问个最基本的REFI的问题吧:关于ESCROW. LENDER需要把房保和房产税都走ESCROW,每个月算下来又700多。我的理解就是过户后,每个月除了本金和利息,我需要额外再付上这700多。明年1月开始正式付贷款,LOAN OFFICER给我算的账如下: $258,853.85(payoffs and payment)+ 5547.36(8 mo. tax escrow) + 466.98 (6 mo. home insurance escrow) -778.29(System generated adjustment to reduce the amount needed for Escrow)+ 242.90(prepaid interest)+ 170(government fees) + $0 in lender and title cost = $264,502 is owed from you Your Loan Amount you are borrowing to pay for all that $263,000. So that means $264,502- 263,000 = $1502.30 is Cash to Close 可是我的疑问,如果现在CLOSING把ESCROW已经算进去了,我只需要付1500。那为何未来一年的每个月的PAYMENT我还需要又再付700多ESCROW给LENDER呢?
$258,853.85(payoffs and payment) + 5547.36(8 mo. tax escrow) + 466.98 (6 mo. home insurance escrow) -778.29(System generated adjustment to reduce the amount needed for Escrow)+ 242.90(prepaid interest)+ 170(government fees) + $0 in lender and title cost = $264,502 is owed from you
Your Loan Amount you are borrowing to pay for all that $263,000. So that means $264,502 - 263,000 = $1502.30 is Cash to Close
很正常 还有欠20万 但refi 要贷款50万的呢 都是个人的选择
谢谢答复。Total Payoffs and Payments是不是就是我欠当前银行的贷款。这个数目除了NET PRINCIPAL,还包括利息吗?
是啊 你要payoff的不仅是目前的balance还有这个月产生的利息,当前这个月的利息是还没有付的。所以会比你的balabce高。原来银行可能还charge一些fee。你可以登陆你当前loan,选择payoff看下是多少前。最后他们payoff会把多的钱退给你。
另外,不知道你的loan agent会退费给你吗?你现在是自己交了所有的 费用,并不是no cost no fee。 close时不交钱,不代表就是no cost no fee。真正的no cost no fee是所有相关cost都被cover,自己只付利息和本金的差异。