Dr. Shiva 的介紹,寫得很好。 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/how-a-pair-of-anti-vaccine-activists-sparked-a-firefauci-furor/ar-BB12AbXR Ayyadurai, or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, is a controversial scientist and long-shot Massachusetts Senate candidate who is pushing a variety of claims that range from dubious to medically disputed to outright false. He has argued that a strict vitamin regimen can prevent and treat the coronavirus — an unsubstantiated view at odds with the medical community and existing research. And he claims Fauci is a deep-state plant hellbent on “forced and mandatory vaccines” to support “Big Pharma” — a claim for which there is no evidence.
有關於 Benford's Law 的部分 : https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-benford/fact-check-deviation-from-benfords-law-does-not-prove-election-fraud-idUSKBN27Q3AI Theodore P. Hill, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, cautioned that regardless of the distribution uncovered, the application of Benford’s Law would not provide definitive evidence that fraud took place. “First, I’d like to stress that Benford’s Law can NOT be used to “prove fraud”,” he told Reuters by email. “It is only a Red Flag test, that can raise doubts. E.g., the IRS has been using it for decades to ferret out fraudsters, but only by identifying suspicious entries, at which time they put the auditors to work on the hard evidence. Whether or not a dataset follows BL proves nothing.” On Nov. 9, 2020, in response to “several queries” Mebane published a paper called “Inappropriate Applications of Benford’s Law Regularities to Some Data from the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States” (here). His paper says, “The displays shown at those sources using the first digits of precinct vote counts data from Fulton County, GA, Allegheny County, PA, Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, say nothing about possible frauds” before examining the reasons behind this statement. “It is widely understood that the first digits of precinct vote counts are not useful for trying to diagnose election frauds,” he writes.
一些数学统计类的分析 1 关键字 Benford's law, 2 Mail-In Ballot Data analysis
几个分析视频: 1 技术上的可能性和实现。还有之前地方govenor选举和这次大选的例子
2 数据分析显示在随机抽查的4个Michigan的country里面, 3个county有至少69000票从Trump转给了Biden
很多类似的分析基本上都被冠上disinformation然后迅速censor了 这几个还能看,感兴趣的抓紧时间看
另外,搜索这些信息很可能没有结果或者很容易会看到这个或者那个被debunked, 比如Benford law 请仔细看两边的说法,自行辨别真假。可以考虑用第三方搜索比如duck duck go来看到没有censor 的信息
对调查感兴趣的可以在twitter搜索#stopthesteal来follow最新进展 这个hashtag已经被FB禁掉了,twitter的需要completely输入才能看到, dropdown list是没有任何提示的
发几个twitter link, 感兴趣的同学自己去吃瓜:
靠谱证据不是在这吗 宾州 川普支持者试图投死人票被抓了
已经去White house petition网站Sign up recount了。
Dr. Shiva 的介紹,寫得很好。
Ayyadurai, or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, is a controversial scientist and long-shot Massachusetts Senate candidate who is pushing a variety of claims that range from dubious to medically disputed to outright false. He has argued that a strict vitamin regimen can prevent and treat the coronavirus — an unsubstantiated view at odds with the medical community and existing research. And he claims Fauci is a deep-state plant hellbent on “forced and mandatory vaccines” to support “Big Pharma” — a claim for which there is no evidence.
有關於 Benford's Law 的部分 :
Theodore P. Hill, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, cautioned that regardless of the distribution uncovered, the application of Benford’s Law would not provide definitive evidence that fraud took place. “First, I’d like to stress that Benford’s Law can NOT be used to “prove fraud”,” he told Reuters by email. “It is only a Red Flag test, that can raise doubts. E.g., the IRS has been using it for decades to ferret out fraudsters, but only by identifying suspicious entries, at which time they put the auditors to work on the hard evidence. Whether or not a dataset follows BL proves nothing.”
On Nov. 9, 2020, in response to “several queries” Mebane published a paper called “Inappropriate Applications of Benford’s Law Regularities to Some Data from the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States” (here). His paper says, “The displays shown at those sources using the first digits of precinct vote counts data from Fulton County, GA, Allegheny County, PA, Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, say nothing about possible frauds” before examining the reasons behind this statement. “It is widely understood that the first digits of precinct vote counts are not useful for trying to diagnose election frauds,” he writes.
我也觉得好揪心,左媒都故意视而不见 听而不闻,Biden的粉丝似乎也完全不关心是不是作弊,丝毫不觉得自己的选举权被暗箱操作有什么不妥,得是无语。 不知道Trump还能坚持多久,我自己是没有多少信心会有真相大白的时候。
看看打砸抢烧的都是什么人?为什么都发生在民主党州长市长的地方?但是却没有任何人被抓,说明了什么? 如果他们能打砸抢烧,作弊搞假选票有什么不一样的吗?