都投猪党,AZ已经归猪党了。 Significant drop in AZ: Biden holds 11,635 vote lead. Maricopa County just dropped more than 13k. Trump won just 53% of them -- far below the 65%+ he needed. There are only about 24k ballots potentially left in AZ after today. byby 发表于 2020-11-12 00:15
Republican Arizona Rep. Kelly Townsend has pointed out that there are 14,099 Federal-only voters in Maricopa County alone, who are unable to establish their US citizenship, but still can vote in Federal elections. The number of potential non-citizen voters is higher than Biden’s lead in the state. 你做的数据,我和我家队友两个人几天前就测算过了,但是选票有问题的话,就是最后,等着看大戏了。
Rep. Paul Gosar: Az congressman.
First, Don''t give up. The process of unraveling fraud cannot be done in a day.
Two. The amount of irregularities and anomalies that occurred are too numerous and too severe to chalk up to chance. I was on the ground of Az. The support and enthusiasm for President Trump was off the charts and widespread. Biden support was tepid even in the deep blue areas. We are going to continue to fight for transparency in this desert state and shine the sunlight of truth.
we will win! "“The more people tell you it’s not possible, that it can’t be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Treat the word “impossible” as nothing more than motivation.”
― Donald Trump"
我都不明白为啥要数完?AZ作弊是肯定的。 前期的根本就应该重数。
Significant drop in AZ: Biden holds 11,635 vote lead.
Maricopa County just dropped more than 13k.
Trump won just 53% of them -- far below the 65%+ he needed.
There are only about 24k ballots potentially left in AZ after today.
Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State epublican Arizona Rep. Kelly Townsend has pointed out that there are 14,099 Federal-only voters in Maricopa County alone, who are unable to establish their US citizenship, but still can vote in Federal elections. The number of potential non-citizen voters is higher than Biden’s lead in the state.
Republican Arizona Rep. Kelly Townsend has pointed out that there are 14,099 Federal-only voters in Maricopa County alone, who are unable to establish their US citizenship, but still can vote in Federal elections. The number of potential non-citizen voters is higher than Biden’s lead in the state.
还红色加粗警告 要不要打印出来去贴小广告 来美国这么多年第一次见到这么crazy的 不过别太激动了 哪天梦醒来了刺激太大会受不了的
Haha, 凡是拜登得票多的都是🐷党作弊,一定要重新数,直到数到川川赢为止
呵呵,所以你认为票数是 16000 vs 5000? 这个梦做得可以啊。
最新出的票,大概比例就是 52% vs 48%。 估计就缩小1000多票的样子。
有什么不可能?fox call AZ的时候,只数了75%的票,Biden领先8%,大概18万张,接着数了24%,领先缩小到1.3万,这个比例,你也给算算?
因为先出的是支持拜登的票呀 ,大家都估计了剩余的票,估算了川普的支持了,就可以知道川普不会赢了。